Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Destructiveness of War essays
Destructiveness of War essays Vonneguts Illustration of Destructiveness of War Slaughterhouse-Five was written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. in 1953. Whether the book is an antiwar novel or a science fiction novel is ambiguous, but after writing this book, Vonnegut insists that it was a failure. Failure it is not according to many critics. Rather than just writing an anti-war/science fiction novel, Vonnegut wrote a tale of the trials and tribulations resulting from the complete and utter destruction of Dresden during World War II. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut develops the protagonist, Billy Pilgrim along with utilizing science fiction and satire to demonstrate the destructiveness of war. Vonnegut uses satire and fiction to ironically display the destructiveness of war. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut comes at last in direct confrontation with his Dresden experience (Keogh and Kislatis 172). John Somer adds, It took him twenty three years to write his lousy little book (222). In fact, because Vonnegut found it so difficult to write about the bombing of Dresden, He comments on the reality of Dresden by treating the problems as fiction (Giannone 83). One critic establishes that Vonnegut enjoys playing with fiction, using it to represent truth or reality (Meeter 208-209). Glenn Meeter adds that Billy alone is a separate version of the role of fiction in the novel by describing his space adventures and time warps (210-211). Billys character is satirical in itself, for he is a weak and feeble man, not fit to fight a war. Ironically, J.G. Keogh and Edward Kislastis agree, At the core of the characterization of Billy Pilgrim is the conception of war as a childrens crusade (182). Vonnegut introduces Edgar Derby to further strengthen the ills of war: I think the climax of the book will be the execution of poor old Edgar Derby...The irony is so great. A whole city gets burned down, and thousands and thou...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Native Elements List
Native Elements List Native elements are chemical elements that occur in nature in an uncombined or pure form. Although most elements are found only in compounds, a rare few are native. For the most part, native elements also form chemical bonds and occur in compounds. Here is a list of these elements: Native Elements That Are Metals Ancient man was familiar with several pure elements, mainly metals. Several of the noble metals, such as gold and platinum, exist free in nature. The gold group and platinum group, for example, are all elements that exist in the native state. The rare earth metals are among elements that do not exist in native form. Aluminum - AlBismuth - Â BiCadmium - CdChromium - CrCopper - CuGold - AuIndium - InIron - FeIridium - IrLead - PbMercury - HgNickel - NiOsmium - OsPalladium - PdPlatinum - PtRhenium - ReRhodium - RhSilver - AgTantalum - TaTin - SnTitanium - TiVanadium - VZinc - Zn Native Elements That Are Metalloids or Semimetals Antimony - SbArsenic - AsSilicon - SiTellurium - Te Native Elements That Are Nonmetals Note gases are not listed here, even though they may exist in pure form. This is because gases are not considered minerals and also because they freely mix with other gases, so you are unlikely to encounter a pure sample. However, the noble gases do not readily combine with other elements, so you might consider them native in that respect. The noble gases include helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Similarly, diatomic gases, such as hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are not considered native elements. Carbon - CSelenium - SeSulfur - S Native Alloys In addition to elements that occur in the native state, there are a few alloys also found free in nature: BrassBronzeElectrumGerman SilverGold-Mercury AmalgamPewterSilver-Mercury AmalgamWhite Gold The native alloys and other native metals were mankinds only access to metals prior to the development of smelting, which is believed to have begun around 6500 BC. Even though metals were known before this, they typically occurred in very small quantities, so they were not available to most people.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Why followers suport toxic leaders qualitative case study perspective Essay
Why followers suport toxic leaders qualitative case study perspective - Essay Example can this paradoxical scenario, which is has been evident in virtually every society, from the earliest records of history to the present day, be explained (Lipman-Blumen, 2005)? Susceptible followers have followed, preferred or favored, and sometimes helped create an enabling environment for toxic leadership to thrive. Followers have permitted and supported toxic leadership behavior to the point where it seems to be acceptable in both political and business organizations (Reed, 2004). The central question for investigation in this project is what are the reasons followers accept, favor, and help sustain toxic leadership? Researchers recognize that leadership effectiveness is dependent on the role of followers within the organization (McClure, 2009). However, the lack of research work on the role of followers within a company led by a toxic leader presents a significant gap in the literature which the present study aims to address. McClure (2009) acknowledges this concern about the current lack of published research or investigation into the role of followers of toxic leaders. Mccoby (2004), Challeff (1995), and Chai (2010) emphasize that researchers’ failure to investigate the role of followers and identify the motivation for follower actions are among the reasons why failures in leadership and the rise of toxic leadership still persist today. This research will undertake a qualitative methodology using content analysis to gather information as to why followers support toxic leaders. This study will fill the gap in published research on the role of followers in making organizations more effective. It will also help determine why followers support their leader, good or bad. According to Kellerman, (2008) and Lipman-Blumen, (2005), safety, security, group membership, and the unpredictable nature of the world are some of the human conditions that make followers susceptible to toxic leaders. Various followers benefit from toxic leadership behavior and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
American Economic Association Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American Economic Association - Assignment Example Others are from state, local and federal government. The organization publishes articles on applied economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics and economic policy. The organization normally hold three days annual meeting with other related organization in which they discuss various factors of economics (American Economic Association 1). Under macroeconomics, the organization focuses on studies concerning growth, aggregate fluctuations and functions of policies. According to Baumol & Blinder, the organization also carries out research and interacts with other fields like industrial organization, monetary theory, finance, labor economics, international economics, public finance and development economics (American Economic Association 1). The organization also studies economy-wide phenomena like Gross National Product and effects on national income. It also addresses changes in unemployment, price levels and rate of growth. For example, under macroeconomics, the organization studies the decrease and increase in net exports and its effects on a country’s capital account. The organization provides fundamental tools for various finance professionals and economists (Atif & Trebbi 14). It also sets the stage for growth, progress and revision of existing
Sunday, November 17, 2019
African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay Example for Free
African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay African-Americans were taken from Africa as slaves, and have been fighting for equality and freedom ever since that day. The slaves were mistreated as nothing, they had no self-esteem, beaten, disparage, and were separated from their family. African-Americans still fight every day for different types of recognitions and fairness, even though many things changed over the centuries. The African-Americans played major roles during the Civil Rights Movement. African-Americans have struggle hard to end separation, prejudice, and seclude to be treat in a fair way and civil rights. Racial Separation, also known as Racial Segregation was a system taken from the results of white Americans to keep African Americans subservient status by controvert then equal admittance to public facilities and ensuring that black people lived separate from white people. Slaves lived far away from the wealth people houses on the plantation, only those who are special people lived in those houses. Northern whites had precluded blacks from seats on public transportation and blocked their entry exclude servants, from most hotels and restaurants, by the time the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott versus. Sandford in 1857. According to the article in 1896, \The most common instance of this is connected with the establishment of separate schools for white and colored children, which has been held to be a valid exercise of the legislative power even by courts of States where the political rights of the colored race have been longest and most earnestly enforce.\(Plessy v. Ferguson 1). In another word, segregation it is not only in schools, but it is in churches, auditorium, and theaters. For example, Rosa Parks was famous for her courage to stand for her rights, and to set wherever she wanted on the bus; however, she was not the first or only one to make this chose. In addition, when Rosa Parks was approached by the bus driver to sit somewhere else, there were other African-American people sitting to her. Therefore, Rosa Parks was noticed by Dr. Martin Luther King for spoke up first history gives her credit. People were brave enough to fight for their equal rights. The bus Boycott that introduced the civil rights movement that convert apartheid of America\s southern states from a local individuality to international scandal, which started when Parks arrested stunned a chain reaction. Rosa Parks individual courage that led to the collective displayed of insubordination that transformed a previously unknown 26-year-old clergyman, Martin Luther King, into a household name. The name of Dr. MLK was recorded in history as the most well-known extremist through the years. MLK was also known as a non-violent extremist, and for modifying the philosophy from Gandhi, which was reverence not only by black race but also by all other races. What became African-American\s live by for centuries to come was the speech of MLK, \ I Have a Dream.\ Furthermore, there was the \We Shall Overcome\ speech by King in 1963. The Civil Rights Movement was defining moment at the capital by MLK. Until the day MLK was killed, he fought for the Civil Rights Movement. MLK petition to all not to discriminate. African-American men and women
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Parents affect on their childrens sporting lives Essay -- essays resea
Parents have a great affect on their children. Parents like their kids to be involved in many different activities to make the child a well rounded person. Sports is a main activity that parents get their children involved in. Sports develops character, as well as discipline, self respect, etc†¦ Sometimes parents don’t realize that even though the sport itself teaches the child, they are the most visible teacher to the child. Parents are often the ones who get out of control at sporting events. When the children see this behavior, they now must question. Is this acceptable? Then a child may think it is and engage in violent or destructive behavior themselves.      This past summer a scandal erupted during the Little League World Series. A young man, Danny Almonte, was ineligible to play. The rules state that you cannot be older than 12 by August 1st. He is 14. The child was obviously more developed than his teammates. His talent exceeded that of any player in the tournament. He was throwing 70 mile an hour fastballs. That’s the equivalent of a 90 mph fastball at the major league distance. Many people took place in this scandal, not just his father. The Rolando Paulino Little League insisted that he was 12. They said he was born April 7, 1989, in Moca, Dominican Republic. Lynn 2 When in fact he was 14 and born on the same day, but in 1987. When the league found the official documents about his true age, the team was stripped of their 3rd place status... Parents affect on their childrens sporting lives Essay -- essays resea Parents have a great affect on their children. Parents like their kids to be involved in many different activities to make the child a well rounded person. Sports is a main activity that parents get their children involved in. Sports develops character, as well as discipline, self respect, etc†¦ Sometimes parents don’t realize that even though the sport itself teaches the child, they are the most visible teacher to the child. Parents are often the ones who get out of control at sporting events. When the children see this behavior, they now must question. Is this acceptable? Then a child may think it is and engage in violent or destructive behavior themselves.      This past summer a scandal erupted during the Little League World Series. A young man, Danny Almonte, was ineligible to play. The rules state that you cannot be older than 12 by August 1st. He is 14. The child was obviously more developed than his teammates. His talent exceeded that of any player in the tournament. He was throwing 70 mile an hour fastballs. That’s the equivalent of a 90 mph fastball at the major league distance. Many people took place in this scandal, not just his father. The Rolando Paulino Little League insisted that he was 12. They said he was born April 7, 1989, in Moca, Dominican Republic. Lynn 2 When in fact he was 14 and born on the same day, but in 1987. When the league found the official documents about his true age, the team was stripped of their 3rd place status...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Letter of Persuasion
I hope this letter reaches you in good health and good graces. I am writing this letter to tell you about this persistent issue Eve had with my teeth. It all started when I was told that along with my four wisdom teeth I had to get an extra tooth which was growing on the bottom right row, extracted as well. After the first grueling month of post wisdom tooth extraction pain, came more problems. Now I have a hole in my mouth on that bottom right row and, I can't go one meal still to this day without it bleeding, and let me remind you that my teeth were extracted about six to eight months ago and the hole still bleeds after a meal, snack etc.Which also makes it hard when you want to get food out of that hole. Because the gap is wide enough after every meal something gets stuck in there and if the hole is punctured with a straw, fork, toothpick, dental floss in efforts to get the food out, it will not only cause more pain but more bleeding as well. This explains why the gap is swollen, because its been stabbed multiple times in efforts to get the food out, so now its become sore. The days you do not have a straw, fork, toothpick or dental floss readily available, the food stays there making the pain more unbearable, and making it more possible for infections.Imagine having to deal with this everyday, and your a sixteen year old boy with a Job which requires a lot of talking, and with every time you move your mouth, you feel a pain from this throbbing hole, which the doctors who took your wisdom teeth and your extra tooth out said would be handled by braces, all that would be needed was the insurance company to say yes. So after breakfast, lunch and dinner, I have to take a Ethylene or David to reduce the pain, swelling and bleeding, and each day that I take one, the drowsier I become, which makes It a lot harder for me to do my Job when Im extremely groggy.On top of all this my breathing has gotten heavier from after the extraction of the tooth, especially when I lay down, my heart rate increases, and my breathing becomes loud. I first noticed that I truly had a breathing issue when I was having a conversation with a friend, and he asked me had I been inning and I said â€Å"no', and he said â€Å"l can hear you breathing†Before the operation my breathing was fine, I never had any Issues, I never even had asthma. Now when I'm standing perfectly still or trying to go to bed, my constant deep breathing Is always there.So I am writing this letter today not plead for braces because of a minor overbite or cross-bite, but I truly hope that from my narrative and Orthodontics narrative that my very serious oral condition will be taken Into deep consideration a second time around. Ever since my teeth were taken out I was assured that the pain loud only be temporary and once the Insurance approved for braces the hole would be closed up and the Issues would be gone but since that surgery date I have had more problems then ever before, which ha s Interfered with my schooling, work and everyday activities.I hope you take pity In the fact that I suffer everyday with this Issue and would Like nothing more then the Insurance company to help finally see what I go through day to day. I would Just Like to say thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and hope you can get back to me soon. Letter of Persuasion By phantom day that I take one, the drowsier I become, which makes it a lot harder for me to do from after the extraction of the tooth, especially when I lay down, my heart rate running and I said â€Å"no†, and he said â€Å"I can hear you breathing†Before the operation my breathing was fine, I never had any issues, I never even had asthma.Now when I'm standing perfectly still or trying to go to bed, my constant deep breathing is narrative that my very serious oral condition will be taken into deep consideration a loud only be temporary and once the insurance approved for braces the hole would be closed up and the issues would be gone but since that surgery date I have had more problems then ever before, which has interfered with my schooling, work and everyday activities.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Quantitative Methods for Finance and Investment Essay
University of Bristol – School of Economics, Finance and Management QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR FINANCE AND INVESTMENT (EFIMM005) Review Questions Question 1: Concepts a. Deï ¬ ne a stochastic process. Give an example in Finance of a quantity that can be modelled as a stochastic process. b. Deï ¬ ne a stationary stochastic process. c. Consider a stochastic process {Yt , t = 1, .., T }. Deï ¬ ne the partial autocorrelation function (pacf) associated to this process. d. Explain the diï ¬â‚¬erence between estimator and estimate. e. Let {Ut , t = 1, .., T } be a mean zero white noise process. What is the value of pacf at lag 2 for the process Yt = .5Yt−1 + Ut ? f. Explain the diï ¬â‚¬erence between the autocovariance function and the sample autocovariance function. Question 2: Application The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) can be written as E(Rjt |Rmt , Rf t ) = Rf t + ÃŽ ²j (Rmt − Rf t ), where Rjt is the net return of security j at period t, Rmt is the return on a market portfolio proxy, and Rf t is the return on a risk-free proxy. The coeï ¬Æ'cient ÃŽ ²j is the CAPM beta for security j. Suppose that you have estimated ÃŽ ²j by ordinary least squares and found that the estimated value was 1.37 with standard deviation 2.6. based on 3665 observations. a. A city analyst has told you that security j closely follows the market, in the sense that security j is equally risky, on average, to the market portfolio. Perform a 5% signiï ¬ cance level test of hypothesis to determine whether data support the analysts claim. b. Are hypotheses tested concerning the value of ÃŽ ²j or its estimated values? Question 3: Techniques Consider the moving average process: Yt = ÃŽ µt + ÃŽ ¸1 ÃŽ µt−1 + ÃŽ ¸12 ÃŽ µt−12 with {ÃŽ µt }T a mean zero white noise process with variance ÃÆ' 2 > 0. t=0 a. Calculate the mean of Yt . b. Calculate the variance of Yt . c. Calculate the autocovariance function of {Yt }T . t=a T =120 d. Assume that {yt }t=1 represents the monthly tons of ice cream sold in the UK between Oct. 2001 and Oct. 2012. What type of dependence can the term ÃŽ ¸12 ÃŽ µt−12 capture? 1
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The eNotes Blog A Nobel Gamble
A Nobel Gamble Place your bets! Deliberations for who will win the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature will shortly be under way. With an impressive lineup of entries to choose from, there can be no surefire bet for who will take this coveted award. Thats because currently the odds are only at 5/1 for the win. Yes, not satisfied with the profits from gambling on sports, bookies have found a way to hedge bets on prestigious literary awards. Ladbrokes, a British betting enterprise dating back to 1886, offers odds for the 2012 Man Booker Prize and the Nobel Prize for Literature, among others. Fancy a gamble? Here are the frontrunners as they stand now: Haruki Murakami 5/1 Bob Dylan 10/1 Mo Yan 12/1 Cees Nooteboom 12/1 Ismail Kadare 14/1 Adonis 14/1 Ko Un 14/1 Murakami has a clear lead with far safer odds than his fellow nominees. His most recent work, IQ84, was translated from Japanese in 2011, and has received high acclaim from both critics and readers. Bob Dylan is slightly more out of place this high in the list. Though his chances may appear strong, theyre deceived by his popularity. Those placing bets are more likely to choose a name thats familiar to them. Gamblers loyal to him placed  £100-plus bets that shot him up the list, from 100/1 to 10/1, bounding past far better respected writers Tom Stoppard and Cormac McCarthy (both 16/1). Ladbrokes spokesman Alex Donohue puts Dylans chances rather bluntly, Were happy to fill the satchel in bookmaking terms as we expect the Dylan backers to part with their cash again this year. And if that doesnt seal his fate for you, perhaps Swedish nobel panel member Horace Engdahls professed hostility for parochial American writing willalongside MA Orthofers sound advice: If you know anyone who has actually generously donated money to Ladbrokes by betting on him please try to get them professional help, either from a psychiatrist or an accountant. Yes, I think that says it all; no Nobel for Dylan this year folks. If you cant put a face to the names in the 3rd and 4th spots, it might be because theyre newcomers to the Nobel scene. Mo Yan is a subversive author, once described by a TIME article as one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers. Nooteboom, a Dutch writer, enters the longlist for the first time in his extensive career, having published his first novel in 1955 at the age of 22. 46 of this years 210 nominees are first-time candidates for the prize. Notable writers from further down the list include Philip Roth (16/1), Joyce Carol Oates (33/1), Ian McEwan (50/1), Margaret Atwood (50/1), Salman Rushdie (66/1), Ursula LeGuin (66/1), andwinner of the 2011 Man Booker Prize for The Sense of an EndingJulian Barnes (66/1). So how accurate are the odds? Last year the winner of the prize, Swedish poet Tomas Transtrà ¶mer, was given 9/2 odds, behind the favorite to win, Adonis, a Syrian poet who still ranks high on the list this year at 14/1. Therefore, Murakami isnt a completely safe bet, but his chances are looking rather strong. Deliberations will begin in about a weeks time. The announcement date for the winner has not yet been released.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Importance of the Math Concept Area
Importance of the Math Concept Area Area is a mathematical term defined as the two-dimensional space taken up by an object, notes Study.com, adding that the use of area has many practical applications in building, farming, architecture, science, and even how much carpet youll need to cover the rooms in your house. Sometimes the area is quite easy to determine. For a square or rectangle, the area is the number of square units inside a figure, says Brain Quest Grade 4 Workbook. Such polygons have four sides, and you can determine the area by multiplying the length by the width. Finding the area of a circle, however, or even a triangle can be more complicated and involves the use of various formulas. To truly understand the concept of area- and why its important in business, academics, and everyday life- its helpful to look at the history of the math concept, as well as why it was invented. History and Examples Some of the first known writings about area came from Mesopotamia, says Mark Ryan in Geometry for Dummies, 2nd Edition. This high school math teacher, who also teaches a workshop for parents and has authored numerous math books, says that the Mesopotamians developed the concept to deal with the area of fields and properties: Farmers knew that if one farmer planted an area three times as long and twice as wide as another farmer, then the bigger plot would be 3 x 2 or six times as large as the samller one. The concept of area had many practical applications in the ancient world and in past centuries, Ryan notes: The architects of the pyramids at Giza, which were built about 2,500 B.C., knew how large to make each triangular side of the structures by using the formula for finding the area of a two-dimensional triangle.The Chinese knew how to calculate the area of many different two-dimensional shapes by about 100 B.C.Johannes Keppler, who lived from 1571 to 1630, measured the area of sections of the orbits of the planets as they circled the sun using formulas for calculating the area of an oval or circle.Sir Isaac Newton used the concept of area to develop calculus. So ancient humans, and even those who lived up through the Age of Reason, had many practical uses for the concept of area. And the concept became even more useful in practical applications once simple formulas were developed to find the area of various two-dimensional shapes. Formulas to Determine the Area Before looking at the practical uses for the concept of area, you first need to know formulas for finding the area of various shapes. Fortunately, there are many formulas used to determine the area of polygons, including these most common ones: Rectangle A rectangle is a special type of quadrangle where all the interior angles are equal to 90 degrees and all opposite sides are the same length. The formula for finding the area of a rectangle is: A H x W where A represents the area, H is the height, and W is the width. Square A square is a special type of a rectangle, where all the sides are equal. Because of that, the formula for finding a square is simpler than that for finding a rectangle: A S x S where A stands for the area and S represents the length of one side. You simply multiply two sides to find the area, since all sides of a square are equal. (In more advanced math, the formula would be written as A S^2, or area equals side squared.) Triangle A triangle is a three-sided closed figure. The perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite highest point is called the height (H). So the formula would be: A  ½ x B x H where A, as noted, stands for the area, B is the base of the triangle, and H is the height. Circle The area of a circle is the total area that is bounded by the circumference or the distance around the circle. Think of the area of the circle as if you drew the circumference and filled in the area within the circle with paint or crayons. The formula for the area of a circle is: A  À x r^2 In this formula, A, is, again, the area, r represents the radius (half the distances from one side of the circle to the other), and À is a Greek letter pronounced pi, which is 3.14 (the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter). Practical Applications There are many authentic and real-life reasons where you would need to calculate the area of various shapes. For instance, suppose you are looking to sod your lawn; you would need to know the area of your lawn in order to purchase enough sod. Or, you may wish to lay carpet in your living room, halls, and bedrooms. Again, you need to calculate the area to determine how much carpeting to purchase for the various sizes of your rooms. Knowing the formulas to calculate areas will help you determine the areas of the rooms. For example, if your living room is 14 feet by 18 feet, and you want to find the area so that you can buy the correct amount of carpet, you would use the formula for finding the area of a rectangle, as follows: A H x WA 14 feet x 18 feetA 252 square feet. So you would need 252 square feet of carpet. If, by contrast, you wanted to lay tiles for your bathroom floor, which is circular, you would measure the distance from one side of the circle to the other- the diameter- and divide by two. Then you would apply the formula for finding the area of the circle as follows: A  À(1/2 x D)^2 where D is the diameter, and the other variables are as described previously. If the diameter of your circular floor is 4 feet, you would have: A  À x (1/2 x D)^2A À x (1/2 x 4 feet)^2A 3.14 x (2 feet)^2A 3.14 x 4 feetA 12.56 square feet You would then round that figure off to 12.6 square feet or even 13 square feet. So you would need 13 square feet of tile to complete your bathroom floor. If you have a really original-looking room in the shape of a triangle, and you want to lay carpet in that room, you would use the formula for finding the area of a triangle. Youd first need to measure the base of the triangle. Suppose you find that the base is 10 feet. Youd measure the height of the triangle from the base to the top of the triangles point. If the height of your triangular rooms floor is 8 feet, youd use the formula as follows: A  ½ x B x HA  ½ x 10 feet x 8 feetA  ½ x 80 feetA 40 square feet So, youd need a whopping 40 square feet of carpet to cover the floor of that room. Make sure you have enough credit remaining on your card before heading to the home-improvement or carpeting store.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Answer the questions in Bold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Answer the questions in Bold - Essay Example Resultantly, employees cannot be guaranteed a basic level of coverage from their employer. Three government programs are in place to assist high-risk members of the population with access to health care (Home, 2013). Medicare is a federal program for people over 65 (sometimes younger with approved disabilities) and provides short-term care insurance. However, most drugs and long-term service costs are not affected by this system. Medicaid, which is both federally and state funded, supports the portion of the population with the lowest amount of resources. This program tends to apply to a wider range of services than Medicare, though regulations vary from state to state. SCHIP is another large plan, and provides insurance for children of families with low income, but not low enough to qualify for Medicaid. Some smaller state-specific programs also extend coverage to specific subpopulations. Despite the presence of the above mentioned programs, a large portion of the US population remains without coverage (Americas Health Insurance Plans, 2013). Those who make too much for Medicaid, and are too young for Medicare, may find themselves exposed to the immense burden of health care costs. Drug expenses are especially cumbersome, as many employer programs (and otherwise) tend to focus on the delivery of hospital services. The restricted availability of insurance results in a great imbalance in health care utilization between various segments of the population (Young & DeVoe, 2012). The most services are accessible to (and are accessed by) the wealthiest members of society, due to the increased likelihood of quality employer coverage, as well as the ability to purchase insurance at a premium (an unreachable luxury for much of the middle class). The oldest and poorest people in the US have some coverage due to government programs, but cannot always take advantage of these opportunities due to other barriers to access, like
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