Thursday, October 31, 2019
Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Answers - Essay Example Hot rolling is a metal processing process that occurs above the material’s recrystallization temperature. It uses large pieces of metals in the process, such as slabs. On the other hand, cold rolling entails metal processing below the material’s recrystallization temperatures. It involves passing small pieces of metals through rollers. Hardwood has straighter and cleaner grain patterns. They possess higher density and are more fire resistant compared to softwoods. Hardwood is more applicable for engineering works, making of floors and high-quality furniture. They also have slower growth rates. Softwoods have a lower density and relatively cheap to in terms of cost. Softwoods have reduced fire resistance capacity. The woods also possess rugged grain patterns. Soft woods use is limited to low-quality furniture and is not preferred for engineering works (Bawa, 2009). By definition, OSB is a material of high mechanical properties, such that it becomes particularly suitable for use in heavy load-bearing applications especially in construction works and industries. On the other hand, MDF is a wood product that is engineered by breaking down softwood or hardwood residuals to make wood fibers. The process often takes place in a defibrator, where it gets combined with resin and binder. The product has a higher density than plywood. Stress is pressure or tension exerted on a material object. Strain is a force that tends to pull or stretch an object to an extreme degree, usually, damaging levels. By definition, elastic modulus is the ratio of force exerted on an object to the resultant deformation it undergoes. Plastic deformation is a process whereby force is exerted to a metal or plastic object to change its shape permanently. For the yield strength, it is a stress point where it is possible to produce a given particular plastic deformation amount. Toughness is the actual ability of any material to absorb energy without fracturing
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Personalisation Agenda Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
The Personalisation Agenda - Dissertation Example In the same year, a concordat was issued between central government, local government and the social care sector. The document is entitled â€Å"Putting People First: A Shared Vision and Commitment to the Transformation of Adult Social Care (2007)†and through it the idea of a personalised adult social care system was first introduced. The plan called for affording people maximum choice and control over the health care and services they receive. The plan dovetails a more broad-based government strategy that included the notion of â€Å"place-shaping†and other concepts contained in the local government white paper â€Å"Strong and Prosperous Communities†(2006). In the 2008 Carers’ Strategy, the New Deal has advanced the initiatives of integrated and personalised services. Carers called for recognition of their work and expertise, better service coordination and information, improved collaboration between staff and agencies, and health and social care. The Carers’ Strategy was arrived at after a wide consultation and with the cooperation and agreement of various government departments. Many of the themes articulated in recent developments in the personalisation agenda are not new, having been contained in the community care reforms under the National Health Service and Community Care Act of 1990. These reforms aimed to develop a needs-led approach wherein new arrangements for assessment and health care management would include individuals receiving tailored packages of care rather than block-contracted services. The practical advantage in the development of individual or personal budgets is the direct payments scheme, initially made available to disabled adults of working age, but since then has been extended to other groups. The success of the scheme covered some 54,000 individuals as of March 2007, including parents who cared for disabled children and young carers, who used direct payments. The use of direct payments actuall y came about as an initiative championed by disabled people. Among the driving forces behind direct payments were the service user movement, the mental health survivor movement, and the social model of disability, which originally took root in the 1970s when people first lobbied for change. Throughout the development of personalisation, key concepts included independent living, participation, control, choice and empowerment. 2.2 The Social Model of Disability The social model of disability was developed in the 1970s by progressive members of the Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation (UPIAS), and given academic validity by the works of Finkelstein (1981), Barnes (1991) and Oliver (1996) (cited in Shakespeare & Watson, 2002). The model is now described as the â€Å"ideological litmus test of disability politics in Britain†(Shakespeare & Watson, 2002). It is relied upon when distinguishing among organisations, policies, legislations and concepts regarding the pro gressive view of disability. The core definition of the British social model was first articulated in the UPIAS document â€Å"Fundamental Principles of Disability.†An edited version that was reprinted in Oliver (1996) and Shakespeare and Watson (2002) is reproduced here, for purposes of elucidation, as follows: â€Å"†¦In our view, it is society which disables physically impaired people. Disability is something imposed on top of our
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Incident Grading in Emergency Responses
Incident Grading in Emergency Responses Situations/incidents go into a system where they determine how high risk/serious the incident is and it is done into 4 grades. P3: The first grade is the emergency response, and this is the most high risk response and is followed through when someone is in a critical emergency such as a violence that is about to happen and also if there is big damage to property. If someone is at a serious threat to get injured or a danger to their life this is also a very good reason for it to be an emergency. An officer regardless of their rank will be required to attend to the incident also specialist staff will be required depending on the emergency. An example of an emergency situation would be a person trapped in a house fire requiring the fire service to extinguish the fire and pull the person out of the house. This situation would more likely involve an injury or death to a person/people and also cause a massive disruption in the area therefore being an emergency. This incident would be small scale because it is a house fire. Another example would be if a criminal is posing a terrorist threat such as shooting at crowds of people or seen setting up bombs. This would be classed as a large scale incident and would require an emergency response that will have emergency services be there in under 20 minutes and police will have the right to ignore road speeds and laws and traffic lights to get to the emergency in time. Mainly the police will get involved to arrest any suspects or to neutralize anyone that is a threat to people. The second grade would be priority response, this is still an emergency but not as severe as grade one, but still there is a high level of importance to the incident. There is a lot of variables to how important the incident and some reasons would be: Someone is in emotional state and extremely upset and can potentially make them in a vulnerable condition. Another reason would be if a criminal/offender has already been arrested. Also would come if there is a concern for the persons health/wellbeing If there is a risk of losing witnesses or evidence If a serious but non-fatal injury has occurred or possibly a traffic collision that will involve these services Hate crimes are also a top priority on the list since it is against the law and breaches the Racial Religious act 2006 or Crime Disorder act 1998. It is required by law for emergency services to respond to a priority incident within 2 hours if it is a grade 2 incident. The third grade would be a scheduled response, this is when a caller or a person has scheduled/ pre-arranged to meet the caller within 48 hours. The attendance of the emergency incident can be met through surgeries, hospitals, stations or any other premises. The fourth grade would be Resolution without deployment, the caller is able to seek advice and resolve an incident through letters, phone calls, questions through the phone and also the service recommending a service more appropriate to the incident. Also in grade 4, deployment of any emergency services are not required but the situation would be analysed and possibly recorded. Incidents on grade would most likely be handed over to agencies such as safer community team, child protection agency, intelligence units and also the traffic control team. Overall, when an incident is rang over the telephone, the operator has to then make a decision on how serious the incident is. The operator will choose from the 4 grades I have just mentioned. Fire service categories: Category A: There are stronger chances of fire spread in built up areas in larger cities. Especially cities containing commercial and industrial premises and high rising properties. First step of the procedure in category A is for three pumps to attend the scene, two within the first 5 minutes and one within eight minutes. This procedure needs to be followed correctly 75% of the time. Category B: The recommended first attendance is for two pumps to attend the scene. One to arrive within 5 minutes and the other within 8 minutes. This procedure is followed for areas in towns and cities with smaller industrial areas and the estates. Same as category A this needs to be achieved on at least 75% of occasions. Category C: This procedure has been put in place for areas of residential dwellings, flats and terraced properties. He recommended attendance is for one pump to be sent within 8 10 minutes. This needs to be achieved on at least 75% of occasions. Category D: This procedure has been put in place for villages and farms. The recommended first attendance is one pump to be sent within 20 minutes. This needs to be achieved on at least 75% of occasions. P4: The call handling personnel in a small scale incident such as a house fire will be on the front lines. This means they will be talking to the victim/caller directly, and it is there job to calm the person on the call if in distress along will despatching the appropriate emergency service to the situation. If the operator is a 999 operator then they will be required to ask the callers name, the location they are calling from, about what happened and most important of all, if anyone is injured or at risk. Also the incident could be followed up through calling a police station which is non-emergency, which then an officer would answer the call and answer any questions an give any relevant information of the incident to the caller. Call operators for a large scale incident would ask for their ask location so police can be easily notified about the location, for example, in a large scale terrorist attack the operator would tell the caller to keep calm and use any means necessary to defend themselves from the attacker and this includes self-defence. Also the operator would give advice and also give instructions on how to apply first aid until emergency services arrive. M2: Both police and the fire service use terminology to communicate with each other, and the terminology is used to recognize a certain type of person. For example, ACP would be used to identify an Assistance Commissioner Professionalism for police and a WRC for the fire service would be used to identify a water carrier. Another similarity is that they both use the grading system based on the level of importance, for example, Grade A and emergency response both respond to emergencies within 20 minutes but on the other hand the difference is that the fire service are required to attend the scene within 8 minutes and police would be 20. Police and the fire service have a common goal and that would be to protect civilians along with providing emergency first aid if needed. Also in an event of an emergency both services will be required to drive at excessive speeds to attend to the incident and both services will have to of passed the Advanced Driving test to prove they can control the vehicle at high speeds with other distractions around them. If the driver does not get to the incident fast enough it could result in a casualty. All three emergency services must not go past the speed limit by an excessive amount, for example, on 30 mile-per-hour road the driver must not go past 45MPH. The advanced driving test will come in handy when there is a high chance of injuring a vulnerable person with your vehicle while driving at excessive speeds. The Police, Ambulance and Fire service all work together at major incidents and all services have a chain of command. Here are the list of commands Gold command this is the highest form of command at an incident, gold command sets the strategy or the plan to resolve the incident. Silver command this is the secondary form of command, silver implements or passes on Golds strategy for the incident. Bronze command this is the final command style which refers to everyone else who is called out to the incident and puts Golds strategy into action. The common goal of all commands is to save and protect lives of those involved and prevent the incident getting worse, along with defending the environment and make the situation normal quickly but efficiently and without casuing any further harm to anyone or the enviroment, when the process has been resolved, there will be a debriefing process after.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The War on Terrorism is an Attack on American Civil Liberties Essay
The War on Terrorism is an Attack on American Civil Liberties After the attacks on 9/11 our country has been forced to confront the issue of terrorism. The war on terrorism has ignited a war on our civil liberties. Our civil liberties have been affected by the passing of the Patriot Act, the violation of privacy, and an increase in racial profiling. Civil liberties have been affected immensely by the Patriot Act. A brief definition of the Patriot Act is; uniting and strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. The Patriot Act modifies the rules on searches. It allows third party holders of your financial, library, travel, video rental, phone, medical, church, synagogue and mosque records. These records can be searched without your knowledge or consent provided the government says it's trying to protect against terrorism. The FBI only needs to say the search will protect against terrorism and they don't need probable cause or evidence. A judge has no authority to reject this application. The person doesn't have to be a terror suspect themselves as long as the government's purpose is an authorized investigation to protect against internal terrorism. The Patriot Act also violates everyone's constitutional right to privacy. The ACLU shows a funny b ut scary illustration of what the government can do with the information they obtain by violating the right to privacy. Basically, the Patriot Act allows the government to monitor anyone and everyone's life whenever they choose. While some say the Patriot Act violates civil liberties, it was designed to support the effort against terrorism. The Patriot Act also created a counter-terrorism fund and increased funding for... ...on Terrorism Has Not Eroded Civil Liberties."  Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints.  Ed. Auriana Ojeda.  New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004.  * * Campbell, Geoffrey.  A Vulnerable America: An Overview of National Security.  Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, 2004. * * Cassak, Lance, and Milton Hewmann.  Good cop, Bad cop: Racial Profiling and Competing Views of Justice.  New York: PeterLang Publishing, 2003. * * Lithwick, Dahlia, and Julia Turner. "From a Guide to the Patriot Act." Slate. 1994.  * * Nielson, Arrah.  "Profiling needed for airport security."  The University Daily Kansan.  27 August 2003.  1 November 2004.  * * Terris, Bruce J.  "Ethnic Profiling is Necessary."  Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints.  Ed. Auriana Ojeda.  New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Primitivism Essay
â€Å"Why is the art of primitive peoples not considered art at all? †(Nolde, E. 1934). This art of primitive peoples that Emil Nolde refers to is something that is truly appealing to many artists and offers a great source of inspiration for their works. Artists such as Paul Gauguin and Emil Nolde both draw inspiration from these primitive forms of art and borrow different aspects in order to become closer to nature and return to a more pure and expressionistic form of art.Paul Gauguin is said to have always felt like an ‘other’, a primitive and therefore in his later years set out in search of a pure society that was close to nature and free from the corruption of civilisation. ‘Gauguin is traditionally cast as the founding father of modernist primitivism. ’ (Solomon-Godeau, A. 1989. pp314) His many works explore and express his desire to find authenticity and to ‘become a savage’. Similar to Gauguin, Emil Nolde seeks to return to a onen ess with nature, in an attempt to bridge German’s past with its future.Using traditional German forms of art such as folk art and craft and combining this with that of modern images, using loose brushstrokes to create an earthy and natural feel to his works. Nolde was a part of the German Expressionism movement which sought to unshackle their civilisation and return to nature and freedom. â€Å"Primitive peoples create their works with the material itself in the artist’s hand, held in his fingers. (Nolde, 1934) This statement by Nolde explores tactility and the idea of the power of expression in such simple forms, which is what Nolde explains to be a contributing factor as to why artists are so drawn to the works of the primitive peoples. These simple, natural works are intense in their expression of power and meaning thus providing artist such as Nolde and Gauguin with inspiration and direction for their works, showing them how to create simple yet expressive works o f art that are moving and captivating to the viewer.Emil Nolde, ‘In the paintings by which he is best known, ‘primitive’ figure types are used to evoke emotional and religious themes. ’ (Harrison, C & Wood, P. 1992. ) Emil Nolde’s works such as ‘Dance Around the Golden Calf’ (1910) and ‘St Mary of Egypt’ (1912) show this expressive form of painting, with loose brushstrokes and wide use of colour creating a very rhythmic and sensuous painting. These works are representative of Nolde’s move to a oneness with nature as it can be seen that the expression and movement within ‘Dance Around the Golden Calf‘ is very natural and flows. St Mary of Egypt’ uses a wide range of colour and loose brushstrokes to create an incredibly expressive and bold artwork. It is clear to see that Emil Nolde is influenced by the works of primitive peoples as his works are simple yet largely expressive and moving in their aesth etics. Emil Nolde was seen to be very political in his time and was very outspoken with his ideals of art. He ‘attacked the scientific approach to tribal art that ignores its aesthetic potential.While â€Å"Coptic, Early Christian, Greek terracottas and vases, Persian and Islamic art†have been admitted to the canons of high art, he complains, â€Å"Chinese and Japanese art are still classified under ethnography and primitive art is ignored altogether†(Lloyd, J. 1985. pp. 46) This statement shows that the art of primitive people was yet to be considered ‘art’ by the society at that time, therefore by such well known artists as Emil Nolde and Paul Gauguin using non-European cultures as inspiration for their works would have lead to the change in attitudes towards the art of the primitive peoples.Perhaps informing people of its true artistic qualities and lending society to the idea that primitive art should indeed be considered art. Nolde was very pol itical in his manners and rejected any mixing of races, in art as well as in life. ‘The Roman Empire, he tells us, never produced art of real value since it was an amalgam of nations. To this remarkable statement he adds the following observation: ‘England – in many respects to be compared with the Roman Empire – like all Germanic people once had great art, poetry, and wonderful music.But after the immigration of Spanish Jews the country became materialistic, concerned only with power and possessions. Its interests spanned the whole world and went all directions, and what remains now is a nation almost impotent in the arts. ’ (Ettlinger, L. 1968. pp. 200) Although these were his views and opinions, Nolde was still heavily influenced by non-European cultures weaving many references to these cultures throughout his works.Paul Gauguin, like Emil Nolde, used a vast range of colours and wove a flowing feel throughout his works symbolic of the freedom and natural qualities found amongst these non-European cultures they so highly treasured. ‘The Polynesian titles he gave most of his Tahitian works were intended to represent himself to his European market, as well as his friends, as one who had wholly assimilated the native culture.In fact, and despite his lengthy residence, Gauguin never learned to speak the language, and most of his titles were either colonial pidgin or grammatically incorrect. ’ (Godeau. pp. 325) This statement by Solomon-Godeau shows that although Paul Gauguin has set out to return to his primitive ways and ‘become a savage’, he was still programmed to thinking like that of someone from the bourgeois society, unable to fully comprehend the traditions and culture of these primitive people.Gauguin’s works such as ‘Two Women on a Beach’ (1891) and ‘Merahi metua no Tehamana (Tehamana Has Many Ancestors)’ (1893) both explore this natural and pure lifestyle that Gauguin sort to find amongst the Tahitians, whilst also juxtaposing the French impression of their culture and their influence with the use of the European clothes that these women wear. Within the work ‘Two Women on a Beach’ Gauguin’s use of loose, free brushstrokes emphasises the fact that the women are close to nature, they look as though they are carved out of wood.However, these women are also seen to be out of place in their environment as their stances seem somewhat awkward and uncomfortable and the image has been cropped making it feel as though they don’t fit in the image. Both are seen to be wearing missionary dresses/European clothes and are weaving, representing the French’s view of the Tahitian women, lazy, close to nature and savage. Gauguin’s work ‘Tehamana Has Many Ancestors’, similar to that of ‘Two Women on a Beach’, depicts a girl (Tehamana) seated wearing European clothes, holding a woven fan with flowers threaded throughout her hair.Tehamana, like the women in ‘Two Women on a Beach’, also seems somewhat out of place and as though she does not fit within this image. The references to her savage lineage, through the use of the paintings on the wall behind her and the petrogliphs reinforces the fact that like many other Tahitians, Tehamana ‘had no relation to her former traditions. ’ (Godeau. pp. 326) The images of Tahitian women wearing European clothing emphasises and makes reference to the Catholic, Mormon and Calvinist missionaries that had been at work inTahiti for many years before Gauguin had travelled over to Tahiti. The authenticity that Gauguin had set out to discover had diminished, therefore ‘Gauguin did not paint Tahiti, but his Tahitian dream. ’ (Staszak, J. 2004. pp. 353) These images highlighted the fact that the Tahitian’s ‘pre-European culture had been effectively destroyed. ’ (Godeau. pp. 324) Ã¢â‚¬Ë œNot only had the indigenous religion been eradicated, but the handicrafts, barkcloth production, art of tattoo and music had equally succumbed to the interdiction of the missionaries or the penetration of European Products.The bright-coloured cloth used for clothing, bedding and curtains that Gauguin depicted was of European design and manufacture. ’ (Godeau. pp. 324) Paul Gauguin, Emil Nolde and many artists alike have been vastly influenced by the works of primitive peoples, borrowing certain aspects of their culture and art in order to gain inspiration for their own works and expand their expressive capabilities within their art works.The fact that these artists are well known for their works relating to the primitive that have drawn inspiration from non-European, ‘savage’ cultures emphasises this notion that indeed art by primitive peoples should be considered a true art form. Reference List Ettlinger, L. D. â€Å"German Expressionism and Primitive Art,â₠¬ The Burlington Magazine Vol. 110 No. 781 (1968): pp. 200, accessed May 8, 2012. http://www. jstor. org. wwwproxy0. library. unsw. edu. au/stable/pdfplus/875584. pdf? acceptTC=true Lloyd, J. â€Å"Emil Nolde's Still Lifes, 1911-1912: Modernism, Myth, and Gesture,†Anthropology and Aesthetics No. (1985): pp. 46, accessed May 8, 2012. http://www. jstor. org. wwwproxy0. library. unsw. edu. au/stable/pdfplus/20166722. pdf Harrison, C. , Wood, P. Eds. , â€Å"Emil Nolde ‘On Primitive Art’,†Art in Theory 1900-1990, 1992. Solomon-Godeau, A. â€Å"Paul Gauguin and the Invention of Primitivist Modernism,†Art in America, July 1989. (pp. 314,325,326,342) Staszak, J. F. â€Å"Primitivism and the other. History of art and cultural geography,†GeoJournal Vol. 60 No. 4 (2004): pp. 353, accessed May 8, 2012. http://www. jstor. org. wwwproxy0. library. unsw. edu. au/stable/pdfplus/41147901. pd
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Legal Imperatives for Affordable Housing Delivery in Nigeria Essay
Shelter or housing is one of the most basic of human needs; it ranked second only to food in the hierarchy of human needs. [1] It is fundamental to human survival and an essential component in the advancement of the quality of life of the citizenry. [2] Housing provides shelter for man in order for him to actualize his real potentials in life and contributes to the growth of the world economy. 3] The provision of housing is therefore sine qua non to the growth of man and development of the nation. Effective housing delivery involves many actors and segments of the state apparatus, including the building materials sector, financial sector, real estate sector, energy and infrastructural development sectors and the environmental planning sector amongst others; it therefore requires effective partnership, collaboration and information sharing among different sectors of the economy. To fulfill the need for affordable housing in Nigeria, a multi-faceted approach that transcends the legal, social, economics, religious and cultural interfaces and traits must be put in place at any given time. The task of this paper is to examine the legal initiatives required to facilitate the delivery of affordable housing units to the generality of Nigerians irrespective of class, race or gender. This is with a view at pointing out the inhibitors to smooth housing delivery and proffering practical and workable solution to the identified problems. To achieve this end the paper examines the concept of housing within the legal and statutory framework; it forays into the provisions of the Land Use Act, Planning Laws, Title Registration Laws, Property Tax Legislations and Infrastructural Laws amongst others; and submits that there is need for review of most of these legislations before any meaningful progress can be made in the provision of affordable housing to Nigerians. Concept of Housing. Quoting from the provisions of the new national housing policy document; [4] ‘Housing is defined as the process of providing safe, comfortable, attractive, functional affordable and identifiable shelter in a proper setting within a neighbourhood, supported by continuous maintenance of the built environment for the daily living activities of individuals/families within the community while reflecting their socio-economic, cultural aspirations and preferences. From this definition, housing is not only a shelter, but includes safety of the neighborhood; comfortable and functional dwelling, supported by continuous maintenance of the environment and planning; all reflecting the socio-economic, cultural aspirations and preferences of members of the society. Thus, the legal initiatives for the delivery of housing as conceptualized above requires not only the legal parameters concerning land, but extends to town planning laws, Tenancy and Rent control law, property tax law, energy law, water law, environmental law, compulsory acquisition and compensation laws amongst others. Each of these laws is now treated seriatim as hereunder. Land law. Land is to housing as what a woman is to a pregnancy. The conception, gestation and delivery of housing can only come to fruition with the availability of secured land and proper land management. Land midwifes housing delivery in myriad of ways; Land is the superstructure on which the dreams and aspirations of provision of housing is founded. [5] Land supports the production and delivery of housing through the provision of the much needed finance for its construction. As one of the main factors of production, land provides capital formation and collateral for bank advances towards the construction of the much needed- houses. It is thus obvious that the dream of a vibrant, efficient and effective mortgage system (financial reforms) will remain a mirage in the absence of a viable and reliable land management system. [6] The land management policy of a State also impacts directly on the output and supply of some of the basic raw materials in the construction industry including housing. 7] Such materials as sand, gravel, granite, laterite and even cement are subject to the extant land use management policy of the state. Thus, the Land use policy and management of the State has a direct impact and consequences not only on the quantum and quality of the State housing stock, but also fundamentally on the economic wellbeing of the citizen and the state, particularly in developing countries where there is heavy reliance on land and its resources for sustenance. 8] The question of who owns the land, what tenure operates over the land, security of tenure, compensation for compulsory acquisition of property rights are fundamental questions of enquiry in this exercise. Given the foregoing scenario, an examination of the current law regulating the use and management of land cannot but be a prerequisite to the successive delivery of housing units. The current law on the subject is principally the Land Use Act; others are Registration Laws, Registration of Title Laws etc. To ensure an efficient and effective housing delivery, there is a fundamental need for a secured land title and security of tenure; for where there is no security of title and tenure the development of mortgage system and formal land market will be adversely affected, to the detriment of the growth of the housing sector. The land Use Act, as presently constituted does not seem to provide the necessary secured tenure to fast track the delivery of the expected houses. The Land Use Act, founded on hybrid recommendation,[9] undulates between land nationalization and the protection of private property rights. 10] Its wavering posture has given rise to multiple interpretations as to its policy thrust and directives. Questions arise as to what is the quantum of interest obtainable under the Act,[11] are there equal property rights in every citizen under the Act,[12] what is the proprietary value of the Certificate of Occupancy issued under the Act,[13]how secured is private property rights under the Act in view of the Governor’s power of revocation[14] and paltry compensation payable thereon? 15] How much protection does the Act offer potential mortgagees in the creation, perfection and realization of the mortgage transactions? [16] How far the Land Use Act has addressed the problems of land speculation, land grabbing and incessant land dispute and urban slum? [17] Apart from these, the over concentration of power of land management in an individual rather than institution; the dichotomy in land rights and land administration under the Act and the ouster of courts’ jurisdiction in the determination of dispute and compensation issues are areas of concerns. These and many others are impediments to successful delivery of housing as such state of policy confusion and legal inconsistency only breeds fear, distrust and doubts in the heart of would be investors and property developers alike. The Land Use Act should be amended to address these contentious issues bedeviling the smooth delivery of adequate and affordable housing to the masses. For once, the Act should take a categorical stance on who owns the land; state or individual? To many this may seem obvious,[18] but not when one realizes that while the tenure of some citizen is finite and determinable,[19] others are infinite;[20] whilst some pay taxes and rents on their land, others do not. [21] The Act should declare state ownership of land so that the transition provisions of more than 35years old in the Act[22] can be extinguished and laid to rest and occupiers can be compensated for the revocation of their rights over bare land in as much as they paid to obtain the land from the state. With such categorical posture the issue of inequality in land rights as presently obtainable under the Act will become a thing of the past; every citizen will now have equal determinable interest in land. With state ownership of land, the proprietary value of Certificate of Occupancy is enhanced since it will now become a land title document instead of the current position as document evidencing title to land. 23] Still on the Act, the provision relating to consent requirement[24] should be removed with respect to mortgages in order to streamline the laborious process of mortgage creation, perfection and realization under the Act. Presently a mortgagee must ensure that there is Governor’s consent to any mortgage transaction and must also obtain the Governor’s consent when exercising its power of sale under the mortgage deed, otherwise the transaction is void. 25] Also, the provision excluding the mortgagee from the definition of a holder/occupier[26] for the purpose of payment of compensation should be reviewed to facilitate the enforcement and realization of the mortgage transactions. With the amendment in place, the primary mortgage institutions (PMIs) will be able to take the full benefit of the loan window provided for in the National Housing Fund Act[27] to secure their investment with a block of mortgages over the properties being developed. Aside the amendment of the Act to accommodate smooth mortgage transactions, the Act should also provide explicit procedure for revocation of right of occupancy, such as pre-revocation notices, filing of objections and access to the courts for adjudication on quantum of compensation payable upon revocation. The present situation whereby one only reads about revocation in the newspapers; and whereat it is done with military fiat, falls short of international best practices obtainable in more civilized climes. 28] To avoid conflict between State grant and a grant made by the local government, the reviewed Act should abolish the dichotomy e xisting between the State and local government over land administration in the State. This will ensure a uniform source of authority and streamline land administration in the state thus fostering land management reliability and efficiency, all geared towards boosting investor’s confidence in the system and seamless production and delivery of ho using units. Mortgage law Mortgage transaction is a species of secured credit transaction that provides investment funds for business enterprises. With respect to housing, the term means a transaction in which a mortgage, deed of trust, purchase money security interest arising under an installment sales contract, or equivalent consensual security interest is created or retained against the consumer’s dwelling to finance the acquisition or initial construction of such dwelling. [29] It is the bedrock and the superstructure for housing finance. Its functionality is exhibited when it is appreciated that it gives assurance for the repayment of the loan advanced for the construction of houses. Statutorily, the primary mortgage institutions (PMIs) established under the law[30] are required to secure the loans obtained from the federal mortgage banks/national housing funds with a first legal mortgage over the block of properties funded by the loan. In the same vein, individuals are expected to execute a first legal mortgage over the property financed by the funds sourced from the PMIs. Mortgage is so fundamental to mass and social housing developments to the extent that without it housing development will suffer from dearth of block of funds and will have to rely on individual savings and financial support from friends and relatives. But what is the state of our law on mortgages? With few exceptions, our law on mortgages is still founded on the received English laws of the 19th century; which has been discarded in England almost a century ago. Our law on the subject does not reflect the realities of our time. We still convey in fee simple or tail when such proprietary interest does not exist in our statute books. Our mortgage enforcement procedures are still tangled in the webs of the common law and archaic statutory provisions. The rights of the mortgagee to freely realize his investment is hampered by our laws[31] and courts. [32] There is the need to review our laws on the subject of mortgage. The Property and Conveyancing Act[33] needs repealing and a new law on mortgages to reflect the current trend in the area to fast-track mortgage transactions be promulgated. The new law should reflect the quantum of proprietary interest available under our law, streamline the process for the enforcement of mortgagees’ powers of sale and foreclosures and do away with the need for a re-conveyance deed in mortgages amongst others. The right of the mortgagor to create successive legal mortgagees over the same property; be protected from negative amortization clauses and collateral mortgage contracts should be explored under the new law. The new law should harmonize the provisions of existing legislations in the areas and harness them to achieve the goal of providing robust financial base to for social housing. The provisions of the Land Use Act, Registration of Title Laws, National Housing Fund Act, Pension Act, Federal Mortgage Bank Act, Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund Act, Primary Mortgages Institution Act and other laws relating thereto should be examined in this wise. The provisions of the Property and Conveyancing Law,[34] the current law on Mortgages in UK and the Lagos State Mortgage and Property Law[35] are also recommended as templates for the review of the old Act. Land Registration Law. Land registration can be best described as a species of machinery for assisting a purchaser or mortgagee in his inquiries as to his vendor’s or mortgagor’s title previously to completing his dealing, and for securing his own position afterwards. [36] Documentation and registration of all dealings and transactions involving land is at the heart of ensuring record keeping, facilitating land searches, tracing and priority in land transactions, which go a long way at establishing certainty, predictability and efficiency in land transactions including mortgages. A vibrant storage and retrieval land information system enhances transparency in land dealings and is immeasurable as a factor aiding speedy settlement of land disputes. A good land registration system is therefore core to efficient land administration and consequently the delivery of housing in a state. Currently in Nigeria, it is the prerogative of the state to determine, design and operate its own land information recording system. This is as a result of the constitutional arrangement which empowers the states to legislate on the subject atter. [37] The current regime has given rise to multiplicity of laws and diverse administrative procedures in the process of storing and retrieving land information system in the country to the detriment of investors, mortgagees and real estate developers alike. A times the requirements for land registrations/title registration varies from state to state not because laws are different but simply on issue of practice and procedures to be adopted including charges/levies imposed on the parties. 38] In the time past there used to be a uniform land information recording and retrieval system in the country; the Land Instrument Registration Act[39] 1924 which later became state laws[40] with the coming into effect of the 1954 federal constitution. The law is still extant in most of the states of the federation, but the practice has remained diverse. There is therefore a need to streamline the practice and procedure for recording and registration of land dealings and evolve a uniform system that will not only breed seamless land registration process but also boost investors’ confidence in the process. Towards this end, the existing mechanisms and procedure for regularization and registration must be reoriented and reorganized to achieve greater effectiveness, reliability and economy. Since market efficiency depends very much on the availability of reliable information that can be used to check genuineness of titles before purchase and to trace records of land transfers at any point in time, efforts should be geared towards making registration compulsory for all land dealing. Government should compel the conversion of all existing titles on land to a certificate of occupancy within a stipulated time. Such policy would foster the development of a uniform land title in the system, which in turn would engender certainty, reliability and security of land title deeds. [41] Such scheme will also obviate the need to keep dual land title documents over a piece of land[42] and thus stem the tide of land frauds that are rampant in our urban centres.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Example
Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Example Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Finishs are countries that attract and accommodate visitants temporarily. Finishs may change from: continents, states, provinces, states, metropoliss, small towns and resort countries. ( Pike, 2004 ) There are a figure of grounds why individuals travel, some of which may include: to see household and friends, concern related, for relaxation, love affair and more. ( Merith, 2009 ) In order to maintain a sustainable and competitory finish merchandise, it must be decently marketed and managed. Selling AND MANAGING A Finish What is Marketing? Selling is referred to as a societal procedure by which persons and organisations obtain their necessities through making and interchanging values with other. ( Kotler A ; Armstrong, 2010 ) Marketing a finish is a critical component in accomplishing the chief nonsubjective and keeping a comfortable tourer finish. ( Howie, 2003 ) ( Middleton, 1998 ) referred to a touristry merchandise as a combination of merchandises and services provided by a finish. A selling mix includes the 4 P s ( Place, monetary value, merchandise and publicity ) which are utilised to explicate schemes to market a finish or merchandise. Convention and Visitors Bureau What is a Convention and Visitors Bureau? Convention and Visitors Bureaus are organisations whose duty is to advance touristry at local and regional degrees. Functions and Responsibility of the Convention and Visitors Bureau The CVB has four chief duties. They are: To promote organisations to host meetings, conventions, events and tradeshows in the country it represents every bit good as aid those groups with meeting or event readyings and while their meeting or event is in advancement. To function as the community s selling bureau by advancing the county s resources to visitants to positively impact the local economic system. To carry tourers to see and bask the all the chances the finish has to offer. To stand for a specific finish and assist the development of communities through long term travel and touristry schemes. A Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // A The Jamaica Tourist Board The Convention and Visitors Bureau of Jamaica is the Jamaica Tourist Board. It was established in 1955 with its chief office located in Kingston and two other subdivisions in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay. The Jamaica Tourist Board, with the aid of other bureaus contributes to marketing Jamaica as a finish for visitants appeal by the usage of assorted schemes. Schemes USED BY THE JAMAICA TOURIST BOARD TO MARKET AND MANAGE JAMAICA AS A DESTINATION To market Jamaica for visitants entreaty, the Jamaica Tourist Board can set in to consequence the undermentioned schemes: Liaise with private organisations within the Tourism Industry to advance Jamaica as the figure one finish for holidaying. Encourage patterning bureaus to carry on some of their picture or exposure shoots in Jamaica that would be televised worldwide therefore supplying the island with a more competitory advantage. Make a web site that can be accessed worldwide to showcase the beauty of the island every bit good as attractive forces that will fascinate possible visitants. Implement constabularies to guarantee that tourer attractive forces are ever environmentally friendly. Focus more on the development community-based touristry to showcase the island s rich civilization and heritage and the heat and friendliness of Jamaicans. SWOT ANALYSIS A SWOT analysis was conducted based on the schemes that were used supra. Strengths Provides exposure of our civilization, heritage and people. The creative activity of the website marks a wider market portion. Failing Residence may object to holding their community being used as tourer finish. Lack of human resources. Opportunities Provides more employment and gross to profit the economic system. Partnering with private sectors provides more fiscal aid in marketing the finish. Dainties Resentment towards tourers. Increase in competition. Selling Plan A Selling Plan is a concern papers developed to sketch clear prioritization of marketing aims and schemes. ( McDonald A ; Keegan, 2002 ) In Tourism, a selling program important because it assist in determining the walls of the concern before really puting up the foundations. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) By developing a selling program, the concern is able to set up clear aims to measure the effectivity of the selling tools or techniques used. It administers the way of the concern s selling purpose. Alternatively of blowing clip on uneffective selling exercisings, a selling program would hold prevented that from go oning. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) A budget is besides an of import necessity when developing a market program. Reason being, the budget would allow the selling squad cognize how much money is available to effectually pass on the undertaking. Basically the budget would be indispensable for the planning of disbursals. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) The selling program would besides incorporate selling schemes that would lend to the acknowledgment of a concern s trade name every bit good as the merchandise and services it has to offer. When developing a concern program, the selling squad is able to aim a specific market through market cleavage, therefore giving the concern the capableness of pulling new types of clients worldwide. Planing an effectual touristry selling program would besides help in raising money for outgo. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) When developing a finish selling program, there are a figure processes or phases involved with its development. These include: Research and Planning Process Analysis Procedure Implementing Stage Procedure Monitoring A ; Evaluation Process Selling Plan PROCESSES External Players THAT ASSISTS THE JAMAICAN TOURIST BOARD The Jamaican Tourist Board is the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Jamaica. In implementing of a Destination Marketing Plan, the Jamaica Tourist Board is assisted by bureaus and organisations under the Ministry of Tourism. These include: World Tourism Organization Florida Caribbean Cruise Associations Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association Caribbean Tourism Organization Caribbean Hotel A ; Tourism Association Howie, F. ( 2003 ) . Selling And The Tourist Destination. London: Thomson Learning. Kotler, P. , A ; Armstrong, G. M. ( 2010 ) . Principle of Marketing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. McDonald, M. H. , A ; Keegan, W. J. ( 2002 ) . Marketing Plans That Work: Targeting Growth and Profitability. Elsiver: Butterworth-Heinemann. Merith, S. ( 2009, August 4 ) . Ezine Articles. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? 10-Reasons-Why-People-Travel A ; id=2710271 Middleton, V. T. ( 1998 ) . Sustainable Tourism. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann. Mountifield, K. ( 2009, September 4 ) . Digital Landscape. Retrieved November 15, 2012, from hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Pike, S. ( 2004 ) . Destination selling administrations. Elsevier: Progresss in Tourism Research.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Roman Tetrarchy and the Rule of Four
The Roman Tetrarchy and the Rule of Four The word Tetrarchy means rule of four. It derives from the Greek words for four (tetra-) and rule (arch-). In practice, the word refers to the division of an organization or government into four parts, with a different person ruling each part. There have been several Tetrarchies over the centuries, but the phrase is usually used to refer to the division of the Roman Empire into a western and eastern empire, with subordinate divisions within the western and eastern empires. The Roman Tetrarchy Tetrarchy refers to the establishment by the Roman Emperor Diocletian of a 4-part division of the empire. Diocletian understood that the huge Roman Empire could be (and often was) taken over by any general who chose to assassinate the emperor. This, of course, caused significant political upheaval; it was virtually impossible to unite the empire. The reforms of Diocletian came after a period when many emperors had been assassinated. This earlier period is referred to as chaotic and the reforms were meant to remedy the political difficulties that the Roman Empire faced. Diocletians solution to the problem was to create multiple leaders, or Tetrarchs, located in multiple locations. Each would have significant power. Thus, the death of one of the Tetrarchs would not mean a change in governance. This new approach, in theory, would lower the risk of assassination and, at the same time, made it nearly impossible to overthrow the entire Empire at a single blow. When he split up the leadership of the Roman Empire in 286, Diocletian continued to rule in the East. He made Maximian his equal and co-emperor in the west. They were each called Augustus which signified that they were emperors. In 293, the two emperors decide to name additional leaders who could take over for them in the case of their deaths. Subordinate to the emperors were the two Caesars: Galerius, in the east, and Constantius in the west. An Augustus was always emperor; sometimes the Caesars were also referred to as emperors. This method of creating emperors and their successors bypassed the need for approval of emperors by the Senate and blocked the power of the military to elevate their popular generals to the purple. [Source: The City of Rome in late imperial ideology: The Tetrarchs, Maxentius, and Constantine, by Olivier Hekster, from Mediterraneo Antico 1999.] The Roman Tetrarchy functioned well during Diocletians life, and he and Maximian did indeed turn over leadership to the two subordinate Caesars, Galerius and Constantius. These two, in turn, named two new Caesars: Severus and Maximinus Daia. The untimely death of Constantius, however, led to political warring. By 313, the Tetrarchy was no longer functional, and, in 324, Constantine became sole Emperor of Rome. Other Tetrarchies While the Roman Tetrarchy is the most famous, other four-person ruling groups have existed through history. Among the best-known was The Herodian Tetrarchy, also called the Tetrarchy of Judea. This group, formed after the death of Herod the Great in 4 BCE, included Herods sons.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Whats Actually Tested on the SAT Reading Section SAT Reading Skills
What's Actually Tested on the SAT Reading Section SAT Reading Skills SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Heed the wise words of Dr. Seuss, and get reading! The more you practice reading SAT passages, the better you'll perform on the SAT Reading section. This article goesover everything on the SAT Reading section, including the new evidence-based and data interpretation questions, so you know exactly what to expect. First, how is the SAT Reading section formatted? Format of the SAT Reading Section Reading is the first section of the SAT. It's 65 minutes long, and asks a total of 52 questions. All of these questions are multiple choice and have four answer choices, A, B, C, and D. The questions are all based on passages- four individual passages and one set of paired passages. This chart shows the time, questions, and time per question on the Reading section. Section Time in Minutes # of Questions Time per question Reading 65 52 75 seconds You'll answer 10 to 12 questions on each passage or set of paired passages, and one or more of the passages might be accompanied by a graphic, like a chart, bar graph, or scatterplot. These passages will ask data interpretation questions that relate to the graphic. In addition to knowing how many questions you'll get on Reading and how long you have to answer them, you can also have a general sense of what the passages will be like. Read on for a full overview of the types of passages on the Reading section of the SAT. Types of SAT Reading Passages While you can't predict exactly where your passages will come from, you can know the genre from which each was selected. You'll get just one passage from U.S. or World Literature. Two will be from the field of History or Social Studies, and two with deal with Science. Each passage, or set of paired passages combined, will have about 500 to 750 words. As mentioned above, one or two of them will also feature a graph, table, or chart related to the content of the passage. Paired passages often discuss the same topic or theme, but approach it from a different perspective.Questions that go with paired passages will often ask you to compare or contrast, or to consider what one author would think about the other author's point of view. Beyond familiarizing yourself with the structure of the Reading section, you can prepare by learning about the different question types.We've identified eight. Eight question types, you say? Owl have to start studying! 8 Types of SAT Reading Questions College Board would probably never say its questions can be categorized by type. It suggests that students should take a holisticapproach and just try reading the passages the best they can. This kind of free-for-all approach won't take you veryfar, though. Through carefully analyzingthe test, we've found eight specific question types that appear throughout the Reading section. Below you'll find a description of each type, along with examples of each borrowed from College Board's official SAT practice tests. #1: Big Picture / Main Point Big picture questions ask you about the overall purpose or message of the passage. What's the passageabout? What's it trying to accomplish? Is the passage trying to inform, review, contradict, prove, parody, or hypothesize? What's the point, anyway? Here's an example of a big picture/main point question selected from College Board's SAT Practice Test #2. It actually refers to a set of paired passages, so it requires you to understand the main point of two passages. The main purpose of each passage is to A) compare brain function in those who play games on the Internet and those who browse on it. B) report on the problem-solving skills of individuals with varying levels of Internet experience. C) take a position on increasing financial support for studies related to technology and intelligence. D) make an argument about the effects of electronic media use on the brain. #2: Little Picture / Detail These questions will usually refer to a specific line or two within a passage and ask you about a specific detail. Every fifth line in the passage is numbered, so you should be able to locate a detail quickly. These questionsmight relate to function or author technique, which you'll learn about below, but they tend to refer to a particular line or phrase. This example of a little picture/detail question is also taken from SAT Practice Test #2. Check it out if you want to see the passage and remaining questions! Stanton uses the phrase â€Å"high carnival†(line 15) mainly to emphasize what she sees as the A) utter domination of women by men. B) freewheeling spirit of the age. C) scandalous decline in moral values. D) growing power of women in society. #3: Inference These questions ask you to interpret the meaning of a line, paragraph, or the whole passage. These won't be too subjective or ambiguous, as there can only be one correct answer. It can reasonably be inferred that â€Å"the strong-minded†(line 32) was a term generally intended to A) praise women who fight for their long-denied rights. B) identify women who demonstrate intellectual skill. C) criticize women who enter male-dominated professions. D) condemn women who agitate for the vote for their sex. #4: Vocabulary in Context Vocabulary questions ask you about the meaning of a specific word. Sometimes these words are actually pretty common, but they might be being used in an unusual way within the context of the passage. Like detail questions, vocabulary in context questions will refer you to a specific line within the text, like in the following example. As used in line 36, â€Å"best†most nearly means A) superior. B) excellent. C) genuine. D) rarest. As you're reading, remember that every word, phrase, and sentence has its own important function. #5: Function Function questions tend to be similar to detail questions, but they specifically refer to how a phrase or sentence works within a passage. They want to know what effect a detail has on the passage, like in the belowsample question. The analogy in the final sentence of Passage 2 has primarily which effect? A) It uses ornate language to illustrate a difficult concept. B) It employs humor to soften a severe opinion of human behavior. C) It alludes to the past to evoke a nostalgic response. D) It criticizes the view of a particular group. #6: Author Technique In addition to reading the text closely, you'll also want to think about how the author wrote. For these questions, you might describe the author's tone, style, voice, attitude, or perspective. As you read above, you'll typically get asked to compare author techniques in questions that follow paired passages. They tend to show up after single passages, as well. If the passage consists of prose, as in a passage from US or Word Literature, then these questions will ask about the narrator's style, purpose, or technique, as in the following example. During the course of the first paragraph, the narrator’s focus shifts from A) recollection of past confidence to acknowledgment of present self-doubt. B) reflection on his expectations of life as a tradesman to his desire for another job. C) generalization about job dissatisfaction to the specifics of his own situation. D) evaluation of factors making him unhappy to identification of alternatives. #7: Evidence Support Evidence support questions don't stand on their own. Rather, they refer back to any of the previous question types and ask you to provide evidence for your answer. Let's say you answer an inference question. Then you might get an evidence support question that asks you which lines within the passage provided the reason behind your answer. These evidence-support questions are common throughout the Reading section. Here's an example of an author technique question, followed by an evidence support question. 1. In the passage, the author anticipates which of the following objections to criticizing the ethics of free markets? A) Smith’s association of free markets with ethical behavior still applies today. B) Free markets are the best way to generate high profits, so ethics are a secondary consideration. C) Free markets are ethical because they are made possible by devalued currency. D) Free markets are ethical because they enable individuals to make choices. 2. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? A) Lines 4-5 (â€Å"Some... ethical†) B) Lines 7-10 (â€Å"But... about†) C) Lines 21-22 (â€Å"Smith... outcome†) D) Lines 52-54 (â€Å"When... way†) #8: Data Interpretation The final question type you'll encounter on the Reading section is data interpretation. These questions refer to graphics, like graphs and charts, and ask you to interpret the information presented therein. Often, data interpretation questions ask how the graphic relates to the passage. The graph in the example below accompanies a Science passage about ocean waves. There are actually three questionsthat ask about the graph, but I'll just show you two of them. 1. Which concept is supported by the passage and by the information in the graph? A) Internal waves cause water of varying salinity to mix. B) Internal waves push denser water above layers of less dense water. C) Internal waves push bands of cold water above bands of warmer water. D) Internal waves do not rise to break the ocean’s surface. 2. How does the graph support the author’s point that internal waves affect ocean water dynamics? A) It demonstrates that wave movement forces warmer water down to depths that typically are colder. B) It reveals the degree to which an internal wave affects the density of deep layers of cold water. C) It illustrates the change in surface temperature that takes place during an isolated series of deep waves. D) It shows that multiple waves rising near the surface of the ocean disrupt the flow of normal tides. You can see how these types of questions draw on certain reading comprehension skills, like your ability to interpret details and find the main point, to understand vocabulary in context, to analyze the sequence and flow of ideas, and to interpret the author's technique and purpose. Furthermore, the evidence support questions make sure that you're backing up your answers with evidence direct from the text. Being able to recognize the question type will help you draw on the right skills to answer it. It will also help you root out wrong answers and effectively use process of elimination to find the one 100% correct answer. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Let's talk about some other key strategies you can use to succeed on the Reading section of the SAT. Alright, cadet- ready to start basic training? How to Study for SAT Reading First off, you don't want to have any surprises on test day. Knowing exactly what to expect, in terms of the types of passages and questions, how much time you have, and what skills you need to demonstrate, is a great way to start preparing for the Reading section. So if you've made it this far in the article, then you've already completed an important first step in your SAT Reading prep! Read on for a few more tips for prepping for this first and longest section of the SAT. Speed Up Your Reading With five passages and 52 questions in only 65 minutes, the Reading section of the SAT asks you to cover a lot of ground and maintain focus for over an hour. Since you’ll get the Reading section in one big chunk, you’re responsible for balancing your time amongfive passages. You’ll have to read deeply yet efficiently and find that balance between working fast while still catching important details. If this feels scary to you, don’t despair! There are lots of reading strategies you can practice before sitting for the real test. Rather than trying to catch each and every word, for instance, you might pay most attention to the introduction, conclusion, and transitions between paragraphs, and skim the rest. Other students find it helps them to read the questions first, so they know what to look for. There are a few different strategies for reading the passages, so you should learn about them and try out each one. Everyone’s different, so you should choose the strategies that work best for you. The more you practice with timed tests, the more efficient you’ll become. Then when you actually sit down to take the real SAT, you’ll feel confident about managing your time and getting to all 52 questions before the proctor calls time. Search for Evidence The SAT is meant to test you on skills, not knowledge. You don’t have to know anything about a topic before answering questions on it on the Reading section. In fact, having pre-existing knowledge could even get in your way. Rather than asking you to recall facts and figures, the Reading questions are entirely based on passages. As such, your answers should be based directly on the words in front of you. When you choose your answers, make sure that you can point to specific lines as evidence that your answer’s the right one. The new evidence-based questions on the SAT are, in some sense, a blessing in disguise. They serve as a useful reminder that all of your answers should be based on the words in front of you. Evidence-support questions explicitly ask you to provide the lines that served as the basis of your answer to a previous question. Even if a Reading question’s not followed by one of these evidence support items, it’s a good idea to do the same sort of mental check. Ask yourself, what am I basing my answer off of? If you think you’re answering based on anything other than the words in the passage in front of you, then you might want to double check your thinking. Use Process of Elimination While some questions will be easier than others, most have at least one answer that’s obviously wrong. Using process of elimination to zero in on the most reasonable answer can be a helpful strategy in the Reading section, especially in situations where you feel unsure. While some questions may feel subjective because they ask you to make an inference or evaluate an opinion, they will always only ever have one 100% correct answer. All of the other answer choices, even if they seem reasonable upon first read, will be problematic in some way. If the right answer doesn’t pop out to you right away, try to use process of elimination to look for these errors in logic. It should help you narrow down your choices by at least one or two. If you really have no idea or are spending too much time on an answer, at that point, you could at least make an educated guess. The rights-only scoring means that you won’t lose any points with a wrong answer, so you have a better choice of upping your score than you would if you left it blank. Remember that words can be chameleons. They might look totally different in different contexts. Study Multiple Meaning Words You’ll find â€Å"words in context†questions after every passage on the Reading section. As you saw in the example above, these questions ask you to define or give a synonym for a word from the passage. The catch? You have to understand â€Å"how the word is being used†in a specific line. All of the answer choices might be reasonable synonyms for the word under consideration. You need to understand the connotation of the word in its particular context. You won’t encounter particularly obscure or high level vocabulary terms. Instead, the words will be relatively common, but they’ll likely have different meanings in different contexts. You can prepare for these questions by studying relevant vocabulary lists and sharpening your ability to divine the meaning of a word based on context clues. Brush Up on Literary Terms While you won’t encounter a ton of high level literary terminology- again, the Reading section is meant to test skills, not knowledge or memorization- you should be familiar with the basics. Review key terms like style, tone, attitude, and theme. Even more importantly, make sure you understand how to describe those parts of a work of prose or nonfiction. To answer these types of questions, you’ll need to be able to pick up on the theme, central argument, or overall tone of a piece of writing. Practice Data Interpretation As you saw above, one or more of the passages will be accompanied by a graphic. You’ll be asked to interpret data from a graph, chart, or table. You might get a bar graph, line graph, scatterplot, pie chart, or table, and you’ll need to know how to read it. Again, you won’t need preexisting knowledge on the topic, but rather the ability to comprehend information before you. You’ll find these data interpretation questions on College Board’s official practice tests and Khan Academy’s online program. You’ll also find them in prep materials from books or PrepScholar’s online program. If you feel like you’re running low on materials, you might try practicing with ACT Science questions. These will all represent scientific data, but they will give you practice interpreting data from graphics and relating it to accompanying passages. In fact, this skill will help you on the entire SAT, as you’ll find data interpretation questions on the Reading, Writing, and Math sections. Read Widely Finally, as the wise Dr. Seuss encouraged us, read daily and read widely to enhance your critical reading and comprehension skills. The Reading section doesn’t just give you prose passages as you might be used to in English literature classes. It also gives you scientific and historical texts that are nonfiction or argument-based. Practice reading from a variety of genres to get used to different styles. Taking timed SAT practice tests will also help you sharpen your reading skills and get used to switching quickly between subjects and writing styles. While it’s more difficult to measure, your reading skills will only improve through frequent practice. And being a skilled reader is what doing well on the Reading section of the SAT is all about! What's Next? Are you a big reader or looking to study the humanities or social sciences in college? If you're aiming for a top score, then you should check out these strategies by a perfect scorer for how to score an 800 in Reading. With 52 questions in only 65minutes, how are you going to balance your time between reading and answering questions? This article breaks down the best approach for reading the passages. Are you planning to take the optional essay section? This guide goes over exactly how to write an SAT essay, step by step. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice SAT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 94
Essay Example It is with this overview, that this paper will analyze an article by the National Geographic on a global warming overview. It will look at the green house effects, global warming causes, why it is a concern and lastly give a conclusion in relation to the topic. The greenhouse effect can be best described as the result of what happens when heat gets trapped by certain gases in the earth’s atmosphere, for instance the greenhouse glass walls. These gases let in light but prevent heat from escaping thus, the heating results. Since 1824, scientists have been aware of the greenhouse effects. Pioneers like Joseph Fourier ascertained that the earth’s climate is livable mainly due to the greenhouse effects, without which the earth would be colder. Svante Arrhenis, a Swedish chemist, in 1895, further helped kick start the decade long climate research that has made us, better understand global warming by discovering that the greenhouse effects can be enhanced by making carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas. The greenhouse gases are known to absorb radiation in the atmosphere that makes them the major contributors to the greenhouse effects. Merged with the resulting global warming and the rising greenhouse gases levels,the greenhouse effects are foreseen to have major consequences, this is in accordance to the near global–agreement byscientists. If unchecked the global warming will cause, climatic changes, increase in ocean acidification, severe societal and natural impacts, and extreme weather events and this is according to EPA, NASA and other governmental and scientific bodies (National Geographic 1). Research on the actual causes of global warming has been going on for decades. Scientists have analyzed the natural events and cycles that are known to influence climatic changes but not even the measured patterns and amount can be explained by these factors alone, therefore making it necessary for the GHGs (levels of greenhouse gases)
Friday, October 18, 2019
Dams and Reservoirs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dams and Reservoirs - Essay Example The final choice of the dam will be made after the consideration of these factors. In the study, the factors that affect the selection of the type of dam and the dam type to be constructed on different foundations will be discussed accordingly. Topography includes the surface configuration of the dam site, the area of the reservoir, the accessibility of construction materials and the source. The topography of an area determines the type of dam to be constructed. Geotechnical and geological structure of the dam site refers to the condition of the foundation which depends upon the thickness and geological strata that will carry the weight of the dam, their permeability and inclination and the relation to the underlying strata and faults. The foundation will be responsible for the choice to a certain extent, although it can be modified, taking the height of the dam into consideration. Availability of construction materials is the reduction of transportation expense for construction materials, especially those in large quantities will have an effect in the reduction of the total cost of the project. Therefore, the most economical type of dam is the one for which the construction materials exists within a distance from the site . ... In the choice of a dam, the size of spillway and the natural restrictions in its location are the controlling factor in the selection of a dam. is the most important factor in the selection of the type of dam to be constructed. But further estimates and alternatives are given considerations to fulfil this factor. Environment and public pinion plays a major influence on the type of dam for construction. For maximum protection, the principal influence of the environmental laws and regulations on the selection of the type of dam is in need for the environment that can affect the dimensions, location, the location of spillway and additional facilities. The possibility of flood inundation during construction, is the possibility of flood overflow during construction would favour a concrete dam. In the economical condition of a country, the amount of production of cement, pozzolan and steel, which are parallel to the industrial development of a country, is a factor in the selection of the t ype of dam to be constructed. Climate and time available for construction means that the design of dams are usually affected by climate, because of the importance of the weather during the construction of the dam. Non availability of side personnel with particular skills, refers to the lack of skilled contractors in the site. In seismicity, earthquake induced damages in dams are very few. Due to the fact that people tend to live in the floodplain downstream of dams, it would be very essential to increase precaution to the selection of the type of dam to be built. Height of the Dam is a very important factor in the selection of dams. Earthfill with toe drains was used for large dam in the past, but it should have been used to low dams in low
Agress a Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Agress a - Essay Example Furthermore, the advancements ensures maximum safety for patient and hospital records. Remarkably, the minimal errors occur mostly due to human mistakes, but very low. The speed and accuracy of the machines helps to save lives through reduced response time. Besides, patients and medics easily access significant information for treatment and disease control. Hence, the technology heightens clinical test and produces quality and superb results (Finkelman 2012). Consequently, clinical technology instills eminent public confidence in health provision services. I share similar sentiments that the technological advancements are useful and valuable in health care division. I feel that the improvements serve to address doctor patient ratio challenges in modern society. It is imperative to acknowledge the increased number of patients served, quality of services in hospitals and the clear reference of patients’ medical records. The modern medical service characterized by computerized medical systems presents major opportunities for both patients and physicians. Nevertheless, the system still requires adjustments to minimize threats caused by leaks of confidential information about the patients (Smith 2000). Possible causes arise incompetent staff and cyber
Two topics for two different papers, Broken Windows & Prison Essay
Two topics for two different papers, Broken Windows & Prison - Essay Example But however factual reports and research show that the broken window theory could definitely have an impact in crime reduction and it can be taken as a foundation for other crime reduction strategies. The other article by Wilson and Kelling brings to light the role of foot patrolling officers in helping public regain confidence on law and order. A disorderly place, not necessarily a place where crime occurs per se, becomes an area of fear especially for people living in and around the place. Foot patrolling officers in the earlier days helped remove this fear among the public through order-maintenance. However, in the following years police have been burdened with the additional role of law-enforcement, as a result of which they are forced to abide by certain rules. This has not helped them in achieving their primary duty of order maintenance. According to the authors, one effective alternative to this developing situation could be citizen patrolling. Good examples of which include c ommunity watchmen and setting up of vigilante groups. Despite the efforts by the general public, the patrolling effect of a policeman can be hard to achieve. Thus the article stresses that men in duty should be encouraged to do their extra bit in order to achieve communal harmony. The article ‘The Prison- Industrial Complex’ by Eric Schlosser throws light about the prison system in the United States. The US now has the distinction of holding more citizens in prison than any other country in the world. And a majority of the prison inmates is constituted by non-violent offenders. This has lead to the prison being viewed as an industrial complex, with more prisons being built to house more people. These prisons home a wide variety of criminals, law offenders, even those who are mentally ill, and with respect to their race about half the inmates in the US prisons are African-Americans, and the number of women inmates have
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Quality, Productivity and Process Improvement for the California DMV Essay
Quality, Productivity and Process Improvement for the California DMV - Essay Example However, they want to provide efficient services to their customers. For this reason, the director of the company along with the steering committee took steps to plan a business re-engineering project. They monitor each aspect of the business functions of the agency thoroughly. This is done to find those weak points which required to be changed. In this situation when the agency’s motive is to increase their quality of service and performance, re-engineering of the business process is done. Re-engineering involves uprooting the weak points in the system totally, planning out a new framework for a solution and finally implementing the designed solution. The business policies supporting these systems also need to be changed along with the new framework. This will not only bring productivity but enhance the performance level of the company as a whole. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Analysis 5 Discussion 7 Application 8 Conclusion 9 References 11 Introduction The Cali fornia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is a state government owned agency which registers the vehicles and boats in the state of California. They issue driver's licenses in the state to the vehicle owners. The agency also regulates the car dealers, commercial vehicles, the private driving schools and the traffic schools. The Department of Motor Vehicles works in coordination with the Superior Courts of California. It is responsible for carefully monitoring the wrong practices, if any, and regulates the licensing activities. Its headquarters is in Sacramento. There are about 9,000 employees working in the agency in different places. Nowadays, DMV has converted its licensing and registration activities into online services through an automated system called Automated Management Information System (AMIS) (Carroll, 1991, p. 210-211). In this study we are going to analyze the problem areas of DMV, the hurdles that it faces due to the old framework of the agency, and the degrading qual ity of services provided by the employees. After exploring these issues and finding out the causes behind their occurrence, the probable solutions can be suggested. The agency deals with a large number of vehicle owners around the country. Moreover, the task of regulating and monitoring can be really vital when the agency is state owned and is controlled by the Superior Courts of the state. But it is generally seen that state owned agencies are usually run on the age old policies and regulations. They do not introduce any new framework or structure or strategy into the system to encourage growth. This leads to regarding quality services. The employees become corrupt and involved in taking bribes. Analysis DMV in California is a state owned agency regulating and monitoring the vehicles and boats and their owners in California. The agency is run by the government under the supervision of the Superior Courts. So it can be understood that the framework of rules and regulations is old, t he structure of the organization and the functions and strategies need to be changed or amended. Major changes were required in the service delivery departments of driving license, personal and commercial vehicles. DMV mainly wanted to improve the quality of services they were offering to their customers. The performance of the employees as well as the IT department was poor due to their outdated technology and networking. So it is important to first see what quality means and how they can improve
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Immigration Analysis To Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Immigration Analysis To Society - Essay Example In the early seventeenth century, the first immigrants consisting of English, French, Spanish, and Dutch people arrived here. Later on, thousands of people coming from all over the world immigrated to America and formed the country of the United States of America, known later as the U.S.A. In the year 1776, â€Å"fifty-six men signed their names to the Declaration of Independence establishing the United States as one of the separate national entities in the world†(Chatterjee, pp. 23-25). America truly is a country of immigration, among different ages, genders, colors, and nations, unnumbered people who hold dreams contribute to this country. Therefore, America is a place of opportunity, prosperity, and happiness. In particular, it is an opinion of this paper that immigration is a beneficial notion that results in advantages for the American society and thus, the discussion will be an attempt to justify such thesis of the researcher. Negative Impact of Immigration It is an obs ervation that increased rate of illegal activities by the immigrants has resulted in a negative impact of immigration on minds of the local citizens, and thus, there has been a negative perspective about all the immigrants in the USA. In particular, illegal immigration is the foremost factor that has caused negative impact in the minds of local citizens. Studies have indicated that a major part of the illegal immigrants living in the United States is originally from Mexico, and approximately, 13.2 million illegal immigrants are Mexican-Americans. This number is almost one-fifth of the total population of all immigrants, many people are either uneducated or less educated, and they do not have any skills, abilities, or qualification to get jobs. About such immigrants, writer of ‘Illegal Immigration’, Karen Kenney, states, â€Å"these people either do not have enough money or are not aware of the US legal process, both of which are necessary to get legal immigration to th e United States†(pp. 12). This indicates the reason of huge number of immigrants entering into the United States illegally. One of the second most common factors of such a negative impact is drug trafficking that has been causing illegal immigration of thousands of people for the sake of their business and profits. The link between illegal immigration and drug trafficking has become almost indisputable that have created crime-related issues for the law enforcement officials (Bailey, pp. 97). As many of the illegal immigrants do not either have financial support from their employment or from the government, drug trafficking is a short way to make money. However, experts have indicated that drug trafficking does not only harm the immigrants indirectly but also results in harmful impact on roots of the society. According to an online writer, Pauline Go, she asserts, â€Å"drug use and its consequences threaten and affect the nation and its people from every socio-economic backg round, geographic region, and people with any level of education†(Go, 2008). Constructive Aspect of Immigration Apart from increase in the rate of illegal immigration and drug trafficking, immigration allows a country to benefit significantly from it, and thus, people should not acquire a negative perspective about every immigrant. In particular, reports have indicated that only a small percentage of immigrants consist of individuals that are involved in illegal activities. In the
Quality, Productivity and Process Improvement for the California DMV Essay
Quality, Productivity and Process Improvement for the California DMV - Essay Example However, they want to provide efficient services to their customers. For this reason, the director of the company along with the steering committee took steps to plan a business re-engineering project. They monitor each aspect of the business functions of the agency thoroughly. This is done to find those weak points which required to be changed. In this situation when the agency’s motive is to increase their quality of service and performance, re-engineering of the business process is done. Re-engineering involves uprooting the weak points in the system totally, planning out a new framework for a solution and finally implementing the designed solution. The business policies supporting these systems also need to be changed along with the new framework. This will not only bring productivity but enhance the performance level of the company as a whole. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Analysis 5 Discussion 7 Application 8 Conclusion 9 References 11 Introduction The Cali fornia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is a state government owned agency which registers the vehicles and boats in the state of California. They issue driver's licenses in the state to the vehicle owners. The agency also regulates the car dealers, commercial vehicles, the private driving schools and the traffic schools. The Department of Motor Vehicles works in coordination with the Superior Courts of California. It is responsible for carefully monitoring the wrong practices, if any, and regulates the licensing activities. Its headquarters is in Sacramento. There are about 9,000 employees working in the agency in different places. Nowadays, DMV has converted its licensing and registration activities into online services through an automated system called Automated Management Information System (AMIS) (Carroll, 1991, p. 210-211). In this study we are going to analyze the problem areas of DMV, the hurdles that it faces due to the old framework of the agency, and the degrading qual ity of services provided by the employees. After exploring these issues and finding out the causes behind their occurrence, the probable solutions can be suggested. The agency deals with a large number of vehicle owners around the country. Moreover, the task of regulating and monitoring can be really vital when the agency is state owned and is controlled by the Superior Courts of the state. But it is generally seen that state owned agencies are usually run on the age old policies and regulations. They do not introduce any new framework or structure or strategy into the system to encourage growth. This leads to regarding quality services. The employees become corrupt and involved in taking bribes. Analysis DMV in California is a state owned agency regulating and monitoring the vehicles and boats and their owners in California. The agency is run by the government under the supervision of the Superior Courts. So it can be understood that the framework of rules and regulations is old, t he structure of the organization and the functions and strategies need to be changed or amended. Major changes were required in the service delivery departments of driving license, personal and commercial vehicles. DMV mainly wanted to improve the quality of services they were offering to their customers. The performance of the employees as well as the IT department was poor due to their outdated technology and networking. So it is important to first see what quality means and how they can improve
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Gender Related Issues Essay Example for Free
Gender Related Issues Essay Complete a search for journal articles (professional) that include gender related cognitive issues. Report back to the group through the discussion forum on an understanding of the gender related cognitive abilities. Look for flaws and strengths in specific examples and applications. Thinking is a normal process in everybody’s life. The activities of the neurons giving signals to the brains are helpful in giving the body commands to act on a certain activity or to feel and even to think. Men and women think in every part of their lives, except when they are under comatose by which patients remain unconscious for over a certain time. Studies often say that men and women think very differently. Many various tests in college and even in high schools show that men are far more different in abilities in math than of women; this is also the same reason why men are more selected on job opportunities, especially to those in depth analysis. Women are often regarded as underdogs in the fields where numbers exist. An article from â€Å"Think Again†says that the old belief of the big thinking difference among men and women is a bluff. It suggests a cultural shaping wherein minds of the people are programmed to expect less from women in terms of thinking. Evidences from the article say that the shaping mentioned above is a controlling factor to the performance of many. With the psychological mind – set that men are better than women, women tend to perform and feel insecure about them and in turn would result to grades that are really degrading. The article focuses on the factors that are apparent in the 18th to the 21st centuries by which the â€Å"shaping†is already present. It could have presented or showed us factors from the time before Christ or in the Middle Ages to greatly describe the so-called cultural reasons. It could have given a proof why girls are often regarded for household chores and not with jobs that they can participate with boys. On the other hand, the article may be a helpful guide to parents and teachers to mold the children without inculcating the notion of men being superior in analyzing and solving things. The statements that tell about performances after giving the biases may be true for people around the world and should be avoided to have optimum performance in different work places. 2. Complete a search for journal articles (professional) that include gender related communication issues. . Report back to the group through the discussion forum on an understanding of gender related communication. Look for flaws and strengths in specific examples and applications. Emotions are part of a well-being. It is also a measure if a person is healthy or not. Girls tend to have more emotions than boys, or have it something to do with the misinterpretation of the crowd? As girls or women are termed to be good in emotions, they are also termed as good communicators than men. Girls are very vocal with their ideas and feelings. An article of Cynthia Burggraf Torppa says that the idea of women having an edge with communicating with other people is a misnomer. It said that men and women just don’t understand each other with the lines that they say. Also, there are terms given such as â€Å"rapport talkers†which women are experts on. Women communicate with other people that trigger emotions and feelings while men are termed â€Å"report talkers†that focus on facts and details about a certain topic. Indeed, there are differences about men and women as also stated in Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. The article mentioned can help readers understand more others. That is to say, men and women should practice listening between the lines so that misunderstandings will be avoided. Since women are really emotional, they must be sensitive also with what their men are feeling. The differences matter mostly on marriages, so I recommend that the article could have started and stated on something that happens in childhood and teenage life so that readers will also be guided when and where to hit their punch lines. Men and women must be treated equally as they are all created with the same will and love of the Lord Almighty. References Cynthia Burggraf Torppa. Gender Issues: Communication Differences in Interpersonal Relationships. 2002. Retrieved 11 April 2008 from http://ohioline. osu. edu/flm02/FS04. html. American Psychological Association. Psychology Matters. Think Again: Men and Women Share Cognitive Skills. 2006. Retrieved 11 April 2008 from http://www. psychologymatters. org/thinkagain. html
Monday, October 14, 2019
Adventure Travel In India Market Study Tourism Essay
Adventure Travel In India Market Study Tourism Essay Adventure sports have seen a tremendous growth is the last six to seven years and the future looks very bright. The government is also doing its bit in order to promote adventure tourism in India. The Indian tourism industry has a lot of myriad players who want to latch on the opportunities that beckon in this field of the industry. But the industry and its players continue to be a house of disorder. This paper looks into the clear and present opportunity that lies ahead of the Indian Tourism Industry in the form of Adventure Travel, and analysis the various aspects that need to be kept in mind as the investors go out in search for the suitable customers to cash in on this multimillion dollar cheque. INTRODUCTION A man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore, were the words of the famous French noble laureate Andre Gide and the increasing demand for the adventure sports indicates that people have entered the 21st century with renewed courage to find enjoyment in the thrills of the adventure filled outdoor activities. Thus, it can be seen like leisure tourism, adventure sports is becoming an integral determinant behind the tourism dynamics. As a subject for academic analysis, tourism can be said has reached a stage of relative maturity. A casual review of journals serving the subject area reveals a number that have been in existence for over 25 years (e.g., Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research), with the Journal of Travel Research publishing its 45th annual volume in 2007. Similarly, the range of journals reveals the diversity of issues considered (e.g., Tourism Geographies, Tourism Economics, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing). With the evident relative lack of research in the area of Adventure Sports Tourism, it would be sensible to turn to research in the area of promoting the various disciplines of adventure sports by integrating it with operations of tourism management. This research will look into the increasing demand for the adventure sports, breaking with the cultural and geographical conformism of conventional holidays and trips, and will analyse the potential for it to tap effectively. OBJECTIVE Research in the field of sports tourism has burgeoned over the last decade. In a study conducted by a renowned publication, unsurprisingly, the most studied activity was major event sports tourism like Olympics, World Cups, etc.(40% of articles), with outdoor and adventure sports tourism (29%) and skiing and winter sports (15%) being the other two significant areas.1 This being a clear indication of the increasing demand for the adventure sports, the objective of this paper will be to study the feasibility of marketing, conducting and benefitting from such events specifically in India. This market study will broadly consist of two parts which will help the readers decide the readiness and the viability of the adventure sports market. Part-1 discusses the concepts and approaches that might inform an analysis of adventure sports in Indian market. And part-2 will conduct a critical evaluation and the determining factors of investing in this area of business. If youre not living on the edge, youre taking up too much space.Overall, the reader should after considering a personal perspective should be able to determine the likely success of new product or service ideas. PART 1 THE SERVICE Landscape and topography of India lends itself to variety of Adventure Sports activities. Not many people would agree, due to its unexplored avenues, that India is a place where one can indulge in numerous adventure activities, if not all. Definition of adventure is different for different person and best thing about adventure tourism in India is that it provides adventure sports ranging from soft adventure to active and extreme adventure. Soft adventures are ideal for family and kids and require very little or no skill and experience. Extreme adventure in India can be physically and mentally demanding and require good experience. The service which is being discussed here has two aspects to it one being the tourism in India and the other being the adventure sports. These two complement each other in the way that for a customer the need for one of the above may often lead to the demand for the other. For e.g. for someone visiting Manali, in the Northern part of India for a Holiday, a chance visit to the snow capped Rohtang Pass may encourage the trying of skiing which is promoted in the area. Thus it makes sense to look into both of these aspects individually to get a holistic view of the service being provided i.e. Adventure Travel. TOURISM Tourism for long has promised to be a sunrise industry for India. India is blessed with a vast range of practically everything that a successful tourism offer needs from mountains to rivers to history to religion and culture. The economic and political case for investments is also politically attractive. Tourism promises an inflow of hard currency and at the same time also promotes goodwill. It creates demand for a variety of industries like transports, hotels, handicrafts, entertainment and so on. With improved tourism in India the overall quality of life is sure to improve over a period of time. And yet India seems to be remarkably lethargic in making money out of tourism. The situation is rather pitiable and the following statistics emphasise that fact: Indias share of global tourism market 0.67% Number of tourists visiting India 2.6 million against Chinas 37 million. In terms of tourism revenues as share of GDP Indias Rank is 124th The spirit, cohesiveness, and vision that have spurred India to the top of the heap in diverse industries is lacking in this sector. The absence of integrated vision is compounded by a lack of initiative and tardiness in implementing policies. In a study conducted on Indian Tourism, it has been stated that, while there exists an ability to invest there also exists an equal degree of unwillingness to break away from the beaten path and take risks. The country is sitting on a virtual goldmine with a wealth of sights cultural exuberance, diversity of terrain and that special something that only India can deliver. Tourism has the potential to do something bigger than what IT has done for India. Priority should be given for development of tourist infrastructure in selected areas of tourist importance and for those products which are considered to be in demand in the existing and future markets so that limited resources are put to the best use ADVENTURE SPORTS IIndia, one of the most enchanting, incomparable and invigorating travel destinations all over the world, is a true treasure trove for the adventure enthusiasts. India has all the perfect ingredients that enchant its tourists with real fun and excitement. WATER The Himalayas offer you some of the toughest and most exciting river runs in the world. River sports in the rapids are the most popular, throughout the summers and can really get your adrenaline pumping. White Water Rafting, Kayaking, Snorkelling or Scuba Diving if there is a concept of water sport in Adventure you can find it in this country. TREKKING Source : World Tourism Organisation WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO?You can trek for one day or one month; backpack all your gear and wonder off in the wild or stroll comfortably with just a shoulder bag, water and camera whilst animals transport your camping gear, heavy baggage and logistic loads. You may set a challenging pace and go over difficult grades and high passes or just amble along, enjoying the wild nature, magnificent scenery, uncomplicated lives of people staying close to nature, stopping when you please, chatting with your companions, forging new relationships and hoarding a fund of fascinating memories to cherish. More extreme ways of trekking are Rock Climbing and Mountaineering. Rock Climbing as a sport it took off only about 15 years ago. Rock climbing uses a minimum of aids and the challenge is to find the toughest route and scale in the least possible time. The availability of good climbing rocks not too far from the city gets greater access and participation from professionals as well as from the amateurs alike. Mountaineering takes place at biggest adventure playground in the world -the Himalayas. Mountaineering is a serious activity undertaken with the primary goal of reaching a mountains summit. It requires a high degree of fitness and experience. Due to its high equipment costs and complexity, it is mostly taken up by foreign tourist coming to India. Himalaya promises every climber their share of adventure, which lures them to the mountains. AERO Experience Just like on the land, there are various adventure opportunities in the air too. Man has for times immemorial, longed to glide and soar like a bird in the sky. Parasailing and Paragliding are indeed, experiences which combine the wonder of smooth sailing in the air and the thrill of soaring high. Once in the air, you experience the ethereal serenity of the sport. It is an experience that is, surprisingly, thrilling as well as becalming. Other Activities Other extreme sports include the likes of skiing which is seasonal in nature and can be only carried out during the winters. Another very popular activity is bungee jumping which can be carried out even in the urban areas with the help of the required infrastructure. The potential MARKET AREAS Popular Destinations HIMACHAL PRADESH Himachal Pradesh is a complex mosaic of hills, lush green valleys and snow-covered peaks. The name itself originates from the ancient Sanskrit hima (snow) and achal (that which cannot be moved). This land of fascination and mystery with its age-old culture kindles deep interest and commands respect. It is replete with dense forests, fast-flowing rivers, terraced fields, snow-covered mountains, small fairyland villages and friendly folk all adding to its charm! Himachal Pradesh is also a treasure trove of ancient arts and crafts and rich traditions. PROs Established tourism Infrastructure like Hotels etc. Abundance of natural resources for conducting activities. Excellent govt. Support in setting up of new ventures. Trained Human resources available. CONs Market filled with unstructured profit making activities. Overcrowding of popular tourist centres. Local resistance present will affect the business. Many areas inaccessible. GOA Goa is a paradise for water sports lovers and has always appealed beach enthusiast and water sports lovers. The long coastal stretches offer loads of opportunities to indulge in all sorts of water-sport activities and also to try on some new watery excitement. Surf the seas or float across the skies, the options of sport enjoyment is never ending in Goa. One can never get tired of scuba diving into the wreckage of the colonial ships. The para-gliding, para-sailing, acquatics sports, water-skiing and wind surfing will be completely thrilling. Source: Ministry of Tourism, GOI PROs 105km of coastline provides ample opportunity for implementing innovative ideas. As shown above, Goa has the largest turnover of tourists in India. Easy accessibility with good road and rail transport and fully functional Intl Airport. CONs Lack of law and order. Poor transport facilities within Goa. Untrained hospitality staff. High costs due to black marketing. Untapped Destinations North-East Region The rich natural beauty, serenity and exotic flora and fauna of the area are invaluable resources for the development of ecotourism. The region is endowed with diverse tourist attractions and each State has its own distinct features. North East India presents some very outstanding and challenging adventure sports in India for the adventure enthusiasts coming from all over. PROs Untapped Market. Ideal Terrain for adventure sports. Readily available human resource which can be trained according to the needs. Government of India attaches great importance to the development of tourist infrastructure in the North Eastern region in view of its immense tourism potential. CONs Lack of infrastructure. Climatic extremities are hard to overcome in some regions. Social unrest can be disturbing. ANDAMAN NICOBAR Islands This UT does not have any other competitive advantage that comes even remotely close to tourism, because of the beauty and abundance of its natural resources. Theres tremendous scope for adventure sports, scuba diving snorkeling, swimming, sun-bathing, trekking and just soaking in nature at its most beautiful. However, till now, in the absence of a specifically stated tourism policy and a strategic implementation plan, and any gains accruing are more through serendipity rather than conscious effort. PROs Popular amongst both local and international tourists. Tourism is the main stay of the region, thus all the development is centred towards the infrastructure for tourists activities. Easy availability of human resources. CONs Not an accessible region as travelling from mainland takes lots of time and money. Dearth of basic infrastructure in areas except for the capital Port Blair. Thus the analysis of the various regions indicates that Indian Tourism has loads of untapped potential. Evident lack of policy or vision from the government has resulted in its inability to scale up infrastructure. If that is taken care of there can a surge in the number of tourist indulging in adventure travel. TARGET CUSTOMERS Over the last ten years, India has witnessed substantial changes in its leisure and travel choices and demands. This can be attributed to the rapidly growing economy, supported by globalisation and privatisation, which has lead to increased spending power and greater leisure time. Now, instead of spending a holiday being herded around in a tour bus, the sophisticated Indian traveller wants experience-oriented vacations. This has made adventure tourism a particularly exciting field to be in. According to Pranav Kukreti, Director, Marketing, of Treks n Rapids, The psychology of the modern Indian traveller has changed completely. Gone are the days when they were happy with simply staying in a resort in Shimla or Nainital. Now, they want excitement and adventure, The tourism industry fetches two million adventure tourists and is growing at over 35 per cent annually. It is estimated that India has the potential to attract another half a million foreign adventure tourists. The domestic market is also set to see a ten-fold growth in the next five years. This rise can be majorly attributed to the changing consumer behaviour of the urban population. It will be appropriate to divide the study of the customers into Domestic and International. Domestic The key socio-economic trends which have contributed to the increase in demand of the adventure sports can be listed as follows: Middle Class The size of the middle class families have stated shrinking with growing industrialization, while their pockets have grown bigger and bigger. With the adoption of concept of nuclear families the size of the families has gone down from 8-4 and 4-2. The leisure time that the members of the family get to spend together is preferably spent on quality holidays. Thus, adventure travel offers an excellent opportunity for the people to make their kids have fun while they rejuvenate themselves from the maddening office schedules. Urban Youth Youths have always had a strong urge to be non-conformist, and this behaviour is evident in their spending decisions too. Now with this urge being supported by ample spending power, Indian youth is raring to enjoy the thrills of adventure sports. Jawaharlal Nehru had talked about Indias Tryst with Destiny at the stroke of midnight hour, Indias latest tryst with destiny, BPO, is equally connected to the midnight hour. This tryst is also about independence: the independence of the Indian youth. To the delight of the marketers, the youth market theyve been chasing all these years finally has a credit card with no supervised spending limit. Corporate Promoted Activities Another windfall for the industry has been created by the corporate sector with almost 70 per cent of the demand for adventure tours originating from here. Tour operators have special two to three day packages for corporate teams. The idea here is to link sports with skills like time and stress management or working under pressure. The exercise is meant to rejuvenate as well as re-skill. Data of Foreign Travellers Source: MoT, GOI, Annual Report Adventurous Kids The kids at present have more self-sufficiency and influencing power in the family. They are well networked (read social networking), well informed and social. The ability of the kids to nag their affluent in making them purchase stuff for them is known as pester power. This pester power is also enabling them to undertake various school trips and adventure camps where they enjoy with their individual social groups. INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS India is emerging very strongly as a brand. With the inquisitiveness about India rising all over the world, more and more foreign tourists are coming to India to experience its vibrant cultures. But while they visit the popular destination it can be a good value addition for their trip if they can be offered an experience of river rafting in the rapids of the Ganges or a paragliding experience may accompany their sun tanning on beaches of the Goa. The foreign tourists have high spending power and if the infrastructure and quality adventure sports facilities are available to their discretion, the promoters can be rest assured of a significant contribution to their balance sheets in dollars. The global meltdown combined with the Mumbai attacks have spelt disaster for the tourism industry with foreign tourist arrivals dropping by 2.1% and foreign exchange earnings down by 12.5%. Reeling from these statistics, the tourism ministry is considering several sops for the hospitality and travel industry. Amongst these include offering free air travel and accommodation to foreign tourists who visit India for the third time. This move, if approved, will mean encouraging genuine Indophiles and is in line with our effort to encourage repeat travellers, an official from the Ministry of Tourism said while addressing the media. Indicating the Significant growth of the middle class Increasing Spending Power of the Domestic Market PART 2 Now that we have looked into the various characteristics of the adventure travel in India, it will be propitious to look into the various profitability and marketability aspects related to the business of Adventure Travel. Considering Adventure Travel to be a brand, the marketing mix (given in terms of 4Ps by Philip Kotler) of brand Adventure Travel can be: Product Adventure travel should position itself as one of the competitive alternatives when it comes to attracting tourists. Marketing adventure travel needs special focus on influencing the psychology of the perspective customers by influencing them with its core competencies of thrill and adrenaline rush. A synergic attitude between the government agencies and the private parties can take the quality of adventure sports to a world class level and promote a surge of tourists to experience its excitement. Collaborating with Major media houses to promote Adventure Travel in IndiaPrice Hotel prices in the U.S start at around $300 ( whereas the average rate for a deluxe room in India is around $100 only. Thus if the facilities for adventure sports are produced at a large scale in India its prices will surely be low, due to the low labour cost and manufacturing costs. Within the sector the competitive pricing of the adventure travel will depend on the collaboration between the service providers and the service facilitator. i.e. the parties which are able to provide a complete package to its customers including, travel, accommodation and the adventure activities will be more in demand as their operations cost will be significantly low and at the same time level of convenience very high. Place Though we have so far talked about the tourist destinations as being the ideal places for providing this service, it may not be a bad decision to have such activities in the areas in the vicinity of the cities. By providing such services at a relatively approachable distances the rate of new customers coming to experience the new and the talked about activities will be more. And it may also be easier for the working executives to take out some time from their schedule, like an excursion on the weekends. This though will be a completely strategic decision keeping in mind the competitors and the various alternatives in hand. While this strategy may not work in a city like Delhi which has various hill-stations in the vicinity but may work quite well in city like Ahmedabad where the people have a significant spending power and not many similar options either. Promotion If adventure travel in India has to be established as a global brand, first the communication needs to go out to the primary audience, i.e. the one billion people of this country. If the government, the media and the trade bodies are able to influence a part of the population, they can spread the word, which in this age of networking will surely spread like fire. Collaborative marketing efforts involving the traders, the media houses, government and a good network of brand ambassadors can provide a structured and a long term approach to brand development of Adventure Travel in India. For e.g. collaborating with the GOIs Incredible India! Campaign and engaging the famous Hindi movies star Akshay Kumar (who is well known for his action and stunts) will go a long way in establishing a brand image in the minds of the Indian customers. CASE STUDY Water Sport Adventure Tourism at Indira Sagar Madhya Pradesh has a wide range of adventure sports such as wildlife sanctuaries, mountains, rivers that make MP an exotic place to visit, which is attracting the domestic as well as the international tourists. Apart from these natural regions the Government of MP is intending to promote other regions such as Indira Sagar water reservoir for tourism. The GoMP has proposed to come-up with the Adventure Tourism Zone at Indira Sagar in Khandwa district. This Zone would have two phases wherein one phase would be developed near the mentioned reservoir and the second phase would be developed on the island formed near the dam. The Zone would have various water sports, trekking, mountaineering facilities along with the traditional accommodation facilities. The project is expected to attract tourists primarily from the State and other parts of the Country. The proposed location is well connected with the major cities of the State through road and rail. Private Players have been invited to undertake the proposed project wherein the Private Player would build, own, maintain and operate the project. PROJECT RATIONALE The prime reason for increase in demand for adventure sports is the growth youth tourism which has been identified as one of the largest segments of global and domestic tourism. The growing number of young travellers is being fuelled by a number of factors such as increased participation in higher education, falling level of youth unemployment, increased travel budget through parental contribution, quest for exciting and unique experiences and cheaper long distance travel. These young travellers form a major contribute to adventure tourism revenue. GOVERNMENT SUPPORT The State Government would assist the private investor in identifying, immediate approval and clearance of the suitable land for the project. Further, the Government would also make basic infrastructure available at the site such as water, electricity, road etc. The State Government has identified adventure/ eco tourism as key segment of tourism and gives some incentives specific to the industry. This case study gives the clear indication that this is an upcoming area of business and has huge potential and the best way forward is collaborating the effort towards successful brand building. MARKET METRICS Threats Entry of multinational agencies to dominate the business. Lack of Govt. Support Low operational cost for the unorganised sector Generic competition with other tourists attractions. Opportunities High growth rate of leisure travel Rising influence of Indian Middle class Holidaying becoming a status symbol. Corporate support to adventure tours and travels More consumption power. WEAKNESS High infrastructural cost. Low level of marketing Psychological resistance to adventure sports in Indian mentality. Lack of collaboration and networking among the existing players. STRENGTH Offering something new and exciting to the huge Indian Population. Success abroad can be emulated domestically by collaboration. Increasing interest of foreign tourists in India. High growth potential The market metrics can be analysed by doing a SWOT analysis of the adventure travel in India. MARKET GROWTH Note: The per capita income of the Indian citizen rose by 12.7 % during the fiscal year 2008-09.(Reserve Bank of India). The foreign tourists arrival in India registered a growth of 5.6% during the year 2008.(Ministry of Tourism, Annual Report 2008-09) Both of the above mentioned statistics indicate an increase in the demand for the adventure travel services. While the domestic travellers will continue to send their ever increasing earnings, the foreign tourists will continue to venture out to the lesser explored countries like India. Thus, it is now in the hands of the industry players to tap the clear and present opportunity and act proactively with or without the collaboration of the government authorities to gain head on advantage in the upcoming field of business in the tourism industry. Conclusion High Price High Quality Low Price Low Quality As their countrys growth and recent success might suggest, Indian consumers are among the most optimistic. A June 2008 Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index among 48 countries found India to be the second most optimistic country behind Norway with an index of 122 (global average was 88). They are also greatly value-driven, with an expectation that values should be customized and adapted to Indian culture-not an easy task when dialects change every 100 kilometres and almost three-quarters of the population lives in hard-to-reach rural areas. Not surprisingly, the companies most likely to succeed with Indian consumers are those with the highest levels of patience, resilience and local understanding. But this confidence surprisingly not enjoyed by the Adventure Travel service currently available in the tourism market as it is being offered to the customers at a quality which is nowhere close to world class and is relative expensive option for the Indian consumer. The industry needs to collaborate amongst itself and with the support of the government try providing highly satisfactory Adventure travel to its customers at an affordable price. Only then will it be able to market its product convincingly and effectively to the customers, ensuring a growth oriented sustainable future.
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