Saturday, August 31, 2019
Truth-in-Sentencing Laws Do Not Deter Crime
Truth-in-Sentencing Laws Do Not Deter Crimes Nain Lizette Ritchey CJA/204 November 12, 2012 University of Phoenix Truth-in-Sentencing Laws Do Not Deter Crimes In the process of knowing whether or not sentencing laws deter crime, that fact in the United States (U. S. ), in the last 20 years, shows that longer sentences do not deter crime. After years of increased sentences and drain on the state’s treasury, we need to acknowledge this fact. In New York and many other states, the â€Å"tough†policies have produced a combination of large-scale prison overcrowding without meaningful reductions in our crime rate.The U. S. now has the highest rate of incarceration of any technologically advanced country in the world except the Soviet Union and South Africa, and except for the extremely poor countries such as the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa, we also have the highest violent-crime rate. This does not prove that high rates of incarceration cause high crime rates, but it surely indicates that high rates of incarceration do not cause low crime rates.We need to acknowledge that the kind of treatment criminals receive from the state can affect their subsequent conduct. Some rehabilitation programs do work. Some individuals clearly need to be removed from society. Alternatives to incarceration are less expensive and they provide critical opportunities for those who can be reformed. Corrections systems in some of the most conservative states in the country have begun to move away from policies based on the promise that â€Å"tougher†sentences reduce crime.Though many are moving away from this belief, that fact still remains to show that the overcrowding of the jails and prisons is becoming an issue worldwide. The crimes are not being reduced nor are they becoming of lesser status. The age range is becoming younger, within the age of 18-25. A lot of these criminals are returning and are labeled as returned offenders without consequences. The stat e of North Carolina is one of the few states that are using the three strikes rule, meaning that no matter what the offenses are, the criminal will receive a life sentence.Has this deterred those in this state to reduce crime? Or do we all need to use this system to help them be deterred? Whatever the issue at hand may be, we all need to come to a common ground as to what will help reduce our crime rates and reduce the overcrowding of prisons and jails. This is a very costly matter and the funds can be used for programs to help those that want to be helped. Reference www. NYTimes. com. (September 2010). Longer Sentences Do Not Deter Crime. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com
Friday, August 30, 2019
Condition Precedent
Condition precedent exists when a situation or circumstance has to be achieved, or action needs to be taken in order for one of the other party’s side of the contract to be considered valid. An example of this situation may be Joe offering to sell his car to Jim, as long as Jim can provide say, proof of insurance and a driver’s license. Assuming Jim has a driver’s license and has/can obtain auto insurance, the two parties can move forward. Joe will have agreed to sell the car to Jim. On the other hand, should Jim be incapable or unwilling to provide a license and insurance, Joe is not obligated to sell the car to Jim. In the case mentioned in the text, health insurance is often provided depending on a potential client’s current physical condition. In other words, insurance protect themselves from covering individuals who may be what they consider to be a liability. This example is a clear cut demonstration of how the insurance company protects its own assets by â€Å"conditions precedent†(Clarkson, Miller & Cross, 2011). Conditions subsequent strikes me as a bit more abstract of a concept than condition precedent, by virtue of its inherently negative nature. Put another way, one party’s obligation may be terminated based on the failure of the second party to maintain it’s side of the contract. As it applies to employment, and as was mentioned within the text, an employer may agree to enter into a contract with an employee so long as the employee maintains his or her license to practice (i. e. perform a task to the company’s benefit). In a situation where the employee fails to maintain his/her end of the agreement (loses license, fails to maintain condition, etc. the company is no longer under contract to continue employing that individual (Clarkson, Miller & Cross, 2011). The benefit lies largely with the company-protecting its own assets, as it would not be beneficial to have a lawyer on staff incapable of maintaining a license to practice law. On the other hand, the employee may be able to see a definite benefit as well. He or she knows that the position is hers as long as she meets and maintains her side of the co ntract. Lastly, concurrent conditions, strike me as being the most common conditions we’re likely to come across. They occur in many everyday transactions with businesses by their very nature; which is that duties or actions be met simultaneously between both parties in order for a contract to be valid. In most business transactions, at retail or otherwise, occur when the consumer offers to provide money in exchange for a good or service. The service provider may perform the task and send an invoice, or merchant may agree to sell the product with a promise to pay (such as with credit cards, checks, and credit account) later. But in most cases, the item is given to the consumer once payment is received and payment usually immediately follows a service.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Its Cause and Impact in Society Essay
The Boston Massacre can be considered as one of the highlights of the American History. There are many speculations and documentations about the Boston Massacre. This would be further discussed in the paper. The Boston Massacre had happened in March 5, 1770. Based on the account of Mauricio Tellez, a number of soldiers had tried to help their comrade from the violent crowd which were throwing snowballs at the sentry. The squad released fire at the crowd, wounding three persons fatally and killing two people on the spot. Tellez had written that the first person to be killed was Crispus Attucks, an African American. In an account of Boston Massacre in Pamphlets and Propaganda article, the Boston Massacre was started by a barber’s apprentice. The apprentice has complained about the late payment of the captain’s bill. A soldier had bashed his musket on the youth’s head. Because of this, apprentices had rushed around the town center and had spread the attack. From then on the crowd started growing wild. Captain Thomas Preston had arrived with seven of his grenadiers and started dispersing the crowd. According to the article, it was stated that a private had shouted the fire signal that had triggered the others to fire their ammunition to the crowd. The Constitutional Foundation had featured the Boston Massacre in their article. In the article, the mob that had shown during the Massacre was around 300 to 400 people. Crispus Attucks, the first person who died in the battle was reported as the one saying â€Å"Kill them! Kill them! Knock them over! †It further noted, that Captain Preston was the one who instigated the soldiers to stop firing. After the incident, Governor Thomas Hutchinson made an agreement with the British army commander to remove the soldiers. Captain Preston and eight of the british soldiers were subjected for trial. The prosecuting attorney was Samuel Quincy and Patriot Robert Treat Paine. The Defense attorney was John Adams, Robert Auchmuty and Josiah Quincy. Preston’s trial issue was if the Captain has given the order to its subordinates to fire their ammunitions to the crowd. The outcome was not guilty. However, from the soldier’s trial for the innocence of murder, two privates were judged as guilty for firing their musket with malice. These are Private Montgomery and Private Killroy. Private Montgomery admitted to the fact that he was the one who shouted â€Å"Fire†that had triggered the band of soldiers to start firing at the crowd. II. Cause of Boston Massacre According to the Constitutional Rights Foundation article, customs collectors, conducted searches using writs of assistance. In the year 1768, the John Hancock’s ship was searched, wine was seized and charges of smuggling were given. A crowd had attacked and this had caused the British Government to bring 700 British regulars marched towards Boston. British taxes had been shouldered by the citizen. This had further enraged the citizens of Boston to rebel against the British. The Sons of Liberty had been formed which had been led by Sam Adams, the cousin of John Adams, which had been formed to end the military occupation of the British Based on the references gathered, it can be seen that the cause of the outrage from the crowd is the fact that the people in Boston do not like the British Rule. As discussed in a powerpoint presentation by Longhearst, it had been explained that Boston was full of tension. Both of the sides gather insults, the British called the colonists, â€Å"Yankees†which is considered as an insult. On the other hand, the colonies called the British soldiers â€Å"Lobster†because of their red uniforms. The article of Pamphlets and Propaganda had shown that there had been seventeen months of friction between the British troops. From the Mass Moments article, since the Bostonians had been used to self-government, it had been hard for them to recognize the British Rule. Townspeople were forced to provide lodging for Boston Soldiers who had a reputation of being an immoral. Through the insults and frustration of the Bostonians, their anger had accumulated and this had become a hatred that had led to violence. The Boston Massacre is an event that had been caused by the hatred of the Bostonians to the British. III. Impact of Boston Massacre in Society The Boston Massacre had inspired artists such as Paul Revere and and John Pufford. Mauricio Tellez had written in his article that Paul Revere had used his art to prove that the British are a bunch of people who are slayers and oppressors. The drawing is considered as a memento, that the freedom of America came by the price of blood and sweat of Bostonians. It had been further used to further anger the British and give awareness to the colonists about the nature of the oppressors. John Pufford’s work can be described as a proof of the Massacre in King Street. Unlike Paul Revere’s, John Pufford had shown a bias of the British against black men. Based on the documentation, Crispus Attucks was the first person to fall in the attack. It had been speculated upon that the death of Crispus Attucks was caused because he is black. The meaning of the art further boils down to the fact that Crispus Attucks had been the first one to die because he is black. Pamphlets and Propaganda article had shown that the event had also become a money-making profit for published newspapers. The report from Boston which they had given a title of â€Å"A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre†, had sent copies to London and American Colonies. Although the copies were not for sale, when a reprint had arrived from London, the copies were sold as imported papers. London had blamed the Boston crowd for the violence. In the same day of the massacre, the Parliament had revoked all duties and taxes except the Tea Tax. When the Americans have heard about the incident, they had boycotted the British. Topped by the massacre and the revoking of duties and taxes, this had led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773. The Sons of Liberty had commissioned an annual public statement for the victims of the massacre from the year 1771 to 1782. After the event, the Sons of Liberty had made moves in prosecution and the organization had made sure that there is a fair trial against the British. This had shown that the justice system during that time is not biased against the colonists. As stated in the same article, nowadays, American considers the Boston Massacre as a political violence. There are two sides on the incident. Some thought that the soldiers are the victims and others thought of it as the men who were killed for Independence. Boston Massacre had been an event that had caused the American Revolution. IV. Conclusion As a conclusion, the Boston Massacre is an event that had took place after the American Revolution. This event had been caused by the frustration and anger of the Americans against the British. It had been used as a tool by the colonists to further raise the hatred of the colonists against the British which had led to the American Revolution. As can be seen from the discussion above, there are many reasons as to why the soldiers and mob had acted that way. Some of the soldiers may have acted because of their personal vendetta against the insults that they had received ever since they had arrived in Boston. The crowd may have been infuriated by the soldiers because the soldiers think of them as vile creatures and people not worthy of respect. Crispus Attucks can be considered as a hero by the other Americans and some may have thought that it was right for the soldiers to shot the fellow because he was the one who started attacking. This had caused dilemma against what society thought of the incident. The list could go on and on. The event is a proof of acts of violence because of independence and frustration of two races against each other. V. Bibliography Tellez, Mauricio. â€Å"The Boston Massacre†Web pages: African- American History Through the Arts http://cghs. dadeschools. net/african-american/precivil/boston. htm (Accessed September 13, 2007) Liberty Public School District. â€Å"Boston Massacre†. Web Pages: Microsoft Powerpoint – 1. 2 Boston Massacr: 1. 2. pdf. http://www. liberty. k12. mo. us/~elanghorst/notes/1. 2. pdf. (Accessed September 13, 2007) W. M. Keck Foundation. â€Å"John Adams and The Boston Massacre Trials†. Web Pages: Bills of Right in Action http://www. crf-usa. org/bria/bria16_1. html. (Accessed September 13, 2007) Massachussetts Foundation for the Humanities. â€Å"Five Die in Boston Massacre†Web Pages: Mass Moments. http://www. massmoments. org/moment. cfm? mid=71. (Accessed September 13, 2007) Zobel, Hiller B. The Boston Massacre. New York: Norton, 1970.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Advertising effects in social network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Advertising effects in social network - Essay Example Cloud Computing revolutionizes the usage of computer systems and digital infrastructure. Cloud Computing has evolved to include many industries and types of businesses within its peripheries of operation and implementation. Out of the multiple Cloud Computing Applications of few of the most popular and widely preferred are: In the earlier days of internet and web applications an organization dependent on an application would have to worry about the individual software, the hardware to install them in, the platform on which they would run the infrastructure and lastly the resources. Having so many areas to look into meant a significant investment and a recurring maintenance charge. The innovation and experimentation with the web environment lead to the birth of Cloud Computing a technology based on virtualization, hybridization, and platform/ technology independence. Cloud computing has the power to take care of all the drawbacks of traditional online applications and web based tools and technologies. Sanmina a California based Electronics Manufacturing Company was one of the first to used cloud computing based Google applications in their day to day client service delivery. Test driving the cloud computing benefits at work a handful employees started using cloud based Google applications for emails, document creation, appointment scheduling. Within a span of six months almost 1,000 employees started using the applications on the cloud framework. (King 2008) It was one of the first live evidences of the tremendous potential and processing abilities of the cloud computing technology. It was one of the first success stories of applying cloud computing environment successfully at work with clear cut evidences of computing power and financial and infrastructural flexibility that cloud computing had to offer. Cloud computing radically transforms the
Strategic Human Resource Management - Assignment
Strategic Human Resource Management - - Assignment Example Other major functions include the recruiting of employees, staffing the departments that are short staffed and also focuses on employee development through organizing trainings to enhance employee competence at the work place (Wolper 2004, p. 286). The other critical role of the human resource department is to maintain the employees through manpower planning by ascertaining how many employees an organization would need in the future and the skills that they should have (Krishnaveni 2008, p. 102). Based on this, there are varying views on the role of a human resource function and those that practice it in which this essay will delve into them and also analyze how they can be able to add value and enhance the effectiveness of an organization. The human resource function under the guidance of the human resource manager ensures that an organization implements policies and procedures across all the departments to ensure that there is cohesiveness in the same. As the name suggests, this function manages the most important asset to an organization, which is the work capital in which most of these carry out the same functions as much as they may differ in size and in structure. Ideally, this is the most basic function of the human resource department because a company cannot function without having a capable and competent workforce that is able to execute all the tasks effectively. According to the Information Resources Management Association (2012, p. 373), this department is tasked with creating job descriptions to which new employees are to occupy and also create the responsibilities that they would be charged with so as to foster the success of an organization. As part of the recruitment, the HR department has the responsibility of interviewing and hiring the right people for the job descriptions that they have created depending on their skills and competencies that the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The equal pay for men and women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The equal pay for men and women - Essay Example This gender-wage inequality naturally carries over into the world of pensioners, where sex discrimination and occupational segregation have an even greater effect. In fact, â€Å"the pay gap which already exists between men and women during their working lives becomes a vast pension gulf in later life†(BBC, 2003). The result is that, on a whole, women pensioners are poorer than male pensioners. In fact, according to the same report, women receive â€Å"just 32p for every  £1 of income received by men in a pensioner couple†(2003). Many women suffer from this disadvantage in pension rates because of interruptions in their service in the labour force due to maternity and child/home care, and also because of receiving lower pay in their working years via the same occupational segregation and sex discrimination. Research shows that 45% of all women work part-time and 25% of those who do are shop and care assistants or cleaners (US-UK pensions dialogue). Across th e board, women suffer from the effects of lower wages. This gender-wage inequality naturally carries over into the world of pensioners, where sex discrimination and occupational segregation have an even greater effect. In fact, â€Å"the pay gap which already exists between men and women during their working lives becomes a vast pension gulf in later life†(BBC, 2003). The result is that, on a whole, women pensioners are poorer than male pensioners. In fact, according to the same report, women receive â€Å"just 32p for every  £1 of income received by men in a pensioner couple†(2003). Many women suffer from this disadvantage in pension rates because of interruptions in their service in the labour force due to maternity and child/home care, and also because of receiving lower pay in their working years via the same occupational segregation and sex discrimination. Research shows that 45% of all women work part-time and 25% of those who do are shop and care assi stants or cleaners (US-UK pensions dialogue). Across the board, women suffer from the effects of lower wages. It has been found through research that â€Å"in every country in the world, women continue to be paid less for comparable work than men†(Women work more). Although the government has been taking action to revalue the jobs that women do, the current state of affairs leaves women poorer than men at almost every level. Women have been disadvantaged for many reasons, but arguments everywhere are that women are victims of sex discrimination and occupational segregation. To those who say women choose their own fate by opting for lower positions or accepting low first offers, Smithson et al. ... This is especially true of older women, who lived in a generation where women were much less likely to attain higher levels of education. As a result, women find themselves in general receiving less money than men. This scenario, however, does not account for the many women who are as skilled as the men they work with, yet receive much lower wages. Evidence supports the claim by Grimshaw et al. that there exists a "need for a multi-faceted approach to closing the average gender pay gap" (2001, p. 209). This is true in several areas where sex discrimination occurs. According to Iona Heath (2004), general practitioner at Caversham Group Practice in London, women doctors earn an average of about 20.7% lower than men in the same position. A similar situation exists in universities. According to research done in 2004 by the Association of University Teachers (AUT), the wage gap is lower in academia than in other sections of the employment world. However, it is possible to argue that at 15% the average is still embarrassingly high in that section of the employment world that is populated with the so-called progressive intellectuals who should be doing much better at leading the UK to a more gender-equal economy. In fact, as that percentage represents only the average, it has to be noted that several higher-educational institutions pay women at a rate much lower than 85% of what is given to men. The same AUT research reported that The University of Wales College of Medicine pays women at a rate of 33% lower than men who hold similar positions (2004, p. 7). In addition, several other institutions had the wage gap above 20 percent. Another interesting finding of that study
Monday, August 26, 2019
Thinking and decision making paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thinking and decision making - Research Paper Example Such isolation, if made part of everyday thinking, proves harmful. Lower abstraction is a kind of thinking that occurs when an individual is involved in a task and knows about all potential aspects in which the task functions. The lady may appreciate the exotic look of the variety of meals on the dining table when the guest arrives, yet this appreciation occurs within the context. People make use of lower abstraction when they need to perceive a situation. The lady may think that it might not be good for the guest to have the sweet dish with the meal, but then might think, â€Å"If I don’t make a sweet dish, my meal would be incomplete. Let the guest enjoy the sweet dish once in a blue moon†(this perception is based on the visualization of the meal from the aesthetic point of view). In complicated situations, lower abstraction is used in order to perceive and analyze a situation. The individual thinking this way analyzes the particular aspects that control a given situation and the working of several entities that make part of the si tuation. In everyday thinking, we work in an integrated manner in every aspect whether or not we are aware of that. We employ the knowledge of aspects tacitly. We may make one thing the focus of our attention, yet we know about the thing’s context. For example, the lady wanting to cook the meal for the guests may go to the market and purchase the ingredients and buy the cooking book to learn the cooking techniques, but she also remains aware of what the guests’ satisfaction means to her and that she wants to avoid unnecessary criticism by the guests. Of the three types of thinking, everyday thinking is the most rational while lower abstraction is better than higher abstraction. Steps involved in the critical thinking process include acquiring knowledge, comprehending things,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The King Tut Exhibit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The King Tut Exhibit - Essay Example Howard Carter had worked in Egypt for 31 years before he found King Tut's tomb. Carter had begun his career in Egypt at age 17, using his artistic talents to copy wall scenes and inscriptions. Only eight years later in 1899, Carter was appointed the Inspector-General of Monuments in Upper Egypt. In 1905, Carter resigned from this job and in 1907 he went to work for Lord Carnarvon. After several relatively successful seasons working together, World War I brought a near halt to their work in Egypt. Yet, by the fall of 1917, Carter and his sponsor, Lord Carnarvon, began excavating intensely in the Valley of the Kings. By November 1, 1922, Carter began his final season working in the Valley of the Kings by having his workers expose the workmen's huts at the base of the tomb of Rameses VI. After exposing and documenting the huts, Carter and his workmen began to excavate the ground beneath them. By the fourth day of work, they had found something - a step that had been cut into the rock. It was the stairway to the tomb of Tutankhamen. If there was anything left inside, it would be a discovery of a lifetime for Carter. If the tomb was relatively intact, it would be something the world had never seen. The plastered door was photographed and the seals documented. Then the door came down, revealing the Antechamber. The wall opposite the entrance wall was piled nearly to the ceiling with boxes, chairs, couches, and much more - most of them gold. On the right w On the right wall stood two life-size statues of the king, facing each other as if to protect the sealed entrance that was between them. This sealed door also showed signs of being broken into and resealed, but this time the robbers had entered in the bottom middle of the door. Before the entrance between the two statues in the Antechamber could be opened, the items in the Antechamber needed to be removed or risk damage to them from flying debris, dust, and movement. Documentation and preservation of each item was a monumental task. Carter realized that this project was larger than he could handle alone, thus he asked for, and received, help from a large number of specialists. To begin the clearing process, each item was photographed twice, both with an assigned number and without. Then, a sketch and description of each item was made on correspondingly number record cards. Next, the item was noted on a ground plan of the tomb (only for the Antechamber). Carter and his team had to be extremely careful when attempting to remove any of the objects. After the completion of the discovery, artifacts were in their thousands, many of which were golden and had inlays of precious stones. Scholars examined the objects, read the inscriptions, and tried to learn more about his life. The information that was taken seemed to focus more on the art, religion, and funerary beliefs than on the king's reign. The first question about the death of Tutankhamen that needs to be answered is that of the nature of his death. The two examinations of Tutankhamen's mummy found evidence that may answer this question. The first examination, conducted in 1925 when the mummy was unwrapped, found a dark colored lesion on the left cheek. It is slightly depressed from the rest of the skin, and looks somewhat like a scab (Carter, 228). They also found that the king was between 18 and 19 years of age when he died. His history is not completely
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Comparative Analysis of Poetry Gwendolyn Brooks WE REAL COOL & Maya Essay
Comparative Analysis of Poetry Gwendolyn Brooks WE REAL COOL & Maya Angelou Phenomenal Women - Essay Example Gwendolyn Brooks and Maya Angelou are African-American women with strong personalities. The most dominant theme in Brooks works are the impact of ethnicity and life experiences on one's view of life. Angelou's, on the other hand, usually center on the themes of courage, perseverance, self-acceptance, and realization of one's full potential. "We Real Cool" depicts the climactic end of the battle of seven school dropouts and their struggles with personal identity. In this poem, Brooks speaks and feels for the seven school drop outs and sees the world through their eyes. The unfettered young men, though seemingly not concerned of their situation, as described in the first seven lines eventually turned out to have known the consequence of their actions. "At first, it seems like it is inadvertent, even an unguarded revelation but I think that both the poet and her hooligan narrator realize that the threat of death in the streets is an ever-present part of what makes life on the streets worthwhile. It's what gives that life vitality."1 There is no separation in the part of the writer and the characters. The writer speaks on behalf of the seven school drop outs. Perhaps, even feeling the uncertainties in their actions camouflaged by being "cool." Emphasizing it's tragic effect in the last line, "Die Soon." "Phenomenal Woman," on the other hand, describes a self-assured woman who has fully realized her self-worth that both sexes: "pretty women and men" did not fail to notice her existence. The words Maya Angelou uses show that the character is conscious of her actions and is in total control of the situation. There are no hesitancies on the part portrayed by the "phenomenal woman" in the poem. Only a self-assured "person". Notice the emphasis on the word "person." The character becomes phenomenal not because she IS a woman but simply because she has a full grasp of what she is and what she is not. A person created with equal importance with man. Not of lesser quality that she should worship him nor above him that she should lord over him, but a person that would complete the all of creation. For what is a woman, without a man and a man without a woman.. In conclusion, these works present the following: 1) male-female differences through the eyes of a woman; 2) employed rhythmic rhyming scheme with 3) pleasant tone ( lyrical: a feeling of dancing: Angelou's smooth, brooks' short but strong) in the use of 4) informal language (simple, crisp and powerful) which 5) appeals to the emotion (both are written based on what the writers feel) portraying the characters linked with a woman. The camouflage that a first
Friday, August 23, 2019
International business in context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International business in context - Essay Example One of the recent such examples is that of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano which erupted in Iceland on 14th April 2010, leading to a huge loss of lives and property and a heavy strain on the economic forces of the nation. Due to the volcanic ash cloud, the air travel came to a complete halt leading to several passengers being stranded on airports, affecting several businesses in the process. The manner in which the industries affected by it reacted such as the hospitality industry, the airline sector, as well as various other tertiary sectors such as internet cafes etc reacted to such an emergency is discussed in the paper. The accounts of the tragedy as narrated by Dr. Nigel, of the Oxford Brookes University, is used as a part of this study, to discuss, analyze and understand the impact and consequences of natural disasters on the external factors of organizations; their competitive strategies; the types of organizations affected and the manner in which they reacted; and the element of ethics with regard to the whole scenario, is discussed in the following sections. Impact on the external environment: When the volcano erupted, several industries were severely affected of which the airline industry and the hospitality industry were the hardest hit. ... Consequently, most of the economic activity moved from one sector to another - such as the road and rail transport industries recorded higher bookings while air travel suffered. Furthermore, several other sectors such as travel and tourism, lodgings and boarding etc suffered huge losses, as travellers were unable to reach their destinations. The hotel and hospitality industry, also, benefitted largely, on account of such a calamity, and raised their prices owing to the huge demand for accommodations. There was a significant level of competition amongst various sectors, such as within the hospitality industry. Various hotels had increased their prices while several others offered accommodations at more or less the same prices. Similarly a fierce competition was observed within the airlines and road travel sector. Each of these sectors within different industries were trying to benefit from the losses or setbacks suffered by the other for a greater share in profit. Several passengers w ere unable to leave the island, while several others were unable to arrive. Thus, the hospitality industry was likely to suffer huge losses, as a result of mass cancellations. The industry thus tried to set off its losses by increasing its tariffs and capitalize on the current situation, rather than facing huge losses. Competitive environment: Marketers usually face two types of competition, namely: direct and indirect. The direct competition is faced with respect to similar goods and services such as competition amongst two hotels or two airline companies. The second type of competition, i.e. indirect competition occurs when a good or service can be easily substituted or replaced by the consumer, but has more or less the similar values with respect
Thursday, August 22, 2019
IT Management Essay Example for Free
IT Management Essay Database management is an important aspect of any modern organization given the massive growth of data volumes as a result of regulations on data storage as well as the increase in transactions and communication channels. This paper presents issues arising form the task of managing information through its lifecycle; specifically for companies based on PeopleSoft, SAP, Siebel, CRM, Oracle E-business suite, supplier relationship management (SRM) or ERP applications which are increasingly being affected by expanding data volumes within them. The article brings into perspective, ILM; which seeks to optimize on data by employing processes, policies tools and practices essential in linking the information’s business value with the most cost effective and appropriate IT systems from its conception to the time its disposed. While the current processes of defining, managing and storing data lack emphasis on its management, ILM provides a solution for effectively managing organization data applications. It is imperative to emphasize on the now prevalent decline in business agility as a result of problems with data volumes so as to keep data management cost down by taking an enterprise approach in managing data as records. ILM supports this. The findings that 56 percent lack interest in implementing ILM strategies or that they do not know of any ILM efforts within their organizations is biased considering that the enterprise approach is a relatively new approach to organizational information management. It is the current data systems that have failed as they only allow firms to handle problems as they occur and not that firms are reactive or else undisciplined about their data challenges. The finding that most firms either do not know or allocate minimal ILM strategy budgets ought to have outlined a parallel study of efforts made in alternative data management approaches. ILM introduces a cohesive strategy for the management of information across the organization which is exactly what is needed in modern business environments. Although ILM is promising, the author ought to have compared the findings with firms’ preference for alternative systems or even priorities as well as its fit with the current technology levels. The study also does not highlight the relative costs of implementing ILM with respect to the firms’ profit margins while outlining the implementation levels for ILM. However, ILM is an important strategy for data that need to meet certain legal storage mandates although it does not assess relative cost maintaining such information as opposed to frequency of events requiring this information. While the author addresses the issues of difficulties in determining information’s life cycle, he does not address the limitations of legal determinants which could jeopardize the gains from ILM. Nolan, R. McFarlan, W. (2005). Information Technology and the Board of Directors: Building an IT Governance Committee. Harvard Business Review, 83 (10), In such a digital age as this, it is imperative that any organization invest in a strong governance committee on IT that can oversee the formulation and integration of IT policies into the company’s competitive advantage strategy. Warren McFarlan and Richard Nolan detail the basics of establishing and maintaining an IT governance committee. An IT governance committee is paramount in developing a custom framework on which an organization’s IT policies are founded thus enabling a firm to avoid applying other companies’ best strategies which may not fit into the modern nature business strategy. The authors elaborate on the three key approaches that are essential in guiding any company in building an effective IT governance committee: appointing the suitable personnel as well as their chairman; assessing how the committee would link to the audit committee; and the preparation of the committee’s charter. The first two are particularly more important. Independence is vital for any modern-day committee effectiveness just as the authors recommend the independence of the IT committee. Noting the importance of the importance of mentorship and expertise, McFarlan and Nolan emphasize on a chairman who’s either an IT professional (for strategic mode firms) or has past experience (for factory, turn around and support mode firms) in a successful IT-strategy based firm. In all cases, being IT-savvy, understanding an organization and its business needs as well as the systems architecture is paramount in addressing the bigger picture; technology’s potential to change the outlook of the business economy and this supports the characterization of the modern-day business leaders. In this regard, the authors emphasize on selecting a chairman or at least an IT professional who can successfully balance the short-term needs of the firm with its long-term IT investments. Since distraction by difficulties stifle IT integration, the importance of the committee and especially IT experts is addressed as they understand the important dynamics governing technological advancement both at the board and senior management level and thus can appropriately criticize all in-house entrenched thinking. The current scarcity of such experts explains the reason for the increase in number of IT consultants. The article addresses the current issues relating to accountability to the regulatory and economic objectives through alignment with the audit department. However, drastic changes characterizing the advancement in IT would necessitate a considerable number of the committee be composed of IT professionals rather the one or a few suggested by McFarlan and Nolan. Gary, S. , Alice, G. Alexis, F. Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems. Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-30. Gaithersburg, MD. Risk management has become an important aspect of the information technology management system. Gary, Alice and Alexis emphasize on the role of IT-risk management amidst the increasingly growing use of automated information systems aimed at protecting organization’s information assets from IT based risks. IT risk management is largely a management function as this IT guides confirms through focus on the companies mission rather than the IT experts only as the firm’s capacity to perform its mission is affected by these risks. The guide outlines the practical guidelines and the available cost-effective security systems essential in protecting the mission information which is an imperative in the modern world. This guide is literary applicable in every angle of every firm as it can be easily expanded or abbreviated to tailor it to fit specific organizational situations. Apart from enabling firms’ IT departments to be accountable for IT budgets, the guide is also helpful in guiding the accreditation of the IT systems. This guide is an important resource for a wide rage of IT users: the non-technical and technical staff as well as the experienced and the non-experienced ones. Therefore this guide does not only provide an overview of IT risk management but also evaluates how such a process would rhyme with the all the phases of the system development lifecycle (SLDC) as well as detailing the obligations of individuals who usually support and apply this process. In this regard, the guide provides a clear methodology for IT risk management as well as its relation to the system accreditation. This is made simpler by the provision of system-based information essential in defining the IT system as well as its operating environment. For such a process, it is important that supporting material such as the samples for the documentation of the results for risk assessment, as well as samples of a security implementation plan be addressed more keenly as they are essential in improving the effectiveness of the guide. It also focuses on modern-day needs such as enabling IT individuals to customize their IT systems to fit into effective control systems. The authors address the importance of assessing the knowledge gap within the organization as relates to process of implementing information technology management systems. Although not related to the topic at hand, the example on electric power and railroads does address the key idea of being aware of the knowledge gap in the appropriate way so as to make the most out of IT systems’ opportunities. While it may be true that IT technologies’ cost performance had changed to the magnitude of about 107 in at the time of this study, it is no guarantee that it is going to evolve at this same as the author suggests given the tremendous growth in technology and educational advancement. The authors focus on cost effectiveness and the ability to do things differently through the transformational opportunities offered by IT integration as with the examples of American Hospital Supply’s and American Airlines SABRE. In this regard, they emphasize on the knowledge about IT’s associated economics. Strategic implementation and management of IT networks in organizations has made organizations capable of extending their scope globally to take strategic advantage of IT integration. This is because the authors address specifically the fast changing pace of business operations with regards to assumptions and rules of business competition and this an important resource for modern-day senior management and CEOs who are charged with the responsibility of diversifying into intangible services that are information based. While its clear that technology is increasingly growing, it implies that the opportunities due to IT integration are bound to increase; it also implies that companies venturing into IT management can differentiate their services and cost and product features not only for sometime to come as the author puts it but for an indefinite time provided there is follow up. However, the author provides a two lenses approach that provides a holistic approach towards IT integration. However, the authors do not note the likely challenges that the highly dynamic and drastically changing IT infrastructure as driven by competition may cost. In this regard, the article emphasize on roles of CIO and CTO.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Discussion Post Essay Example for Free
Discussion Post Essay New Format Requested this week While the format is to be changed thisweek, you are still required to make 3 postings; one original post and comment on two other students post. ORIGINAL POST REQUIREMENTS: You are to apply the major topics covered in the course (finance/accounting, economics, marketing) to your company and provide an analysts report. 1) (Apply Marketing techniques to:) create an interesting, unique or otherwise attractive catch line (humor works great for me! ) as your post title. Make a recommendation (can be here AND in your subject line) (some of you may not feel you have enough experience where your opinion (i. e. , recommendation) is worth something in this world. however note, you may have more experience NOW than some analysts at major investment banking houses! (scary I know! )) 3)(Use your corporate report to:) provide certain and specific quantitative analysis of your company. DONT repeat your entire report. but provide highlights.. as some examples: Net Income rose 20% from 2008-2011 to $1. 35 billion Expenses dropped. by 15% Shareholder equity (highlights mean outlyers of data.. especially NEGATIVE information 4) (Use some economics learned. predict macro and micro futures).. describe what Macro world events have affected your company (global eco slow-down. price of oil) .. even micro events (consumption among consumers was down due to. )provide sensitivities for world events on your corporation and how it will affect that companys future activities. Provide predictions about future macro economic events and how your company will react going forward. The Network amp; Space Systems segment is engaged in the research, development, production and modification of products and services to assist its customers in transforming their operations through network integration, information, intelligence and surveillance systems, communication, architectures and space exploration. The Global Services amp; Support segment is engaged in the operations, maintenance, training, upgrades and logistics support functions for military platforms and operations. The Boeing Capital Corporation segment facilitates, arranges structures and provides selective financing solutions for its commercial airplanes customers. In the space and defense markets, it primarily arranges and structures financing solutions for its Boeing Defense, Space amp; Security government customers. Its portfolio consists of equipment under operating leases, finance leases, notes and other receivables, assets held for sale or re-lease and investments. The company was founded by William Edward Boeing in 1916 and is headquartered in Chicago, IL. http://www. marketwatch. com/investing/stock/ba/profile 2) The Boeing Company has a long history of providing complex systems and integrated assembly’s to its customers. 3) The Boeing Company is headquartered in Chicago IL. In 1997 Boeing and McDonnell Douglas merged to form what is the Boeing Company of today. This was approximately 1 year after Boeing acquired Rockwell Corporations Space and Defense division. The company has over 249 subsidiaries. The largest competitor on the commercial side is Airbus a division of EDS and the largest competitor on the Defense, Space and Security side is Lockheed Martin with many other companies lining up for second place. In order for Boeing to maintain it’s market share the company has had to continually research and develop new products in both major business units. Notes for special consideration†1. Cash and cash equivalents increased from $5,359 billion to $10,049 billion from 2010 to 2011 2. Retained Earnings rose from $24,784 billion to $27,524 billion during the period of 2010 to 2011 3. Net Earnings rose from $1.3 billion in 2009 to $4. 02 billion in 2011 4) Boeing is a company that is always going to be challenged. The challengers for the Defense, Space and Security market typically have come from within the US but that is starting to change. EADS which is the largest defense business in Europe is continually trying to enter US ma rkets. Also Airbus which is a subsidiary of EADS is the most prominent competitor in the commercial segment but many countries such as Japan, China, Brazil and Canada are working very hard to position themselves as challengers to the commercial market. This will be a challenge for Boeing and Airbus for the next several decades. Commercial airline customers and airlines will continue to demand enhancements and improvements to the commercial airplanes and the service / cost associated with the. This will continue to drive performance by the manufacturers including Boeing which is the industry leader. The US government acquisition may decline depending on the outcome of the presidential and congressional elections. Boeing and it’s competitors in those markets will look toward no US markets to sell their products. Continued increase in energy and material cost will drive Boeings focus on keeping costs down. 5) Research and development are the single most important factor in keeping Boeing relevant for the future. Research and development expense amounted to $3. 9 billion, $4. 1 billion and $6.5 billion in 2011, 2010 and 2009, respectively. In 2009 this included $2. 7 billion alone for the new 787 commercial aircraft. Research and development costs also include bid and proposal efforts related to governme nt products and services, as well as costs incurred in excess of amounts estimated to be recoverable under cost sharing research and development agreements. Bid and proposal costs were $332 million, $355 million and $343 million in 2011, 2010 and 2009 respectively. Ramp;D within the Defense, Space and Security business unit is primarily focused on supporting customer requirements and providing new technologies to meet the needs of military, security and space agencies.
Impact of The Children’s Act 2014 on Child Healthy Eating
Impact of The Children’s Act 2014 on Child Healthy Eating The Children’s Act 2014 In 2003 a government initiative was launched in England and Wales. ECM (every child matters) was in response to the death of Victoria Climbie. Victoria Climbie was an eight years old girl who was tortured and murdered by her guardians. Victoria didn’t have a healthy lifestyle which led to her tragic death. A public enquiry was led and major changes had taken place in child protection policies. Although her guardians were charged, new laws would mean there would be no repetition in the future. The five points for every child matters. Stay safe Health Enjoy and achieve Economic well being Positive construction ECM covers those with disabilities (up to the age of 24), children and young adults (up to the age of 19.) A healthy lifestyle is making one’s own life happy. Its not just eating healthy food and exercising but includes mental and social wellbeing. A healthy lifestyle is very important for both adults and children. If parents eat, sleep and live healthy then the children will acquire the same habits which undoubtedly will lead a child to grow up healthy and happy. It is also the right of every child to be able to live a healthy lifestyle in order for them to achieve positive outcomes in their future. In order for a person to live a healthy lifestyle and prevent chronic illness, they should aim to eat healthy food, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy BMI. Exercise For healthy growth and development of babies, toddlers and preschool being physically active is very important for their health and to prevent illnesses. Exercising is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for both children and adults, if parents integrate into their own lives this will then follow through to the future generations. Babies Encourage babies from birth to play on the floor, this will lead to head movements, pulling, pushing and movements of body and limbs, and this is a good form of daily exercise. (CDC) Toddlers Three hours is the recommended time, for children who walk on their own as daily exercise. Rolling around, running and skipping are activities they could do, better still to encourage children, to play ball games, chasing and climbing frames because these activities are best for this age group. Parents should avoid taking cars to school and encourage children to walk as a daily exercise. Other effective methods like swimming, parks or general cleaning can be done as a family. (Web MD) BMI (body mass index) BMI is a way of seeing if your weight is appropriate for your height. Generally the higher you’re BMI the risk of medical illnesses is also higher. BMI under 18.5 is considered underweight, it could be someone is just slim, but if due to poor diet and nutrients it can lead to illnesses such as anaemia, bone thinning and infertility 18.5-24.9 is normal; you are having the right amount of calories for your activities 25-29.9 is overweight this could increase developing stroke, CHD, diabetes The way to calculate BMI is by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in square metre. 57 / (1.31.3) =33.73 overweight Weight height squared BMI 40/ (1.51.5) =17.78 underweight Adults and children have different charts to work out BMI, as in adults there is no difference in males and females but in children there is. (Bupa) Healthy Eating Healthy eating is the third element of a healthy lifestyle. Meals should include food from all the different food groups so adults and children have an intake of all the different nutrients, vitamins and minerals for all around goodness. At meal times children observing the parents eat healthy food, will want the children to share and explore the same food. As parents are the main carers of children from birth, naturally the same eating habits will appear in the child. Carbohydrates rice, pasta, potatoes Other starchy foods Energy, fibre vitamins. Iron Effective bowel function Protein Milk, meat, fish, eggs, cheese Protein, zinc iron, B vitamins Repair and growth of the body cells. Healthy bones Fruit and vegetables All fresh fruit and vegetables, peas ,beans, sweet corn Vitamins A,C E, foliate and fibre Excellent source of fibre, assist with a healthy weight Fat (unsaturated) olives, sunflower oil, salmon, fresh tuna, nuts Lowering cholesterol (saturated)crisps, oil, lard, chips, sweets Vitamin AD Essential Fatty acids, energy energy Sugars Sugar, jam. honey, juice Vitamin AD energy Fat has two categories saturated and unsaturated, saturated fat can lead to coronary heart disease, it increases cholesterol. Unsaturated fat is more beneficial as it lowers cholesterol in the blood. Sugary foods such as chocolates, fizzy drinks should be eaten less frequently and less in quantity as it could lead to weight gain and tooth decay. An unhealthy lifestyle can cause many illnesses. Chronic illness is a long term illness which usually cannot be reversed, it means having to adjust to the illness which may cause disruption to one’s life. Many things will change i.e. the way we live our life and how we relate to others. A chronic illness can make life stressful. Common chronic illnesses Stroke-this is when blood supply has cut off to the part of the brain, necessary oxygen doesn’t reach the brain. Cancer-there are over two hundred types of cancer and it effect different body parts, cancerous cells can grow and reproduce uncontrollably destroying healthy tissues around organs and other parts of the body. Diabetes-there are two types of diabetes. Type 1 is when body doesn’t produce any insulin at all and type 2 when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. Type 2 is usually found in older people. Not following the dietary rules can lead to eye problems and foot ulcers and more illnesses. Coronary heart disease- coronary arteries are blocked by fattening substances which stop the blood flowing to the heart, this can be caused by high saturated diet and smoking, it’s the biggest killer in the UK. High blood pressure (hypertension),-Around 30% of people in England have high blood pressure, blood is pressed against the walls of your arteries to pump around the body, if pressure is high that means there is a great strain on the arteries. If treatment is not done this could lead to stroke or heart disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (coped)-this is when the airways have narrowed causing the person not being able to breath, most likely cause can be smoking although fumes dust and air can cause this but very rare.(NHS) A number of risk factors can be the root to the above diseases Physical inactivity: We need to encourage the young to be active. Smoking Unhealthy diet: high amounts of saturated fat, sugar and salt can be harmful. Large consumption of alcohol An unhealthy lifestyle is more likely to increase chronic illness, a person may have family history and so may be born into it, some illnesses are particularly to age gender or ethnic groups, nevertheless treatment and advice can be given to decrease the symptoms by following the healthy lifestyle Inactivity can lead to poor health and chronic illnesses. Obesity in children is on the increase over the years. Unhealthy food in addition to inactivity has been a cause of this, there has been a fourfold increase in children and teenagers with obesity related illnesses. Surveys in England conclude that 3 in 2-15year olds are overweight Highest levels of obesity were found in older children, and those children with higher level of obesity lacked in physical exercise. Therefore exercise from young can reduce and reverse chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes.(BBC) Children who are obese from a young age or have parents that are overweight will result in being overweight when older. The worst diet is known to be in the poorer families as they have less variety in healthy food because food which has high saturated fat and salt will be cheaper. (Faculty of public Health) Activities for young children Creative Activities Activities can be done both indoors and outdoors. Other than physical activities, activities which bring out the imagination of children should also be encouraged, a crayon or a pen can write stories and draw pictures, these pictures can tell a lot of what children are thinking and feeling thus enhancing good emotional well being for children. Needle work and cookery are also good ways of making children active, i.e. baking pizza, using different vegetables and vibrant coloured vegetables like green pepper, red pepper and sweet corn. Meals including different vegetables like a Sunday meal or a plate of fresh and different fruits, ranging in colours and shapes will bring the attention of the child making eating times healthy plus encouraging family time.(Childrenssociety) Activities done as a family will also be a positive step towards a good well being Physical Activities In today’s world, internet, games and mobiles has made children inactive, sitting doesn’t burn of food. Physical activity whether in the form of exercise or play is vital for children to grow up healthy, mental well being is also important. Depending on age, children under 5 should have at least 3 hours of physical play daily, as long as they can walk unaided. Children over 5 should have at least 1 hour of exercise daily. Parents should make time for walks and playing in the garden, maybe even extending visits to the local parks, forest and cities. Older children would most likely prefer football, basketball and dance as all these include other children. This will help increase confidence and support social well being. Local councils and libraries offer quite a lot of activities and ideas for children. Well being Wellbeing means the quality of life; there are many factors to determine wellbeing i.e. Income, background, health and education. Well being also cover how a person’s life is emotionally, physically and socially as well as many other things. The root to wellbeing is the home, looking at whether parents are happy, confident and able to tackle everyday tasks and problems as well as providing a loving home. Arguments and confrontation should be avoided in the as this can be detrimental to a Childs well being. Routines and consistency doesn’t mean strict but gives a sense of stability, responsibility and safety to the child. Children will learn through trial and error, let the child learn through their own actions and mistakes and should they be punished make it clear as to what the punishment is for, but consistency in rules has to be there.(wiki How) Taking time out to engage in conversation with children is vital; they need to be listened to by a parent or even an older loved one. The child will open up to any problems or difficulty because the love and attention is there leading to a good emotional well being.(wiki How) A child care centre is where a child is happy and comfortable to be able to open up about feelings of happiness or sadness leading to show any signs of difficulties or problems, this should be evaluated on a regular basis. The carer needs to make the sure the environment produces this atmosphere of safety, love and care and encourages trust. Places like school, nurseries and playgroup run number of sessions to help and support parents raising families. Parenting can be hard and at times, stressful. Just as it’s important for children to have a good wellbeing it is also important for parents. Parents can also open up here, talking to staff and relating to other parents that attend, this will help any anxieties, stress or problems there may be. These are trained staff who are experts in this field. The centres are nationwide, some are free and are provided by the government to support families some charge money. A healthy lifestyle is very important for a happy and content life, both mental and physical well being is important. Reference list (Online web Resources) BBC. BUPA. Childrenssociety. CDC Healthy Living. Faculty Of Public Health. NHS WEBMD Wiki How
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay -- Fitzgerald Great Gatsb
The 1920s was a time of excess and growth. Economically, it was a time for great financial gain. Largely because of improvements in technology, productivity increased while overall production costs decreased, and the economy grew. Not only was this time filled with prosperity, but corruption as well. People who had previously worked day and night finally acquired leisure time. Some of the most wealthy people made the choice to fill this free time with gluttony and lust. Many authors during this time believed that the excessive spending and consumption would surely lead to ruin. Although many people associate good times and carefree abandon with the reverie of the 1920s, some also suggest a hidden, much darker side. In his novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, conveyed his belief that wealth and materialism corrupted the American Dream. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald shows his disapproval of the times by portraying characters attempting to achieve their American Dream by any means possible. Myrtle Wilson, a low class inhabitant of the valley of ashes, puts her morals to the side when pursuing the wealthy life. Not even marriage stops Myrtle from having an affair with Tom Buchanan-- a rich man who enables her to finally buy the life she thinks she deserves. Not only does Myrtle cheat on her own husband, but she has an affair with someone who caught her eye with "a dress suit and patent leather shoes and [she] couldn't keep [her] eyes off him" (Fitzgerald 40). It is not a love for Tom that attracted Myrtle, but his money and power that she lusts after. Jay Gatsby-- a man actually in love with Daisy Buchanan and not simply the money she represents-- aspires to achieve his dream of wealth in... ...ent within Tom and Daisy signify that wealth cannot buy a person everything, including happiness. Fitzgerald questions the validity of the fiscally inclined American Dream within The Great Gatsby. During the 1920s, F. Scott Fitzgerald conveyed his disdain for the corruption within the American dream by depicting the immoral actions of society in his literature with a disapproving tone. Even though the country was economically prosperous, people increasingly lost much needed morals on their journey of the American Dream. Affairs and other sins took place with little guilt. People got caught up in the corruption around them in order to try to get their piece of the growing wealth. Without making some changes, society could have been on its way to self-devastation. Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. 1st ed. New York: Scribner, 2004. Print.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Arthur Miller Essay -- essays papers
Arthur Miller Arthur Miller, in his plays, deals with the injustice of society's moral values and the characters who are vulnerable to its cruelty. A good majority of these plays were very successful and earned numerous awards. According to Brooks Atkinson, a critic for the New York Times, Miller's play Death of a Salesman was successful because the play "is so simple in style and so inevitable in theme that it scarcely seems like a thing that has been written and acted. For Mr. Miller has looked with compassion into the hearts of some ordinary Americans and quietly transferred their hopes and anguish to the theater" (Babusci 1261). This play, in 1949, received the Pulitzer Prize, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Antoinette Perry Award, the Donaldson Award, and the Theater Club Award (A Brief Chronology of Arthur Miller's Life and Works, Miller has said that he could not have written The Crucible at any other time for it is said that a play cannot be successful unless it speaks to its own time; hence McCarthyism was widespread when this play was written. Everyone was afraid of Communists, just like everyone was afraid of witches during The Crucible. This play won the Antoinette Perry Award and the Donaldson Award (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations: Arthur Miller's The Crucible 55). His play All My Sons was concerned with a man, Joe Keller, selling defective cylinder heads to the Air Force during World War II, causing the death of twenty-one pilots, one of whom was his elder son. The play focuses around this act and the consequences that arise from it. The play won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. All of Miller's plays focus on one central idea, this idea being ... ...ct even though he was genuinely unable to visualize the public consequences of what for him was a private act. From an ethical standpoint he feels like he did nothing wrong, for "it is not that he cannot tell right from wrong but that his cast of mind cannot admit that he, personally, has any viable connection with his world, his universe, or his society" (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations: Arthur Miller's All My Sons 104). He believes that "family is the most important thing and that what is done in the name of family has its own justification" (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations: Arthur Miller's All My Sons 28). "I did it for you, it was a chance and I took it for you. I'm sixty-one years old, when would I have another chance to make something for you?...For you, a business for you!" (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations: Arthur Miller's All My Sons 65).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Fading Away :: Short Stories Anorexia Eating Disorders Essays
Fading Away "Maddie, are you sure you don't want anything more? You didn't eat much," Mrs. Whitman turned from her dishes to ask her daughter. "I'm fine. I'll eat a big lunch," Stacie said, gulping down her last bit of water. "Maybe you do. But I never see you eat much. For breakfast it's a pancake with jam. Even if you did eat all your lunch like you say you do, when it comes to dinner time, you eat like a bird. Stacie, I think you need to eat more," Mrs. Whitman told her daughter, relieved that she had finally confronted her about her meals. "I eat enough. You don't see me all day long. I eat at other times during the day, too. Just because I don't eat chips when I come home from school or snack on cookies. Just because I'm trying to be healthy, you criticize me for making an effort," Stacie defended, raising her voice. "It's not about choosing healthy foods to eat. I admire your self control. I really do. You know I have difficulty saying no to deserts and different things. But Stacie, I can see you're not eating enough. Those jeans you're wearing, they fit you perfectly when you picked them out this summer but now you need a smaller size. I understood that you wanted to lose a few pounds; all of us can stand to shed a few pounds. But you've kept losing. You look good, I admit. You look very good but I'm worried. You need to eat more. You're so active, running every morning, school, volleyball. You need food to keep you going," Mrs. Whitman explained. Her heart was beating quickly now and her body became warm. Tears welled up in her eyes but she continued gazing at her daughter, hoping she had made a connection, a break through. "I said I eat enough!" Stacie shot back angrily. "I am fine. I've lost weight and thank you for noticing. Something you've never been able to do. You and your stupid Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers and diet pills and every other dumb T.V. trash diet you send away for. You're really going to lose weight when you eat out and catch fast food all the time! I heard Big Macs do wonders! 'Just eat these pills and they'll give you all the nutrients you need and reduce your appetite too, '" Stacie mocked.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Merchant of Venice Essay Outline Essay
I. INTRODUCTION: A. Is Shylock a man â€Å"more sinned against than sinning,†or does he take his revenge too far in the pursuit of his pound of flesh? B. The wrongs against Shylock climax in the courtroom scene. He has lost his ducats, daughter, and now his religion. C. Thesis: The absolute epitome of selfishness can be described from within Shylock’s character; that selfishness is what prevents any would-be sympathizers from being able to fully commit themselves to Shylock’s case. II. BODY PARAGRAPH 1: A. Topic Sentence: Being the antagonist and villain throughout the play Shylock must be the antithesis to the general characteristics of the protagonist and supporting cast. B. Shylock was a Jew, a not very admirable quality during the late 16th century in Venice. C. â€Å"Shylock, albeit I neither lend nor borrow/ by taking nor by giving of excess†(Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 61-62) D. He is a usurer, something that Antonia literally despises and spits upon. E. This shows the hypocrisy of Antonio’s actions F. The daughter of his, Jessica, wishes to be free of him while he cloisters her and denies her liberties in order to keep her for himself. G. Shylocks character is what fuels him, but the treatment he has had to endure has affected the way the reacts to people. III. BODY PARAGRAPH II: * A. Transition/Topic Sentence: The power Shylock has to be a constant obstacle is abused often and with no guilt, he is fueled from only the intense urge of revenge. * B. The bond, from which Antonio is tied to, has no loophole from the pound of flesh, even when Bassanio wishes to not be tied to it. * C. â€Å"You’ll ask me, why I rather choose to have/ A weight of carrion flesh than to receive/ Three thousand ducats. I’ll not answer that,/ but say it is my humour†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Act IV, Scene I, lines 40-43) D.Shylock will not allow a counteroffer to his pound of flesh, even though it was offered threefold. * E. Shylock is a direct obstacle to Lancelet’s happiness and has kept him for too long. * G. Having to go live in the ghetto has given Shylock a home where he can nurture his despisement of Christians. IV. BODY PARAGRAPH III: * A. Transition/Opening  * Sentence: Anti-Semitism debates are a central theme, and the hypocrisies that stem from it are defined in Shylocks views of Christians. * B. He is portrayed as more consumed by the fear his ducats are gone than his own daughter. * C. â€Å"My daughter, O my ducats, O my daughter!/ Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats!†(Act II, Scene 8, lines 15-16) * D. â€Å"If you wrong us,/ shall we not revenge?/ If we are like you in the rest,/ we will resemble you in that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Act III, Scene I, Lines 54-62) * E. When he is taunted by Solania and Salerio he points out the differences between Jews and Christians and claims that the evil he has been taught he will execute even better. * F. He does not believe that they can co exist and refuses to dine with them or pray with them, only conduct business. * G. â€Å"I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Act I, Scene III, lines 32-34) V. BODY PARAGRAPH IV: * A. Transition/Opening Sentence: The entire court scene is the showcase of how all the wrongs committed upon Shylocks Jewish soul will now come back to haunt his wrongdoer. * B. tries to bargain himself out of his punishment even when he has lost * C. â€Å"Shall I not barely have my principal?†(Act IV, Scene1, lines 356) VI. CONCLUSION: * * A. In determining whether or not it is right to sympathize with the plight of Shylock, it is necessary to forgive him for his revenge. But why is he forgiven when he could not forgive Antonio; for if he had then the character of Shylock would not be in question. * B. Reconfirmed Thesis: In his refusal of mercy and forgiveness, Shylock sets himself up for failure, and fails without grace leaving as a broken man without money, religion, or his precious ducats. * C. The debate of the humanness of Shylock has withstood the hardy hands of time because of his relatableness as a villain. It is harder to hate the villain when you have reasons to hate the hero.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Absorbance and Spectrophotometry
Experiment 2: Absorbance and Spectrophotometry ABSTRACT: This was an investigation into the effects of different wavelengths of light on methylene blue and carmine red on the absorbance value on a spectrophotometer. A spectrophotometer is used to measure light intensity by emitting a single light source through a cuvette of coloured solution. The particles in the solution, which are coloured, absorb the light depending on how concentrated it is and this produces an electronic reading from the photometer which is the absorbance value.The maximum absorption was found for both solutions and was used to calculate the molar extinction coefficient of methylene blue. An unknown concentration of methylene blue was calculated by using graphs produced in the dilution experiments prior. The results produced supported Beer’s Law because the absorbance was directly proportional to the concentration, and so, we can be assured that the concentration of the unknown methylene blue solution cal culated is relatively accurate. INTRODUCTION: A spectrophotometer is used to measure the absorbance of light by coloured solutions.The absorbance value is produced by a photometer that compares the light detected with a blank cuvette (a cuvette containing just water/clear colourless solvent, which should be 0), with the amount of light detected with a test solution – in this case, methylene blue or carmine red. Using Beer’s Law, we know that the absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration, therefore, knowing the absorbance of a solution can be very useful as the concentration of the solution can be find by substituting known values into the equation: Absorbance = k c t Where: k = constant c = concentration of absorbing molecules = thickness of absorbing layer The aims of this experiment were to use solutions methylene blue and carmine red to confirm that Beer’s Law is true by finding the maximum absorption value for each solution, and then using thi s, find the absorption of methylene blue solution at various dilutions. By plotting these results on a calibration curve (concentration against absorbance), this allows the experimenter to read the concentration at a particular absorbance directly, such as the unknown concentration of methylene blue. METHOD: A spectrophotometer was used throughout this experiment. RESULTS: After finding the absorption for 0. 005% methylene blue solution and 0. 0005% carmine red solution at different wavelengths of light, we plotted a graph to show our findings to make it easier to see what region of wavelength the maximum absorption would occur at. Please refer to figure 1. From this graph, we can see that the maximum absorption for methylene blue is around 650nm-675nm as the peak on the line for methylene is around these values; for carmine red, we can see that the maximum absorption for carmine red is 500-550nm. To obtain a more accurate wavelength value, I placed more cuvettes of methylene blue a nd carmine red around their regions of maximum absorption.After finding the absorption values around each region, I plotted the findings of each solution on separate graphs to show the maximum absorption value. Figure 2 shows that the maximum absorption of methylene blue is 665nm because this has the peak absorption of 0. 965. However, this is not as accurate a value as it could be because the spectrophotometer did not go to more accuracy than 5nm. From Figure 3, we can see that the maximum absorption of carmine red is 0. 207 at wavelength 520nm as this is the peak on the graph. |Maximum Absorption at 0. 0005% | Methylene Blue |Carmine Red | |0. 965 |0. 207 | After we found the maximum absorption for methylene blue, 0. 965, at 665nm, we made up various dilutions of methylene blue and put each solution through the spectrophotometer at wavelength 665nm to find the molar extinction coefficient. I plotted these results on a graph (figure 6) and did the line of best fit through the point s to find the gradient, which is the molar extinction coefficient. Figure 4. Graph showing dilutions of methylene blue and the absorptions each solution givesThe black line on figure 4 represents the regression line. We can use this to find the concentration of the unknown concentration of methylene blue solution by drawing a tangent to the regression line at absorbance 0. 262 (where the unknown absorbed) and reading down from that point on the graph to the concentration. The concentration of the unknown methylene blue is 4. 4 x 10-6 mol dm-3. We can find the molar extinction coefficient by substituting values of absorbance and the concentration of the unknown concentration of methylene blue into Beer’s laws equation.Absorbance = k c t k = absorbance / c t k = 0. 262 / 4. 4 x 10-6 x 1 k = 59545 mol dm-3 cm-3 Therefore, k, the molar extinction coefficient is 59545 mol dm-3 cm-3. DISCUSSION: The main objectives of this experiment was to find the unknown concentration of methyle ne blue by using a spectrophotometer. I found the maximum absorption for methylene blue and carmine red (please refer to figure 1) and using this I determined a more accurate maximum absorption value for each solution by taking further readings around the peak of each line to determine the maximum.However, the findings of maximum absorption for methylene blue and carmine red may not be as accurate as we think because there are extraneous variables that we can not necessarily control. One is that the outside of the cuvette may have been dirty (however, this was controlled to an extent as I wiped each side down of the cuvette with a paper towel before placing it in the spectrophotometer); another variable is that the dial on the spectrophotometer only measured in wavelength intervals of 5nm, and so, we could not get more accurate readings than the ones we concluded with.From figure 1, we can also see that high (maximum) absorptions for carmine red occurs at around 475nm-550nm. This is because the light absorbs most light at this wavelength, and therefore, reflects light at approximately 675nm-725nm which are the wavelengths of the colour red, so we see red solution. The same can be applied to methylene blue solution because we can see from figure 1 that high absorptions for methylene blue occurs around 600nm-675nm – the light absorbs most colours at this wavelength and reflects light at approximately 400nm-450nm which are the wavelengths of the colour blue, so we see blue solution.We could use the maximum absorption of methylene blue found to make dilutions of methylene blue with water to plot a graph proving that Beers Law is true – that the absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration. This is confirmed by the graph produced as the line of best fit is accurate and goes through the origin. APPENDIX: Finding the maximum absorbance: |Wavelength/nm |Absorption | | |Methylene Blue |Carmine Red | |350 |0. 33 |0. 156 | |375 |0. 015 |0. 018 | |400 |0. 015 |0. 046 | |425 |0. 018 |0. 048 | |450 |0. 006 |0. 127 | |475 |0. 029 |0. 093 | |500 |0. 041 |0. 65 | |525 |0. 040 |0. 186 | |550 |0. 077 |0. 144 | |575 |0. 186 |0. 068 | |600 |0. 476 |0. 039 | |625 |0. 622 |0. 028 | |650 |0. 800 |0. 005 | |675 |0. 95 |0. 013 | |700 |0. 102 |0. 004 | More accurate values of methylene blue: More accurate values of carmine red: |Methylene Blue | |Wavelength/nm |Absorption | | 630 |0. 623 | |640 |0. 679 | |655 |0. 885 | |660 |0. 929 | 665 |0. 965 | |670 |0. 913 | |Carmine Red | |Wavelength/nm |Absorption | |510 |0. 205 | |515 |0. 204 | |520 |0. 207 | |530 |0. 191 | |540 |0. 169 | Table below shows the dilutions and the absorbance values of methylene blue at 665nm: Tube |Water : Methylene Blue (ml) |Absorption |Concentration of methylene blue in | | | | |water/mol dm-3 | |1 |4:1 |0. 171 |3. 13 x 10-6 | |2 |3:2 |0. 376 |6. 26 x 10-6 | |3 |2:3 |0. 595 |9. 9 x 10-6 | |4 |1:4 |0. 762 |12. 51 x 10-6 | |5 |0:5 |0. 963 |15. 64 x 10-6 | |Blank |5:0 |0. 000 |0 | Unknown solution absorbance: 0. 262 Formula mass of methylene blue: 319. 6 Working out concentration of methylene blue from %: 1. 0. 0001% methylene blue so, 100/0. 001 = 1000000 so, 1/1000000 = 1 x 10-6 g cm-3 so, conc. = 1 x 10-6 g cm-3 / 319. 6 g mol-1 = 3. 13 x 10-6 mol dm-3 2. (3. 13 x 10-6) x 2 = 6. 26 x 10-6 mol dm-3 3. (3. 13 x 10-6) x 3 = 9. 39 x 10-6 mol dm-3 4. (3. 13 x 10-6) x 4 = 12. 51 x 10-6 mol dm-3 5. (3. 13 x 10-6) x 5 = 15. 64 x 10-6 mol dm-3 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Figure 1. Methylene blue and carmine red’s absorption at regular intervals of wavelengths Figure 2. More accurate wavelengths to find the max. absorption for methylene blue Figure 3. More accurate wavelengths to find the max. absorption for carmine red
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Mental Health Issues Among Hiv Health And Social Care Essay
This literature reappraisal aims at researching the Global load of HIV and its relationship with mental wellness, Identifying mental and psychological wellness issues experienced by the HIV positive patients. The reappraisal besides aims at analysing the effects of these mental wellness issues in disease patterned advance and overall impact of these issues on their quality of life. Furthermore, the reappraisal will besides research some of the Global and regional enterprises for proviso of mental wellness installations to this vulnerable population. Finally the reappraisal concludes with the critical assessment and spreads with my research inquiry and attack. Methodology/ Search scheme A systematic and comprehensive literature hunt was conducted to reexamine and analyse the bing literature on the topic under survey. A general to specific attack and skimming of the rubric and abstracts was followed to segregate relevant articles. Several nursing and non-nursing informations bases were searched. The hunt scheme is summarized in Figure. I. Initially the hunt was started from the Google bookman cyberspace based database to acquire clasp of the general position of the research job. The Google bookman hunt revealed more than 100,000 consequences which were refined through cardinal words. The hunt was built on with the cardinal words in nursing databases like CINAHL plus ( cumulative index to nursing and allied wellness literature ) , Medline and PubMed, Figure. I. For the intent of seeking more relevant surveies on the research job, lineage attack was followed ; commendations from already searched articles from the databases were used to track other surveies on the simil ar subject. Manual hunt was besides performed in AKUH periodicals like, Current sentiment in HIV and AIDS, HIV medical specialty and Journal of HIV/AIDS & A ; Social Services. This literature reappraisal paper is based on synthesis of 8 surveies and 2 literature reappraisals extracted from different beginnings, combination of Western and Asiatic context, and a combination of qualitative and quantitative surveies. Abstractions, conference proceedings and commentaries were excluded. However, WHO, UNAIDS and World Bank studies on HIV were included. No surveies were found from Pakistani context in respect to mental wellness issues among HIV patients. Background and significance of the Research job Global Burden of HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) remains a existent menace to the wellness and socioeconomic well-being of many of the states of the universe. Harmonizing to the World Health Organization ( 2011 ) planetary sum-up of the AIDS epidemic, the entire figure of people populating with HIV is 34.0 million out of which 30.7 million are grownups, 16.7 million are adult females and 3.3 million histories for kids & lt ; 15 old ages of age. There is a considerable fluctuation in tendencies globally. Kilmarx ( 2009 ) indicates a lessening in HIV prevalence in Burma, Cambodia, and Thailand, whereas increasing quickly in Pakistan, Vietnam, and some states of Indonesia. Furthermore, there is an increasing advancement of new infections in the really thickly settled states of Bangladesh and China. Ma, Zhang, He et Al ( 2007 ) lists the major factors lending towards HIV globally and in most Asiatic states which are, injection drug usage, sex work, male-male sex, and overlap in these behaviours. Relationship between HIV and mental wellness HIV is one of the most complicated societal challenges faced by modern-day societies due to its strong ties with sexual and social stigmatized behaviour. Asante ( 2012 ) states that one time diagnosed with HIV, it may take to lower self- regard, uneffective header and societal isolation and hapless psychological well-being. The WHO ( 2008 ) study on HIV AIDS and mental wellness comment mental wellness and HIV/AIDS as closely interlinked. Mental wellness jobs including substance maltreatment are associated with increased hazard of HIV infection and AIDS and interfere with their intervention. While on the other manus, some mental upsets occur as a direct consequence of HIV infection. It is of import to understand that mental wellness issues in HIV positive patients may be associated with negative experiences and hapless attachment to intervention regimens, taking to greater HIV hazard behaviour, and lower quality of life which is a critical factor in HIV attention and bar. WHO ( 2008 ) besides affirms the exposure of mental upsets that may interfere with the ability to get or utilize information about HIV and pattern safe behaviours. Collins, Hollman, Freeman, and Patel ( 2006 ) reveal that depression consequences in worst results for people populating with HIV and those with anxiousness, temper and substance maltreatment upsets demonstrate a less or decelerate response towards anti-retroviral therapy as compared to those without any mental unwellness. Critical Analysis of the Literature Based on the critical analysis of the research articles, following subjects were identified which are discussed in item below. The surveies were a combination of qualitative and quantitative, largely cross-sectional surveies with assorted methods. A assortment of tools were used in these surveies to analyze different facets e.g. demographic informations, behaviours and mental wellness issues. Prevalence of Mental Health issues among HIV positive persons World Health Organization ( 2008 ) study on HIV AIDS and mental wellness study higher rates of depression in HIV-positive people compared with control groups both in low- and high income states. Surveies in India have systematically reported a high prevalence of mental wellness jobs among HIV positive patients as compared to the general population ( Das & A ; Leibowitz, 2011 ) . Similar survey in United States besides reveals 22-32 % prevalence of depression in HIV infected persons which is 2-3 clip higher than prevalence of depression in general community ( Bing, et al. , 2001 ) . The findings from these surveies are important and thought arousing in footings of prevalence of mental wellness issues among HIV population as compared to controls. These findings suggest the demand for turn toing mental wellness issues pertinent to HIV population. Stigma and Discrimination A important figure of research workers reported that societal stigma and favoritism of HIV septic persons, ( Das & A ; Leibowitz, 2011 ; Li, Lee, Thammawijaya, Jiraphongsa, & A ; Rotheram-Borus, 2009 ) fright and weakness ( Whetten, Reif, Whetten, & A ; Murphy-McMillan, 2008 ) , cause greater mental and psychological convulsion which finally leads to mental wellness jobs. The stigma attached with being HIV positive creates a sense of ineptitude and the persons develop an attitude of conveying the virus as retaliation. Shin, et al. , ( 2011 ) performed a qualitative analysis to place the factors that contribute to hapless emotional wellness and its impact among Peruvian HIV-infected persons. Focus group treatments with patients and suppliers were conducted. Analysis revealed a thoughtful penetration into the profound impact of stigma, depression, isolation, and deficiency of societal support among these patients. Furthermore it was found that populating with HIV, contributed significa ntly to mental wellness jobs experienced by HIV-positive persons. The survey besides reported incidences of sing hopelessness, stigma, and socio-economic marginalisation of many of these patients one time diagnosed with HIV. These consequences were consistent with another survey by Jin, Zhao, Zhang, Feng, and Wu ( 2010 ) to look into the psychological position and the psychosocial experiences of HIV-positive people. The results of this survey suggest that HIV-positive people in eastern China besides suffered from psychological hurt and see a negative psychosocial environment one time stigmatized as HIV positive. These surveies reveal that HIV positive persons experience important stigma and favoritism which has a profound impact on their psychological and mental wellness and its association with their overall quality of life. Depression, Mood /Anxiety upsets and substance maltreatment In one of the survey by Bing, et al. , ( 2001 ) to mensurate the prevalence of mental upsets and drug usage among HIV positive persons in United States, half of the population screened positive for either one or more psychiatric upsets ( temper upsets, dysthymic depression, generalised anxiousness upsets and major depression ) . Furthermore, about half of the population reported usage of illicit drug out of which 12 % were drug dependant. Similar survey in Denmark by Rodkjaer, Laursen, Balle, and Sodemann, ( 2010 ) found to hold a 38 % prevalence of depression among the HIV positive participants. The normally reported mental wellness issues in assorted other surveies were found to be mood/ anxiousness diagnosing ( 39 % ) substance maltreatment ( 21 % ) clinically relevant depression ( 76 % ) and post-traumatic emphasis upset ( 11 % ) ( Pence, Miller, Whetten, Eron & A ; Gaynes, 2006 ) , depression 62.3 % and anxiousness 82.3 % severally ( Morrison, et al. , 2011 ) . Studies in India besides support the high prevalence of depressive upsets, anxiousness, accommodation upsets, self-destructive purposes and efforts and intoxicant dependance among HIV positive persons ( Collins, Hollman, freewoman & A ; Patel, 2006 ) . Whetten, Reif, Whetten, and Murphy-McMillan ( 2008 ) attributed mental unwellness including depression, anxiousness, and posttraumatic emphasis upset ( PTSD ) related to HIV, as associated with hapless wellness results including attachment to medicine regimens and HIV hazard behaviour, such as unprotected sex and needle sharing. The overall impact suggests the increased magnitude of mental wellness upsets including depression, substance maltreatment, general anxiousness upsets, self-destructive ideation, self-destructive efforts and substance maltreatment among HIV positive patients. Social support and internalized shame: Another subject which was found in few surveies was internalized shame and societal support. Li, Lee, Thammawijaya, Jiraphongsa, and Rotheram-Borus, ( 2009 ) carried out a research in Thailand to analyze relationship among HIV related stigma, internalized shame and societal support and its impact on quality of life of life of HIV positive persons. The consequences revealed a important negative association among societal support, internalized shame ( p= 0.001 ) and stigma ( p= & lt ; 0.05 ) . Furthermore important correlativity was found between depression and internalized shame ( p & lt ; 0.001 ) . Similar survey was sought in Ghana by Asante ( 2012 ) to look into the association between psychological well-being of HIV positives and societal support. Consequences revealed a negative association of depression, emphasis and anxiousness with societal support. This indicates that societal support is reciprocally relative to stigma, depression and internalized shame and some alterations i n the societal environment may take to successful psychological version towards HIV. Mental wellness services for HIV patients ; Global and regional positions The critical demand to turn to mental wellness issues among HIV population is recognized globally. However, Reif, Whetten & A ; Raper ( 2006 ) believes that important dearth in entree to mental wellness persists for this susceptible population. The WHO ( 2008 ) study on HIV/ AIDS and mental wellness proposed a series of faculties and developing stuff for integrating of mental wellness intercessions into antiretroviral therapy plans. However, the application and effectivity of these faculties have yet to be studied. Apart from WHO initiatives, Baingana, Thomas and Comblain ( 2005 ) affirms that The World Bank is presently â€Å" the largest long-run investor in the bar and extenuation of HIV/AIDS in developing states †( p.2 ) . Despite holding identified mental wellness issues as â€Å" an of import emerging wellness job for developing market economic systems †( p.2 ) , it has yet non significantly addressed the function of mental wellness in the HIV/AIDS pandemic. On the other manus, Khan and Hyder ( 2001 ) in their article reference that private academic centres in Pakistan have played their function in carry oning surveies related to HIV prevalence and cognition consciousness and besides supplying appropriate medical installations and reding the HIV patients and households but these installations are limited and general populace has less entree to them. The nature of reding nevertheless, is non explicitly defined by the writers. The analysis from the literature exhibits deficient informations in Pakistani cultural context sing mental wellness challenges of people populating with HIV, which could be used to supply the necessary services to run into the turning demands of HIV positive population. Hence, significant relevant information demands be collected in order to propose specific mental wellness services for these persons entirely. Critical assessment and Gaps After an in-depth critical reappraisal on the literature, it was found that up till now there has been a famine of research on the prevalence of HIV and its associated factors. However, limited researches have been done on the selected job of mental wellness issues among this population globally. Global Initiative on Psychiatry GIP ( 2008 ) clearly regards the deductions of untreated mental morbidity as both mental wellness and human rights issue. It farther emphasizes that the strong nexus between mental wellness and HIV is a fact but really small attending has been paid to this association. There seems a deficiency of grounds sing mental wellness issues in developing states like Pakistan. The grounds for this could be unequal informations, societal stigma attached to HIV in the state and under reported HIV instances ( Khan & A ; Hyder, 2001 ) .The groundss above ascertain the significance of the inquiry under survey. Furthermore, no grounds of such survey which could research the mental wellness issues of HIV positive persons in Pakistan was found during the literature hunt. Restatement of Research Question As portion of my thesis, my research inquiry after this reappraisal would be: â€Å" What mental wellness issues are prevailing among HIV positive patients in Pakistan, and what is the impact of these mental wellness issues in their perceptual experience, over disease patterned advance and quality of life? †This could be a assorted methodological analysis, i.e. a combination of qualitative and quantitative attack. Appropriate tools would be selected for measuring specific parts of the research inquiry after proof. Focus group treatments and interviews may be used where relevant to acquire the responses. Decision The analysis of the literature reveals that mental wellness jobs are widespread among the known HIV-positive patient population. These jobs include but are non limited to stigma, and societal isolation, anxiousness, major depression, substance maltreatment, station traumatic emphasis upsets, societal isolation and many more. The findings indicate that important attending to these issues in context of HIV intervention and bar must be warranted ( Whetten, Reif, Whetten, & A ; Murphy-McMillan, 2008 ) . The high prevalence of these upsets suggests the demand for more mental wellness attention installations for HIV-positive patients particularly in less developed and developing states like Pakistan. There is unequal guidance and psychiatric services available for this population particularly in low income states. The mental wellness intercession must non be undermined for these HIV positive persons. Healthcare bureaus must understand the psychosocial and socio cultural context of HIV, gua rantee intervention attachment and bar and work at their best to relieve mental wellness jobs among HIV positive patients. This vulnerable population calls for a suited place in the society and ensured optimal quality of life.
Code of Ethics of Goldman Sachs’
Title:The effectiveness of Goldman Sachs’ code of ethics Date:17 October 2012 To:CEO, Lloyd C. Blankfein Introduction The code of ethics is adopted by organizations to assist members in understanding the difference between ‘right' and ‘wrong' and in applying that understanding to their decisions. An effective code of ethics should also help to delineate the proper procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics has occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed.After reviewing the company’s code of ethics, we found that it has well established the concept of business ethics and the company’s objective, and also several kinds of encouragement to promote the ethical business behavior effectively. The company’s code of ethics, however, is not practical enough for implementation as the content is too general and vague, and there are not enough guidelines and regulations to help the staff to detect or solve the ethical iss ues. What makes the Code of Ethics Effective: According to the code of ethics, the employees are encouraged to expose any misconducts or unethical issues in the company.The company has also established a certain department, the Global Compliance Division or Legal Department, as the platform for reporting any violation of the code, and it also helps the employees to identify and escalate potential ethical issues. Meanwhile, the company has also set up the Non-Retaliation Policy which strictly prohibits the retaliation against anyone who reports in good faith a possible violation of the Code. Under those policies and procedures, the employees will feel easy to voice out if they found something going in the wrong track.What makes the Code of Ethics Ineffective: The code of ethics of the company consists a large portion of text about the general code of ethics which is applied to every individual unit, but it emphasis less on the code for investment banking industry, such as insider dea ling, money laundering, outside business activities and relationship and other potential conflict of interest, and staff’s personal financial affairs. Without any detailed case illustration for each of the particular issues, employees may feel hard to follow the code.This imposes potential risks for employees to make unethical transactions unknowingly. Moreover, the code does not strictly restrict the actions of personal conflicts of interest but are allowed if approved by the firm that may violate the independence of professional. Audit firm prohibited any conflicts of interest which had been stated clearly on the statement. Auditors, for example, are prohibited to accept any favors which violate the professional. Another weakness of the code is that it omits the implementation and administration policies.There are no content how the company supervises the implementation of the code, what the company do if the code is found to be not effective, how long the company reviews t he code and so on. Also, the code illustrates that the company take a passive role on discovering the ethical issues. The code requires employees take their own initiatives to report any unethical issues. However, it is not guaranteed that all employees are going to follow the code. There is a risk of undisclosed misconduct by employees if the company does not investigate in it. Improvement The code of ethics specifically focuses on banking industry.Take Bank of America’s code as an example. Although it is impossible to define every action that could be reasonably interpreted as a conflict of interest, company also defines several potential conflicts of interest as examples with a brief description so that everyone can have an idea on conflict of interest. In addition, the code has stated employees should conduct their financial affairs responsibly and keep their business expenses in order. The bank is prohibited money laundering and economic sanctions which have also mention ed in the code. Those are helpful to provide a clear picture to staff on what they should conduct.It is good practice to have the way reporting the misconduct issue, but company is still played as passive role. And also it may be biases if the issue is examined by internal staff from other departments. To be independence, establishing Committees involved external individual or professional to monitor and investigate the misconducts and unethical issues, and the committees may directly notify the Board of Director. Company’s code of ethics can be introduced during the orientation. Each new employee may be requested to complete a set of ethical questions after the introduction to ensure everyone understand this code.The failure may be requested to attend another ethical course to recap the important sections. One of global investment bank, Greenhill & Co holds information and training sessions to promote compliance with the laws, rules and regulations that affect their business . Conclusion: It is appreciated that the company put effort on setting the code of ethics. The above suggestions are given to your kindly consideration as it is good for the company to review the code once again in order to maintain high standard of integrity.
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