Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Personal Statement The Nursing Profession - 779 Words
In the nursing profession, you will often hear the clichà © where people say they were born to be nurses. They always knew they wanted to be a nurse from the time they were young. Some people grew up around healthcare, had nurses in their family, or just knew in their bones they were meant to be a nurse. Well, I can say unequivocally that I am not one of those people. Upon graduating from college I still had no idea what I wanted to be when I â€Å"grow up.†I went into sales because the only thing I truly knew I wanted was to work with people. Working with new people every day led me to a revelation; I wanted to help people. Having always been fascinated by the human body, and having a thirst for knowledge were what brought me to nursing. I felt there was no better way to make a measurable impact on people’s lives than to provide direct care during their most vulnerable moments. I believe becoming a CRNA will give me solace in knowing I have the ability to mak e a positive impact on nearly every patient I treat. Every day I walk into work I knowing I will be challenged, forced to make critical decisions on a moment’s notice. My analytical mind allows my strengths to take over while working with the most critically ill patients. My continual physical assessment and constant monitoring of hemodynamics, lab results, and physiological responses to vasoactive drips keep me sharp and driven to stay well ahead of the patient, heading off problems long before they surface.Show MoreRelatedMy Personal Statement For Nursing Profession921 Words  | 4 PagesConventionally speaking, qualifications in the nursing profession are typically defined as hands on experience in a health care setting, but what about unconventional qualifications? My story is slightly different than most; I may not have traditional nursing skills, but I believe the skills I do possess are equally relevant. During my previous career, I dedicated 10 years to serving the needs of individuals with disabilities both for profit and not for profit. I secured and maintained contractsRead MorePersonal And Professional Values In Nursing1592 Words  | 7 PagesA philosophy is a statement of values and beliefs to help guide one through their career. A personal philosophy should mirror the views of the individual and help shape their work to coincide with their personal values and beliefs (Marquis Huston, 2015). Nursing is a unique career that makes nurses examine themselves and their own life in order to provide the best care for all patients. It is important for a nurse to realize their own beliefs and learn how to incorporate them into their care inRead MoreDefinition of Nursing1191 Words  | 5 Pagesstipulated. Gastmans (1998) states, â€Å"For nurses (both as individuals and as a professional group) it should be considered an ethical challenge to change the context of nursing practic e from a stumbling block into a driving force†(p. 244). Creating a new identity ensures professional recognition and the appreciation of nursing competence and commitment to the patient’s well being (Gastmans, 1998). Description of Terms Health Health can be described as the absence of physical disease or painRead MoreHow the Core of Nursing Helps to Prevent Abuse in Age Care637 Words  | 3 PagesHow the Core of Nursing Helps to Prevent Abuse in Age Care There have many numerous abuses by physicians and nurses alike. Is it right? Is it justifiable? Of course, the answer is no. The nursing profession has a code of ethics, just like other professions that spell out what professional behavior is acceptable in the profession. 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The Catholic University of America School of Nursing has its pioneer group that is the Catholic Church. Therefore, every value, virtue, norm, composition and beliefs are all originated from the Catholic Church and are thus modified to fit its environment and existence of the school. As a result, every philosophy and statements made are always in lineRead MoreFunctional Dif ferences Of A Nurse1245 Words  | 5 PagesFunctional Differences As a nurse, a personal professional development plan is important to aid in progression in the nursing profession. There are two types of organizations that relate the nursing profession. The first is a regulatory agency, which is an agency that oversees and helps govern the nursing profession (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2016). For example, the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) for the state of Utah may apply administrative penalties, such as a fine or citationRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1454 Words  | 6 Pages Personal Philosophy of Nursing Kendra Jackson Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing October 8, 2014â€Æ' Introduction The nursing profession cannot be summarized using one word or statement. According to the American Nursing Association, nursing is â€Å"the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communitiesRead MoreHorizontal Violence And Its Effects On Nursing1656 Words  | 7 PagesHorizontal Violence: A Detriment to Nursing Typically, when someone thinks of a bully, childhood memories of scuffles on the playground come to mind. Bullies are not usually people that are associated with adult life. However, nursing has changed this stereotypical view. For many nurses, bullying may be as great a threat every day at work as it was when they were in grade school. This threat is because of what is termed as horizontal or lateral violence in the workplace, and it is a surprisinglyRead MoreNursing Code of Ethics Essay1052 Words  | 5 PagesNursing Code of Ethics Introduction Butts and Rich (1-26) point out that effective nursing requires both broad knowledge and a set of well developed abilities and skills. The required tasks, are many and varied and in order to do them properly, care must be taken to respect each patients rights and sensitivities. This is why, according to the authors, nursing care must be guided by a code of ethics. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and discussion of the Code of Ethics
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay On The Community - 801 Words
List memberships in other organizations and describe your activities in each group. I am a serving member of the Illinois State Board of Education Student Advisory Council until I graduate in 2019. I am the only representative from Southern Illinois out of sixteen members. The Student Advisory Council Convenes bi-monthly to discuss issues in the education system and research a specific issue to present to the State Board of Education. This year our topic was Mental Health Awareness, and I conducted multiple surveys and interviews, completed extensive research, worked closely with the co-chairs of the council, and communicated with the Board of Education throughout the year. I was able to attend multiple meetings of the State Board and†¦show more content†¦I help run monthly meetings and report our activities to our local Rotary Club. Our club has volunteered at many places including Christmas in Carterville, Hurricane Creek Assisted Living, Parkway Manor, Gumdrops, and the Black Tie Masquerade Gala. Our club was started just this year and we celebrated one year of serving the community by getting a mascot for our club. I served as a Sophomore class representative in our school’s student council this year. We organized major school events including homecoming and the Annual Senior Citizen’s Valentine’s Day Banquet. Homecoming is a very important event that requires a lot of preparation for both coronation and the dance itself. From decorations to the downtown homecoming parade, student council organizes and participates in every part of the event. At the Senior Citizen’s Banquet we set up decorations and then assisted the senior citizens to the auditorium to watch the jazz band. Afterwards they were taken to the cafeteria where student council members helped serve them and ran the raffle. I have danced and trained for eleven years independently and as part of Student Barnes Dance Studio in a variety of styles including ballet, pointe, hip-hop, indian, and musical theater. I am a part of my school’s concert band, jazz band, basketball band, and marching band. I am first chair oboe in the concert band, I play piano in jazz band, and I am front ensemble leader forShow MoreRelated Community Essay843 Words  | 4 PagesCommunity The point that community has an important effect on the shaping of a person’s character is key in both Pythia Peay’s essay, â€Å"Soul Searching†and Winona LaDuke’s interview transcribed in essay form entitled, â€Å"Reclaiming Culture and the Land: Motherhood and the Politics of Sustaining Community†. The two authors present ideas, similar and different, of what it means to live in and be a part of community. Through examining these two essays, summarizing and synthesizing, we can gainRead More Communities Essay1419 Words  | 6 Pages When most people talk about community, they think of a location, an area in which people live. By definition â€Å"community†is a group of people living in the same location and under the same government. Community can also be defined as a group of people with the same common interests or segments in society. However, these definitions, which can be found in any dictionary, are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to explaining what community really is. Community is the memories and traditionsRead MoreEssay on The Community731 Words  | 3 PagesThe Community The laws of the government and regulations of the state should be followed accordingly. There will be equal opportunities for everyone throughout their lifetime as long as they meet the requirements for those opportunities. People who qualify and will do the best for the community will head the community. The society is based on free will as long as the rules are followed and no one is harmed. The rules and regulations set are to protect the people of the society in order forRead MoreEssay on Community657 Words  | 3 Pages Communitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When community comes to mind, it reminds me of my own residence of living which encompasses the people, the parks, the REC centers and so on. But if the deeper meaning of community is searched, it seems to be more specific than just theses things. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For example, there are communities that separate themselves from the rest of society and are distinguished by certain characteristics of mannerisms. SomeRead MoreEssay On A Community1584 Words  | 7 PagesSchool chosen description of the community. Since I live in Los Angeles and most of the volunteer work I do takes place in Los Angeles, I have decided to construct this paper on a school in the Los Angeles area. The school and community I will be focusing on, is located in South Los Angeles near the Gilbert Lindsay Community Center Park. Since I did not receive approval to use specific names for this school and its faculty members, I will be addressing this middle school as Titan Middle SchoolRead MoreCommunity Policing and Community Justice Essay1134 Words  | 5 PagesCJ220 Criminal Justice and the Community Community policing is explained as a collaboration of community and the police working together to help identify and solve criminal activities. Additionally, the whole concept behind it is to promote public safety and to enhance the quality of life within the neighborhoods in which we reside in. Community policing is composed of two major components which are community partnership and problem solving. Community policing is a program that was initiallyRead More Community Analysis Essay1629 Words  | 7 PagesImagination plays a crucial role in creating communities and its identity. Fiction, in this case will cover both absolute fabrications and biases in the discourse of historys narration. History can be malleable in the hands of narrators, which they use to unite their audience into a common interpretation of their history. Alicia Barber, The author of the essay, Local Places, National Spaces: Public Memory, Community Identity and Landscape at Scotts Bluff National Monument, talks about two communitysRead More Community and Race Essay1415 Words  | 6 PagesCommunity and Race this essay has problems with format Community and race are directly related to each other. Since community is a large society composed of a number of people with different backgrounds, people are categorized into several groups according to their ethnicity. Moreover, each of the particular ethnic groups is considered a subculture group. Although the subculture groups follow the same laws and rules of the community, they share a distinctive set ofRead MoreChallenges Of The Community Essay1327 Words  | 6 Pagesinstructions for him. Count: 149/150 What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50 word limit): The biggest challenge our society faces today is the lack of tolerance for different types of people. Often times, we stay in communities filled with people similar to ourselves out of fear of being shut out, however, to achieve tolerance we must have people of different backgrounds in our lives. How did you spend your last two summers? (50 word limit) Peninsula Youth OrchestraRead MoreEssay on The Concept of Community3176 Words  | 13 PagesTHE CONCEPT OF COMMUNITY IS PROBLEMATIC. COMMENT ON YOUTH, CULTURE AND POSTCODE RIVALRY IN INNER CITY LONDON Community has been described and interpreted in different ways. It has been explained by different people in their own understanding and views. The concept of community could be associated with the beliefs, culture and interests. In this essay, the concept of community, what it is and the different types of community will be discussed. Also, the association between community, youth and its
Monday, December 9, 2019
Disney Pixar free essay sample
The balance sheet is a snapshot of a company’s financial condition. It shows assets, liabilities, and stockholder’s equity. An asset is an item of economic value owned by an individual or corporation, especially that which could be converted to cash or liquidated. A liability is an obligation that legally binds an individual or company to settle a debt. When one is liable for a debt, they are responsible for paying the debt or settling a wrongful act they may have committed. Stockholder’s equity is a company’s common stock equity as it appears on a balance sheet, qual to total assets minus liabilities, preferred stock, and intangible assets such a good will. Disney had reported their fair values for cash equivalents and cash, receivables, accounts payable, contracts, derivates and investments that are available for sale. The Company estimates their total current cash and equivalents totaling an amount of 13. We will write a custom essay sample on Disney Pixar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 7 billion for October 2, 1010 and 12. 6 billion for October 3, 2009. Disney is such a huge company and has array of assets and best known brands. From parks, property, leasehold, equipments, furniture, land, copyrights, FCC licenses, trademarks and other intangible assets. The Company’s total assets totaled up to 42. 2 billion for 2010 and 38. 1 billion for 2009. Disney has many big assets but their largest assets are their parks and resorts/ properties. Based on their 2 most recent annual reports, the Company reported their largest assets coming in at 16 billion for October 2, 2010 and 16 billion for October 3, 2010. Two of the largest liabilities that Pixar has forgone in the last two most recent reporting periods are the Steven Jobs with The Pixar Touch and the tax liability of backdated Pixar stocks. With the Pixar Touch liability Steven Jobs had put $50 million into the company. The book started losing money the first year putting a liability into the company. With the backdated Pixar stocks puts many jobs in the dark spot light. This puts Pixar having a total of $31,687,000 of all current liabilities at the end of their most recent annual report. Pixar revenue for the past three years has taken a leap of an average of 54. 4%. Annual sales for the 100 top finishers rose of an average of 30. 7% annually. This puts Pixar having profits jump up to 55. 9% a year. Pixar is the hottest movie maker on the years hot growth list. Walt Disney is a huge entity. The Walt Disney World Resort encompasses 30,500 acres, making it approximately the same size as San Francisco. Looking at Disney’s balance sheet their total assets at the end of its 2 most recent annual reporting periods (2010) was $69,206,000. The total amount of accounts payable at the end of its 2 most recent annual reporting periods was $6,109,000. Also, the company’s total current liabilities at the end of its 2 most recent annual reporting period were $11,000,000. An income statement reports the profitability of a company’s operations over a period of time (Weygandt, 2008). Net income is when a company’s revenues exceed their expenses, as opposed to net loss when a company’s expenses exceed their revenues, and will not include investment or dividend transactions. Disney has had the success in being able to report all net income on at least three of its last income statements. Disney’s net incomes for the last three annual reporting periods are as follows: †¢2008 – $4,427,000 †¢2009 – $3,307,000 †¢2010 – $3,963,000 As you can see, from 2008 to 2009 Disney’s net income decreased by $1,120,000. Most of this loss is due to the state of the current economy.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay Example Essay Example
Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay Example Paper Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay Introduction Voluntary Active Euthanasia Carlene Lawrence Hodges University PHI 3601 OL3 November 19, 2012 Abstract This paper will discuss the benefits of the legalization of Voluntary Active Euthanasia (VAE). It will define the differences between Active Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide, as well as the difference between active and passive. We will look at VAE from a legal perspective, with discussion about specific court cases that have set precedence in this matter. We will also look at it from a moral point of view; from a perspective of Utilitarian and Subjectivist principles, to show that VAE should be considered morally correct. Voluntary Active Euthanasia This paper will discuss the benefits of Active Voluntary Euthanasia (VAE). Although it is sometimes referred to as mercy killings, it is one of the most controversial topics in our world today. Many believe the right to live is one of the most important human rights. The right to die should be equally as important. First, we mu st discuss the difference between active and passive euthanasia. Active is the process by which a person is given something, such as a prescribed medication, to end their life, while passive is allowing a person to die naturally, not being given anything to help sustain their life. Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay Body Paragraphs Second, we must not confuse VAE with Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS), as the two are quite different. With VAE, it is the doctor who administers life ending medications, with the patient’s permission, while with PAS, the patient is the one who ultimately ends their own life. It can be argued that there is no moral difference between active and passive, since the consequences, intentions, and actions are primarily the same. If medical treatment is withheld, allowing them to die naturally, this will prolong their pain and suffering, as well as that of their loved ones left to bear witness. It will also lead to large medical bills, which the families will be left to deal with. In an era where the culture is to provide rescue medicine, it is hard to decide what to do when facing end of life decisions for your loved ones. According to the Hippocratic Oath, physicians must â€Å"use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but will not use it to injure or w rong them†(Friend, 2011). While the actual Oath has been rewritten many times over the years, to reflect cultural changes, it has the same essence. But, who decides what is considered as injuring or wronging them? One person may consider aiding in the death of another to be wrong, but the person dying may not. U. S. District Judge Barbara Rothstein (1194) wrote, â€Å"There is no more profoundly personal decision, no one which is closer to the heart of personal liberty, than the choice which a terminally ill person makes to end his or her suffering†. Assisted suicide and euthanasia have been worldly controversial for centuries. However, the first organizations created to support the legalization of such were in 1935 and 1938, in Great Britain and the United States, respectively. Great strides have been made in the right direction though. Consider the case of Karen Ann Quinlan. In 1975, after mixing alcohol and drugs at a party, Karen become unconscious and slipped into a coma (Quinlan Radimer, 2005). After months of watching their daughter suffer, being kept alive by machines, the family decided they knew their daughter would not want to live this way and requested she be taken off of the respirator. However, they quickly found out that their wish could not be carried out without a court order. They lost their first court battle in New Jersey Superior Court. They appealed this decision and ended up in New Jersey State Supreme Court, where by a unanimous decision, they won. Karen’s father, Joseph Quinlan, was names as Karen’s guardian, and was permitted to make all healthcare choices for her. Julia Quinlan, Karen’s mother, writes: The ruling gave patients and families the right to live each stage of life, including the last stage, with dignity and respect, and for medical institutions such as hospitals, hospices and nursing homes that would now be required to establish and maintain ethics committees. In addition, the Quinlan case led to the creation of the â€Å"living will,†sometimes called an â€Å"advanced directive,†which outlines the personal wishes of the individual in regard to â€Å"extraordinary means†to maintain life. (Quinlan 2005) In 1990, 40 states collectively passed laws allowing competent citizens the right to make living wills. These documents put the power back into the hands of the ill, by allowing their wishes and voices to be heard when they themselves are unable to speak. They instruct doctors to withhold life-supporting treatment and systems in the event a person becomes terminally ill. They can also instruct emergency doctors not to perform life resuscitating devices when a person has become injured or ill. It is the opinion of this writer and other proponents, like Compassion Choices (http://www. compassionandchoices. org) that it become legal to include right to die choices like voluntary euthanasia. In ancient Rome and Greece, putting someone to death, or assisting in dying was acceptable in certain situations. For example, it was acceptable to put to death newborns with severe birth defects. It wasn’t until Christianity started developing in the West, that euthanasia was determined to be morally and ethically wrong. It was, and still is, seen as a â€Å"violation of God’s gift of life†. (Abdulkadir, Ansari, Sambo, 2012, p 673). This is where the ethical debate inevitably ensues. Opponents mostly come from the medical profession as well as religious groups. They believe that medical providers should be more concerned with caring and healing then curing and the ultimate outcome. Legalizing active euthanasia could put too much power in the hands of the medical professionals, allowing the ill to be easily swayed and opening up the option for many lawsuits from surviving family members who do not agree with the practice. Proponents reason that keeping someone alive with medications and medical instruments, when they would otherwise die is not sustaining a true life. Also, they believe that this is not a question of if someone is to die, but how much they suffer in the interim. The main concern of health providers should be to ease or eliminate pain and suffering. If we can accept that passive euthanasia (rejecting the use of life sustaining treatment) is ethically and morally correct, than we should also accept active euthanasia as well. Utilitarianism says that actions should be judges as morally acceptable or unacceptable based on increases and decreases in total happiness and/or misery (total meaning everyone involved, not just one individual (Barcalow, 2007). Using this as a guide, it can be determined that VAE would essentially be reducing misery by allowing terminally ill, and sick to die nstead of suffering. Therefore, it would be morally acceptable. Let us look at VAE from a Subjectivism standpoint. Subjectivism claims that â€Å"whatever an individual believes to be right or wron g is right or wrong for that individual†(Barclow, 2007). Therefore, what may be morally correct for one person may not be for another. Under this principle, we should consider that if you believe VAE to be morally incorrect, that does not stand to reason all of society believes this as well. Let’s look at euthanasia another way. Merriam-Webster (2012) defines euthanasia as: â€Å"the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy†. In most states, where VAE is not legal, doctors are permitted to withhold medical treatment from a dying person, if that is their wish. While this is not considered actively administering life ending medication, it can still be considered actively allowing the person to die, if the treatment they are withholding would keep the person alive, even if only temporarily. When defending the case for active euthana sia, often the subject of our pets inevitably comes up. It is common practice when our pets become ill or injured, to put them out of their misery, we have them, as we say, ‘put to sleep’, or ‘put down’. You never hear of someone keeping their pet alive on life sustaining machines and medications. When asked why they chose to put down their pet, almost everyone answers with they couldn’t bear to see the animal suffer. So then why do feel the need to keep our humans alive? Currently there are four states in the U. S. hat have legalized active euthanasia; Oregon in 1994 by the Oregon Death and Dignity Act, , Texas in 1999 by the Texas Futile Care Law, Washington in 2008 by the Washington Death and Dignity Act and Montana in 2008 through a trial court ruling, Baxter vs. Montana. It is also legal in several European and eastern countries, such as Belgium, Columbia, and the Netherlands. It is legal in certain situations in Switzerland. In conclusion, usin g the Utilitarian and Subjectivism Moral Principles, should consider voluntary active euthanasia morally acceptable. References Abdulkadir, A. B. , Ansari, A. H. , Sambo, A. O. (2012). The right to die via euthanasia: an expository study of the shari’ah and laws in selected jurisdictions. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 673+ Barcalow, E. (2007). Moral philosophy: Theories and issues. (4th Ed. ed. ). Belmont: The Thomson Corporation. Daniel, P. S. (2011). Speaking of the value of life. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal,21(2), 181-199,6. Euthanasia (a) in Merriam-webster online dictionary. (2012, March 09). Retrieved from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/euthanasia Friend, Mary Louanne,M. N. , R. N. (2011). Physician-assisted suicide: Death with dignity? Journal of Nursing Law,14(3), 110-116. Doi Rothstein, B. R. (1994). Assisted suicide: Helping terminally ill. Knight-Ridder Newspapers, 12(10), 615. Mary, L. F. (2011). Physician-assisted suicide: Death with dignity? Journal of Nursing Law,14(3), 110-116. doi/913146489 Quinlan, J. , ; Radimer, F. (2005). My joy, my sorrow. Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press. Rachels, J. (1975) Active and passive euthanasia . The New England Journal of Medicine 292 78-80 Rachels, J. (2001) Killing and letting die. Encyclopedia of Ethics 2nd ed. 2 947-50 Steinbock, B. , ; Norcross, A. (1994). Killing and letting die. Fordham Univ Pr. We will write a custom essay sample on Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Voluntary Active Euthanasia Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Destructiveness of War essays
Destructiveness of War essays Vonneguts Illustration of Destructiveness of War Slaughterhouse-Five was written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. in 1953. Whether the book is an antiwar novel or a science fiction novel is ambiguous, but after writing this book, Vonnegut insists that it was a failure. Failure it is not according to many critics. Rather than just writing an anti-war/science fiction novel, Vonnegut wrote a tale of the trials and tribulations resulting from the complete and utter destruction of Dresden during World War II. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut develops the protagonist, Billy Pilgrim along with utilizing science fiction and satire to demonstrate the destructiveness of war. Vonnegut uses satire and fiction to ironically display the destructiveness of war. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut comes at last in direct confrontation with his Dresden experience (Keogh and Kislatis 172). John Somer adds, It took him twenty three years to write his lousy little book (222). In fact, because Vonnegut found it so difficult to write about the bombing of Dresden, He comments on the reality of Dresden by treating the problems as fiction (Giannone 83). One critic establishes that Vonnegut enjoys playing with fiction, using it to represent truth or reality (Meeter 208-209). Glenn Meeter adds that Billy alone is a separate version of the role of fiction in the novel by describing his space adventures and time warps (210-211). Billys character is satirical in itself, for he is a weak and feeble man, not fit to fight a war. Ironically, J.G. Keogh and Edward Kislastis agree, At the core of the characterization of Billy Pilgrim is the conception of war as a childrens crusade (182). Vonnegut introduces Edgar Derby to further strengthen the ills of war: I think the climax of the book will be the execution of poor old Edgar Derby...The irony is so great. A whole city gets burned down, and thousands and thou...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Native Elements List
Native Elements List Native elements are chemical elements that occur in nature in an uncombined or pure form. Although most elements are found only in compounds, a rare few are native. For the most part, native elements also form chemical bonds and occur in compounds. Here is a list of these elements: Native Elements That Are Metals Ancient man was familiar with several pure elements, mainly metals. Several of the noble metals, such as gold and platinum, exist free in nature. The gold group and platinum group, for example, are all elements that exist in the native state. The rare earth metals are among elements that do not exist in native form. Aluminum - AlBismuth - Â BiCadmium - CdChromium - CrCopper - CuGold - AuIndium - InIron - FeIridium - IrLead - PbMercury - HgNickel - NiOsmium - OsPalladium - PdPlatinum - PtRhenium - ReRhodium - RhSilver - AgTantalum - TaTin - SnTitanium - TiVanadium - VZinc - Zn Native Elements That Are Metalloids or Semimetals Antimony - SbArsenic - AsSilicon - SiTellurium - Te Native Elements That Are Nonmetals Note gases are not listed here, even though they may exist in pure form. This is because gases are not considered minerals and also because they freely mix with other gases, so you are unlikely to encounter a pure sample. However, the noble gases do not readily combine with other elements, so you might consider them native in that respect. The noble gases include helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Similarly, diatomic gases, such as hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are not considered native elements. Carbon - CSelenium - SeSulfur - S Native Alloys In addition to elements that occur in the native state, there are a few alloys also found free in nature: BrassBronzeElectrumGerman SilverGold-Mercury AmalgamPewterSilver-Mercury AmalgamWhite Gold The native alloys and other native metals were mankinds only access to metals prior to the development of smelting, which is believed to have begun around 6500 BC. Even though metals were known before this, they typically occurred in very small quantities, so they were not available to most people.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Why followers suport toxic leaders qualitative case study perspective Essay
Why followers suport toxic leaders qualitative case study perspective - Essay Example can this paradoxical scenario, which is has been evident in virtually every society, from the earliest records of history to the present day, be explained (Lipman-Blumen, 2005)? Susceptible followers have followed, preferred or favored, and sometimes helped create an enabling environment for toxic leadership to thrive. Followers have permitted and supported toxic leadership behavior to the point where it seems to be acceptable in both political and business organizations (Reed, 2004). The central question for investigation in this project is what are the reasons followers accept, favor, and help sustain toxic leadership? Researchers recognize that leadership effectiveness is dependent on the role of followers within the organization (McClure, 2009). However, the lack of research work on the role of followers within a company led by a toxic leader presents a significant gap in the literature which the present study aims to address. McClure (2009) acknowledges this concern about the current lack of published research or investigation into the role of followers of toxic leaders. Mccoby (2004), Challeff (1995), and Chai (2010) emphasize that researchers’ failure to investigate the role of followers and identify the motivation for follower actions are among the reasons why failures in leadership and the rise of toxic leadership still persist today. This research will undertake a qualitative methodology using content analysis to gather information as to why followers support toxic leaders. This study will fill the gap in published research on the role of followers in making organizations more effective. It will also help determine why followers support their leader, good or bad. According to Kellerman, (2008) and Lipman-Blumen, (2005), safety, security, group membership, and the unpredictable nature of the world are some of the human conditions that make followers susceptible to toxic leaders. Various followers benefit from toxic leadership behavior and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
American Economic Association Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American Economic Association - Assignment Example Others are from state, local and federal government. The organization publishes articles on applied economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics and economic policy. The organization normally hold three days annual meeting with other related organization in which they discuss various factors of economics (American Economic Association 1). Under macroeconomics, the organization focuses on studies concerning growth, aggregate fluctuations and functions of policies. According to Baumol & Blinder, the organization also carries out research and interacts with other fields like industrial organization, monetary theory, finance, labor economics, international economics, public finance and development economics (American Economic Association 1). The organization also studies economy-wide phenomena like Gross National Product and effects on national income. It also addresses changes in unemployment, price levels and rate of growth. For example, under macroeconomics, the organization studies the decrease and increase in net exports and its effects on a country’s capital account. The organization provides fundamental tools for various finance professionals and economists (Atif & Trebbi 14). It also sets the stage for growth, progress and revision of existing
Sunday, November 17, 2019
African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay Example for Free
African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay African-Americans were taken from Africa as slaves, and have been fighting for equality and freedom ever since that day. The slaves were mistreated as nothing, they had no self-esteem, beaten, disparage, and were separated from their family. African-Americans still fight every day for different types of recognitions and fairness, even though many things changed over the centuries. The African-Americans played major roles during the Civil Rights Movement. African-Americans have struggle hard to end separation, prejudice, and seclude to be treat in a fair way and civil rights. Racial Separation, also known as Racial Segregation was a system taken from the results of white Americans to keep African Americans subservient status by controvert then equal admittance to public facilities and ensuring that black people lived separate from white people. Slaves lived far away from the wealth people houses on the plantation, only those who are special people lived in those houses. Northern whites had precluded blacks from seats on public transportation and blocked their entry exclude servants, from most hotels and restaurants, by the time the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott versus. Sandford in 1857. According to the article in 1896, \The most common instance of this is connected with the establishment of separate schools for white and colored children, which has been held to be a valid exercise of the legislative power even by courts of States where the political rights of the colored race have been longest and most earnestly enforce.\(Plessy v. Ferguson 1). In another word, segregation it is not only in schools, but it is in churches, auditorium, and theaters. For example, Rosa Parks was famous for her courage to stand for her rights, and to set wherever she wanted on the bus; however, she was not the first or only one to make this chose. In addition, when Rosa Parks was approached by the bus driver to sit somewhere else, there were other African-American people sitting to her. Therefore, Rosa Parks was noticed by Dr. Martin Luther King for spoke up first history gives her credit. People were brave enough to fight for their equal rights. The bus Boycott that introduced the civil rights movement that convert apartheid of America\s southern states from a local individuality to international scandal, which started when Parks arrested stunned a chain reaction. Rosa Parks individual courage that led to the collective displayed of insubordination that transformed a previously unknown 26-year-old clergyman, Martin Luther King, into a household name. The name of Dr. MLK was recorded in history as the most well-known extremist through the years. MLK was also known as a non-violent extremist, and for modifying the philosophy from Gandhi, which was reverence not only by black race but also by all other races. What became African-American\s live by for centuries to come was the speech of MLK, \ I Have a Dream.\ Furthermore, there was the \We Shall Overcome\ speech by King in 1963. The Civil Rights Movement was defining moment at the capital by MLK. Until the day MLK was killed, he fought for the Civil Rights Movement. MLK petition to all not to discriminate. African-American men and women
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Parents affect on their childrens sporting lives Essay -- essays resea
Parents have a great affect on their children. Parents like their kids to be involved in many different activities to make the child a well rounded person. Sports is a main activity that parents get their children involved in. Sports develops character, as well as discipline, self respect, etc†¦ Sometimes parents don’t realize that even though the sport itself teaches the child, they are the most visible teacher to the child. Parents are often the ones who get out of control at sporting events. When the children see this behavior, they now must question. Is this acceptable? Then a child may think it is and engage in violent or destructive behavior themselves.      This past summer a scandal erupted during the Little League World Series. A young man, Danny Almonte, was ineligible to play. The rules state that you cannot be older than 12 by August 1st. He is 14. The child was obviously more developed than his teammates. His talent exceeded that of any player in the tournament. He was throwing 70 mile an hour fastballs. That’s the equivalent of a 90 mph fastball at the major league distance. Many people took place in this scandal, not just his father. The Rolando Paulino Little League insisted that he was 12. They said he was born April 7, 1989, in Moca, Dominican Republic. Lynn 2 When in fact he was 14 and born on the same day, but in 1987. When the league found the official documents about his true age, the team was stripped of their 3rd place status... Parents affect on their childrens sporting lives Essay -- essays resea Parents have a great affect on their children. Parents like their kids to be involved in many different activities to make the child a well rounded person. Sports is a main activity that parents get their children involved in. Sports develops character, as well as discipline, self respect, etc†¦ Sometimes parents don’t realize that even though the sport itself teaches the child, they are the most visible teacher to the child. Parents are often the ones who get out of control at sporting events. When the children see this behavior, they now must question. Is this acceptable? Then a child may think it is and engage in violent or destructive behavior themselves.      This past summer a scandal erupted during the Little League World Series. A young man, Danny Almonte, was ineligible to play. The rules state that you cannot be older than 12 by August 1st. He is 14. The child was obviously more developed than his teammates. His talent exceeded that of any player in the tournament. He was throwing 70 mile an hour fastballs. That’s the equivalent of a 90 mph fastball at the major league distance. Many people took place in this scandal, not just his father. The Rolando Paulino Little League insisted that he was 12. They said he was born April 7, 1989, in Moca, Dominican Republic. Lynn 2 When in fact he was 14 and born on the same day, but in 1987. When the league found the official documents about his true age, the team was stripped of their 3rd place status...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Letter of Persuasion
I hope this letter reaches you in good health and good graces. I am writing this letter to tell you about this persistent issue Eve had with my teeth. It all started when I was told that along with my four wisdom teeth I had to get an extra tooth which was growing on the bottom right row, extracted as well. After the first grueling month of post wisdom tooth extraction pain, came more problems. Now I have a hole in my mouth on that bottom right row and, I can't go one meal still to this day without it bleeding, and let me remind you that my teeth were extracted about six to eight months ago and the hole still bleeds after a meal, snack etc.Which also makes it hard when you want to get food out of that hole. Because the gap is wide enough after every meal something gets stuck in there and if the hole is punctured with a straw, fork, toothpick, dental floss in efforts to get the food out, it will not only cause more pain but more bleeding as well. This explains why the gap is swollen, because its been stabbed multiple times in efforts to get the food out, so now its become sore. The days you do not have a straw, fork, toothpick or dental floss readily available, the food stays there making the pain more unbearable, and making it more possible for infections.Imagine having to deal with this everyday, and your a sixteen year old boy with a Job which requires a lot of talking, and with every time you move your mouth, you feel a pain from this throbbing hole, which the doctors who took your wisdom teeth and your extra tooth out said would be handled by braces, all that would be needed was the insurance company to say yes. So after breakfast, lunch and dinner, I have to take a Ethylene or David to reduce the pain, swelling and bleeding, and each day that I take one, the drowsier I become, which makes It a lot harder for me to do my Job when Im extremely groggy.On top of all this my breathing has gotten heavier from after the extraction of the tooth, especially when I lay down, my heart rate increases, and my breathing becomes loud. I first noticed that I truly had a breathing issue when I was having a conversation with a friend, and he asked me had I been inning and I said â€Å"no', and he said â€Å"l can hear you breathing†Before the operation my breathing was fine, I never had any Issues, I never even had asthma. Now when I'm standing perfectly still or trying to go to bed, my constant deep breathing Is always there.So I am writing this letter today not plead for braces because of a minor overbite or cross-bite, but I truly hope that from my narrative and Orthodontics narrative that my very serious oral condition will be taken Into deep consideration a second time around. Ever since my teeth were taken out I was assured that the pain loud only be temporary and once the Insurance approved for braces the hole would be closed up and the Issues would be gone but since that surgery date I have had more problems then ever before, which ha s Interfered with my schooling, work and everyday activities.I hope you take pity In the fact that I suffer everyday with this Issue and would Like nothing more then the Insurance company to help finally see what I go through day to day. I would Just Like to say thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and hope you can get back to me soon. Letter of Persuasion By phantom day that I take one, the drowsier I become, which makes it a lot harder for me to do from after the extraction of the tooth, especially when I lay down, my heart rate running and I said â€Å"no†, and he said â€Å"I can hear you breathing†Before the operation my breathing was fine, I never had any issues, I never even had asthma.Now when I'm standing perfectly still or trying to go to bed, my constant deep breathing is narrative that my very serious oral condition will be taken into deep consideration a loud only be temporary and once the insurance approved for braces the hole would be closed up and the issues would be gone but since that surgery date I have had more problems then ever before, which has interfered with my schooling, work and everyday activities.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Quantitative Methods for Finance and Investment Essay
University of Bristol – School of Economics, Finance and Management QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR FINANCE AND INVESTMENT (EFIMM005) Review Questions Question 1: Concepts a. Deï ¬ ne a stochastic process. Give an example in Finance of a quantity that can be modelled as a stochastic process. b. Deï ¬ ne a stationary stochastic process. c. Consider a stochastic process {Yt , t = 1, .., T }. Deï ¬ ne the partial autocorrelation function (pacf) associated to this process. d. Explain the diï ¬â‚¬erence between estimator and estimate. e. Let {Ut , t = 1, .., T } be a mean zero white noise process. What is the value of pacf at lag 2 for the process Yt = .5Yt−1 + Ut ? f. Explain the diï ¬â‚¬erence between the autocovariance function and the sample autocovariance function. Question 2: Application The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) can be written as E(Rjt |Rmt , Rf t ) = Rf t + ÃŽ ²j (Rmt − Rf t ), where Rjt is the net return of security j at period t, Rmt is the return on a market portfolio proxy, and Rf t is the return on a risk-free proxy. The coeï ¬Æ'cient ÃŽ ²j is the CAPM beta for security j. Suppose that you have estimated ÃŽ ²j by ordinary least squares and found that the estimated value was 1.37 with standard deviation 2.6. based on 3665 observations. a. A city analyst has told you that security j closely follows the market, in the sense that security j is equally risky, on average, to the market portfolio. Perform a 5% signiï ¬ cance level test of hypothesis to determine whether data support the analysts claim. b. Are hypotheses tested concerning the value of ÃŽ ²j or its estimated values? Question 3: Techniques Consider the moving average process: Yt = ÃŽ µt + ÃŽ ¸1 ÃŽ µt−1 + ÃŽ ¸12 ÃŽ µt−12 with {ÃŽ µt }T a mean zero white noise process with variance ÃÆ' 2 > 0. t=0 a. Calculate the mean of Yt . b. Calculate the variance of Yt . c. Calculate the autocovariance function of {Yt }T . t=a T =120 d. Assume that {yt }t=1 represents the monthly tons of ice cream sold in the UK between Oct. 2001 and Oct. 2012. What type of dependence can the term ÃŽ ¸12 ÃŽ µt−12 capture? 1
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The eNotes Blog A Nobel Gamble
A Nobel Gamble Place your bets! Deliberations for who will win the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature will shortly be under way. With an impressive lineup of entries to choose from, there can be no surefire bet for who will take this coveted award. Thats because currently the odds are only at 5/1 for the win. Yes, not satisfied with the profits from gambling on sports, bookies have found a way to hedge bets on prestigious literary awards. Ladbrokes, a British betting enterprise dating back to 1886, offers odds for the 2012 Man Booker Prize and the Nobel Prize for Literature, among others. Fancy a gamble? Here are the frontrunners as they stand now: Haruki Murakami 5/1 Bob Dylan 10/1 Mo Yan 12/1 Cees Nooteboom 12/1 Ismail Kadare 14/1 Adonis 14/1 Ko Un 14/1 Murakami has a clear lead with far safer odds than his fellow nominees. His most recent work, IQ84, was translated from Japanese in 2011, and has received high acclaim from both critics and readers. Bob Dylan is slightly more out of place this high in the list. Though his chances may appear strong, theyre deceived by his popularity. Those placing bets are more likely to choose a name thats familiar to them. Gamblers loyal to him placed  £100-plus bets that shot him up the list, from 100/1 to 10/1, bounding past far better respected writers Tom Stoppard and Cormac McCarthy (both 16/1). Ladbrokes spokesman Alex Donohue puts Dylans chances rather bluntly, Were happy to fill the satchel in bookmaking terms as we expect the Dylan backers to part with their cash again this year. And if that doesnt seal his fate for you, perhaps Swedish nobel panel member Horace Engdahls professed hostility for parochial American writing willalongside MA Orthofers sound advice: If you know anyone who has actually generously donated money to Ladbrokes by betting on him please try to get them professional help, either from a psychiatrist or an accountant. Yes, I think that says it all; no Nobel for Dylan this year folks. If you cant put a face to the names in the 3rd and 4th spots, it might be because theyre newcomers to the Nobel scene. Mo Yan is a subversive author, once described by a TIME article as one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers. Nooteboom, a Dutch writer, enters the longlist for the first time in his extensive career, having published his first novel in 1955 at the age of 22. 46 of this years 210 nominees are first-time candidates for the prize. Notable writers from further down the list include Philip Roth (16/1), Joyce Carol Oates (33/1), Ian McEwan (50/1), Margaret Atwood (50/1), Salman Rushdie (66/1), Ursula LeGuin (66/1), andwinner of the 2011 Man Booker Prize for The Sense of an EndingJulian Barnes (66/1). So how accurate are the odds? Last year the winner of the prize, Swedish poet Tomas Transtrà ¶mer, was given 9/2 odds, behind the favorite to win, Adonis, a Syrian poet who still ranks high on the list this year at 14/1. Therefore, Murakami isnt a completely safe bet, but his chances are looking rather strong. Deliberations will begin in about a weeks time. The announcement date for the winner has not yet been released.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Importance of the Math Concept Area
Importance of the Math Concept Area Area is a mathematical term defined as the two-dimensional space taken up by an object, notes, adding that the use of area has many practical applications in building, farming, architecture, science, and even how much carpet youll need to cover the rooms in your house. Sometimes the area is quite easy to determine. For a square or rectangle, the area is the number of square units inside a figure, says Brain Quest Grade 4 Workbook. Such polygons have four sides, and you can determine the area by multiplying the length by the width. Finding the area of a circle, however, or even a triangle can be more complicated and involves the use of various formulas. To truly understand the concept of area- and why its important in business, academics, and everyday life- its helpful to look at the history of the math concept, as well as why it was invented. History and Examples Some of the first known writings about area came from Mesopotamia, says Mark Ryan in Geometry for Dummies, 2nd Edition. This high school math teacher, who also teaches a workshop for parents and has authored numerous math books, says that the Mesopotamians developed the concept to deal with the area of fields and properties: Farmers knew that if one farmer planted an area three times as long and twice as wide as another farmer, then the bigger plot would be 3 x 2 or six times as large as the samller one. The concept of area had many practical applications in the ancient world and in past centuries, Ryan notes: The architects of the pyramids at Giza, which were built about 2,500 B.C., knew how large to make each triangular side of the structures by using the formula for finding the area of a two-dimensional triangle.The Chinese knew how to calculate the area of many different two-dimensional shapes by about 100 B.C.Johannes Keppler, who lived from 1571 to 1630, measured the area of sections of the orbits of the planets as they circled the sun using formulas for calculating the area of an oval or circle.Sir Isaac Newton used the concept of area to develop calculus. So ancient humans, and even those who lived up through the Age of Reason, had many practical uses for the concept of area. And the concept became even more useful in practical applications once simple formulas were developed to find the area of various two-dimensional shapes. Formulas to Determine the Area Before looking at the practical uses for the concept of area, you first need to know formulas for finding the area of various shapes. Fortunately, there are many formulas used to determine the area of polygons, including these most common ones: Rectangle A rectangle is a special type of quadrangle where all the interior angles are equal to 90 degrees and all opposite sides are the same length. The formula for finding the area of a rectangle is: A H x W where A represents the area, H is the height, and W is the width. Square A square is a special type of a rectangle, where all the sides are equal. Because of that, the formula for finding a square is simpler than that for finding a rectangle: A S x S where A stands for the area and S represents the length of one side. You simply multiply two sides to find the area, since all sides of a square are equal. (In more advanced math, the formula would be written as A S^2, or area equals side squared.) Triangle A triangle is a three-sided closed figure. The perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite highest point is called the height (H). So the formula would be: A  ½ x B x H where A, as noted, stands for the area, B is the base of the triangle, and H is the height. Circle The area of a circle is the total area that is bounded by the circumference or the distance around the circle. Think of the area of the circle as if you drew the circumference and filled in the area within the circle with paint or crayons. The formula for the area of a circle is: A  À x r^2 In this formula, A, is, again, the area, r represents the radius (half the distances from one side of the circle to the other), and À is a Greek letter pronounced pi, which is 3.14 (the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter). Practical Applications There are many authentic and real-life reasons where you would need to calculate the area of various shapes. For instance, suppose you are looking to sod your lawn; you would need to know the area of your lawn in order to purchase enough sod. Or, you may wish to lay carpet in your living room, halls, and bedrooms. Again, you need to calculate the area to determine how much carpeting to purchase for the various sizes of your rooms. Knowing the formulas to calculate areas will help you determine the areas of the rooms. For example, if your living room is 14 feet by 18 feet, and you want to find the area so that you can buy the correct amount of carpet, you would use the formula for finding the area of a rectangle, as follows: A H x WA 14 feet x 18 feetA 252 square feet. So you would need 252 square feet of carpet. If, by contrast, you wanted to lay tiles for your bathroom floor, which is circular, you would measure the distance from one side of the circle to the other- the diameter- and divide by two. Then you would apply the formula for finding the area of the circle as follows: A  À(1/2 x D)^2 where D is the diameter, and the other variables are as described previously. If the diameter of your circular floor is 4 feet, you would have: A  À x (1/2 x D)^2A À x (1/2 x 4 feet)^2A 3.14 x (2 feet)^2A 3.14 x 4 feetA 12.56 square feet You would then round that figure off to 12.6 square feet or even 13 square feet. So you would need 13 square feet of tile to complete your bathroom floor. If you have a really original-looking room in the shape of a triangle, and you want to lay carpet in that room, you would use the formula for finding the area of a triangle. Youd first need to measure the base of the triangle. Suppose you find that the base is 10 feet. Youd measure the height of the triangle from the base to the top of the triangles point. If the height of your triangular rooms floor is 8 feet, youd use the formula as follows: A  ½ x B x HA  ½ x 10 feet x 8 feetA  ½ x 80 feetA 40 square feet So, youd need a whopping 40 square feet of carpet to cover the floor of that room. Make sure you have enough credit remaining on your card before heading to the home-improvement or carpeting store.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Answer the questions in Bold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Answer the questions in Bold - Essay Example Resultantly, employees cannot be guaranteed a basic level of coverage from their employer. Three government programs are in place to assist high-risk members of the population with access to health care (Home, 2013). Medicare is a federal program for people over 65 (sometimes younger with approved disabilities) and provides short-term care insurance. However, most drugs and long-term service costs are not affected by this system. Medicaid, which is both federally and state funded, supports the portion of the population with the lowest amount of resources. This program tends to apply to a wider range of services than Medicare, though regulations vary from state to state. SCHIP is another large plan, and provides insurance for children of families with low income, but not low enough to qualify for Medicaid. Some smaller state-specific programs also extend coverage to specific subpopulations. Despite the presence of the above mentioned programs, a large portion of the US population remains without coverage (Americas Health Insurance Plans, 2013). Those who make too much for Medicaid, and are too young for Medicare, may find themselves exposed to the immense burden of health care costs. Drug expenses are especially cumbersome, as many employer programs (and otherwise) tend to focus on the delivery of hospital services. The restricted availability of insurance results in a great imbalance in health care utilization between various segments of the population (Young & DeVoe, 2012). The most services are accessible to (and are accessed by) the wealthiest members of society, due to the increased likelihood of quality employer coverage, as well as the ability to purchase insurance at a premium (an unreachable luxury for much of the middle class). The oldest and poorest people in the US have some coverage due to government programs, but cannot always take advantage of these opportunities due to other barriers to access, like
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Answers - Essay Example Hot rolling is a metal processing process that occurs above the material’s recrystallization temperature. It uses large pieces of metals in the process, such as slabs. On the other hand, cold rolling entails metal processing below the material’s recrystallization temperatures. It involves passing small pieces of metals through rollers. Hardwood has straighter and cleaner grain patterns. They possess higher density and are more fire resistant compared to softwoods. Hardwood is more applicable for engineering works, making of floors and high-quality furniture. They also have slower growth rates. Softwoods have a lower density and relatively cheap to in terms of cost. Softwoods have reduced fire resistance capacity. The woods also possess rugged grain patterns. Soft woods use is limited to low-quality furniture and is not preferred for engineering works (Bawa, 2009). By definition, OSB is a material of high mechanical properties, such that it becomes particularly suitable for use in heavy load-bearing applications especially in construction works and industries. On the other hand, MDF is a wood product that is engineered by breaking down softwood or hardwood residuals to make wood fibers. The process often takes place in a defibrator, where it gets combined with resin and binder. The product has a higher density than plywood. Stress is pressure or tension exerted on a material object. Strain is a force that tends to pull or stretch an object to an extreme degree, usually, damaging levels. By definition, elastic modulus is the ratio of force exerted on an object to the resultant deformation it undergoes. Plastic deformation is a process whereby force is exerted to a metal or plastic object to change its shape permanently. For the yield strength, it is a stress point where it is possible to produce a given particular plastic deformation amount. Toughness is the actual ability of any material to absorb energy without fracturing
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Personalisation Agenda Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
The Personalisation Agenda - Dissertation Example In the same year, a concordat was issued between central government, local government and the social care sector. The document is entitled â€Å"Putting People First: A Shared Vision and Commitment to the Transformation of Adult Social Care (2007)†and through it the idea of a personalised adult social care system was first introduced. The plan called for affording people maximum choice and control over the health care and services they receive. The plan dovetails a more broad-based government strategy that included the notion of â€Å"place-shaping†and other concepts contained in the local government white paper â€Å"Strong and Prosperous Communities†(2006). In the 2008 Carers’ Strategy, the New Deal has advanced the initiatives of integrated and personalised services. Carers called for recognition of their work and expertise, better service coordination and information, improved collaboration between staff and agencies, and health and social care. The Carers’ Strategy was arrived at after a wide consultation and with the cooperation and agreement of various government departments. Many of the themes articulated in recent developments in the personalisation agenda are not new, having been contained in the community care reforms under the National Health Service and Community Care Act of 1990. These reforms aimed to develop a needs-led approach wherein new arrangements for assessment and health care management would include individuals receiving tailored packages of care rather than block-contracted services. The practical advantage in the development of individual or personal budgets is the direct payments scheme, initially made available to disabled adults of working age, but since then has been extended to other groups. The success of the scheme covered some 54,000 individuals as of March 2007, including parents who cared for disabled children and young carers, who used direct payments. The use of direct payments actuall y came about as an initiative championed by disabled people. Among the driving forces behind direct payments were the service user movement, the mental health survivor movement, and the social model of disability, which originally took root in the 1970s when people first lobbied for change. Throughout the development of personalisation, key concepts included independent living, participation, control, choice and empowerment. 2.2 The Social Model of Disability The social model of disability was developed in the 1970s by progressive members of the Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation (UPIAS), and given academic validity by the works of Finkelstein (1981), Barnes (1991) and Oliver (1996) (cited in Shakespeare & Watson, 2002). The model is now described as the â€Å"ideological litmus test of disability politics in Britain†(Shakespeare & Watson, 2002). It is relied upon when distinguishing among organisations, policies, legislations and concepts regarding the pro gressive view of disability. The core definition of the British social model was first articulated in the UPIAS document â€Å"Fundamental Principles of Disability.†An edited version that was reprinted in Oliver (1996) and Shakespeare and Watson (2002) is reproduced here, for purposes of elucidation, as follows: â€Å"†¦In our view, it is society which disables physically impaired people. Disability is something imposed on top of our
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Incident Grading in Emergency Responses
Incident Grading in Emergency Responses Situations/incidents go into a system where they determine how high risk/serious the incident is and it is done into 4 grades. P3: The first grade is the emergency response, and this is the most high risk response and is followed through when someone is in a critical emergency such as a violence that is about to happen and also if there is big damage to property. If someone is at a serious threat to get injured or a danger to their life this is also a very good reason for it to be an emergency. An officer regardless of their rank will be required to attend to the incident also specialist staff will be required depending on the emergency. An example of an emergency situation would be a person trapped in a house fire requiring the fire service to extinguish the fire and pull the person out of the house. This situation would more likely involve an injury or death to a person/people and also cause a massive disruption in the area therefore being an emergency. This incident would be small scale because it is a house fire. Another example would be if a criminal is posing a terrorist threat such as shooting at crowds of people or seen setting up bombs. This would be classed as a large scale incident and would require an emergency response that will have emergency services be there in under 20 minutes and police will have the right to ignore road speeds and laws and traffic lights to get to the emergency in time. Mainly the police will get involved to arrest any suspects or to neutralize anyone that is a threat to people. The second grade would be priority response, this is still an emergency but not as severe as grade one, but still there is a high level of importance to the incident. There is a lot of variables to how important the incident and some reasons would be: Someone is in emotional state and extremely upset and can potentially make them in a vulnerable condition. Another reason would be if a criminal/offender has already been arrested. Also would come if there is a concern for the persons health/wellbeing If there is a risk of losing witnesses or evidence If a serious but non-fatal injury has occurred or possibly a traffic collision that will involve these services Hate crimes are also a top priority on the list since it is against the law and breaches the Racial Religious act 2006 or Crime Disorder act 1998. It is required by law for emergency services to respond to a priority incident within 2 hours if it is a grade 2 incident. The third grade would be a scheduled response, this is when a caller or a person has scheduled/ pre-arranged to meet the caller within 48 hours. The attendance of the emergency incident can be met through surgeries, hospitals, stations or any other premises. The fourth grade would be Resolution without deployment, the caller is able to seek advice and resolve an incident through letters, phone calls, questions through the phone and also the service recommending a service more appropriate to the incident. Also in grade 4, deployment of any emergency services are not required but the situation would be analysed and possibly recorded. Incidents on grade would most likely be handed over to agencies such as safer community team, child protection agency, intelligence units and also the traffic control team. Overall, when an incident is rang over the telephone, the operator has to then make a decision on how serious the incident is. The operator will choose from the 4 grades I have just mentioned. Fire service categories: Category A: There are stronger chances of fire spread in built up areas in larger cities. Especially cities containing commercial and industrial premises and high rising properties. First step of the procedure in category A is for three pumps to attend the scene, two within the first 5 minutes and one within eight minutes. This procedure needs to be followed correctly 75% of the time. Category B: The recommended first attendance is for two pumps to attend the scene. One to arrive within 5 minutes and the other within 8 minutes. This procedure is followed for areas in towns and cities with smaller industrial areas and the estates. Same as category A this needs to be achieved on at least 75% of occasions. Category C: This procedure has been put in place for areas of residential dwellings, flats and terraced properties. He recommended attendance is for one pump to be sent within 8 10 minutes. This needs to be achieved on at least 75% of occasions. Category D: This procedure has been put in place for villages and farms. The recommended first attendance is one pump to be sent within 20 minutes. This needs to be achieved on at least 75% of occasions. P4: The call handling personnel in a small scale incident such as a house fire will be on the front lines. This means they will be talking to the victim/caller directly, and it is there job to calm the person on the call if in distress along will despatching the appropriate emergency service to the situation. If the operator is a 999 operator then they will be required to ask the callers name, the location they are calling from, about what happened and most important of all, if anyone is injured or at risk. Also the incident could be followed up through calling a police station which is non-emergency, which then an officer would answer the call and answer any questions an give any relevant information of the incident to the caller. Call operators for a large scale incident would ask for their ask location so police can be easily notified about the location, for example, in a large scale terrorist attack the operator would tell the caller to keep calm and use any means necessary to defend themselves from the attacker and this includes self-defence. Also the operator would give advice and also give instructions on how to apply first aid until emergency services arrive. M2: Both police and the fire service use terminology to communicate with each other, and the terminology is used to recognize a certain type of person. For example, ACP would be used to identify an Assistance Commissioner Professionalism for police and a WRC for the fire service would be used to identify a water carrier. Another similarity is that they both use the grading system based on the level of importance, for example, Grade A and emergency response both respond to emergencies within 20 minutes but on the other hand the difference is that the fire service are required to attend the scene within 8 minutes and police would be 20. Police and the fire service have a common goal and that would be to protect civilians along with providing emergency first aid if needed. Also in an event of an emergency both services will be required to drive at excessive speeds to attend to the incident and both services will have to of passed the Advanced Driving test to prove they can control the vehicle at high speeds with other distractions around them. If the driver does not get to the incident fast enough it could result in a casualty. All three emergency services must not go past the speed limit by an excessive amount, for example, on 30 mile-per-hour road the driver must not go past 45MPH. The advanced driving test will come in handy when there is a high chance of injuring a vulnerable person with your vehicle while driving at excessive speeds. The Police, Ambulance and Fire service all work together at major incidents and all services have a chain of command. Here are the list of commands Gold command this is the highest form of command at an incident, gold command sets the strategy or the plan to resolve the incident. Silver command this is the secondary form of command, silver implements or passes on Golds strategy for the incident. Bronze command this is the final command style which refers to everyone else who is called out to the incident and puts Golds strategy into action. The common goal of all commands is to save and protect lives of those involved and prevent the incident getting worse, along with defending the environment and make the situation normal quickly but efficiently and without casuing any further harm to anyone or the enviroment, when the process has been resolved, there will be a debriefing process after.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The War on Terrorism is an Attack on American Civil Liberties Essay
The War on Terrorism is an Attack on American Civil Liberties After the attacks on 9/11 our country has been forced to confront the issue of terrorism. The war on terrorism has ignited a war on our civil liberties. Our civil liberties have been affected by the passing of the Patriot Act, the violation of privacy, and an increase in racial profiling. Civil liberties have been affected immensely by the Patriot Act. A brief definition of the Patriot Act is; uniting and strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. The Patriot Act modifies the rules on searches. It allows third party holders of your financial, library, travel, video rental, phone, medical, church, synagogue and mosque records. These records can be searched without your knowledge or consent provided the government says it's trying to protect against terrorism. The FBI only needs to say the search will protect against terrorism and they don't need probable cause or evidence. A judge has no authority to reject this application. The person doesn't have to be a terror suspect themselves as long as the government's purpose is an authorized investigation to protect against internal terrorism. The Patriot Act also violates everyone's constitutional right to privacy. The ACLU shows a funny b ut scary illustration of what the government can do with the information they obtain by violating the right to privacy. Basically, the Patriot Act allows the government to monitor anyone and everyone's life whenever they choose. While some say the Patriot Act violates civil liberties, it was designed to support the effort against terrorism. The Patriot Act also created a counter-terrorism fund and increased funding for... ...on Terrorism Has Not Eroded Civil Liberties."  Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints.  Ed. Auriana Ojeda.  New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004.  * * Campbell, Geoffrey.  A Vulnerable America: An Overview of National Security.  Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, 2004. * * Cassak, Lance, and Milton Hewmann.  Good cop, Bad cop: Racial Profiling and Competing Views of Justice.  New York: PeterLang Publishing, 2003. * * Lithwick, Dahlia, and Julia Turner. "From a Guide to the Patriot Act." Slate. 1994.  * * Nielson, Arrah.  "Profiling needed for airport security."  The University Daily Kansan.  27 August 2003.  1 November 2004.  * * Terris, Bruce J.  "Ethnic Profiling is Necessary."  Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints.  Ed. Auriana Ojeda.  New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Primitivism Essay
â€Å"Why is the art of primitive peoples not considered art at all? †(Nolde, E. 1934). This art of primitive peoples that Emil Nolde refers to is something that is truly appealing to many artists and offers a great source of inspiration for their works. Artists such as Paul Gauguin and Emil Nolde both draw inspiration from these primitive forms of art and borrow different aspects in order to become closer to nature and return to a more pure and expressionistic form of art.Paul Gauguin is said to have always felt like an ‘other’, a primitive and therefore in his later years set out in search of a pure society that was close to nature and free from the corruption of civilisation. ‘Gauguin is traditionally cast as the founding father of modernist primitivism. ’ (Solomon-Godeau, A. 1989. pp314) His many works explore and express his desire to find authenticity and to ‘become a savage’. Similar to Gauguin, Emil Nolde seeks to return to a onen ess with nature, in an attempt to bridge German’s past with its future.Using traditional German forms of art such as folk art and craft and combining this with that of modern images, using loose brushstrokes to create an earthy and natural feel to his works. Nolde was a part of the German Expressionism movement which sought to unshackle their civilisation and return to nature and freedom. â€Å"Primitive peoples create their works with the material itself in the artist’s hand, held in his fingers. (Nolde, 1934) This statement by Nolde explores tactility and the idea of the power of expression in such simple forms, which is what Nolde explains to be a contributing factor as to why artists are so drawn to the works of the primitive peoples. These simple, natural works are intense in their expression of power and meaning thus providing artist such as Nolde and Gauguin with inspiration and direction for their works, showing them how to create simple yet expressive works o f art that are moving and captivating to the viewer.Emil Nolde, ‘In the paintings by which he is best known, ‘primitive’ figure types are used to evoke emotional and religious themes. ’ (Harrison, C & Wood, P. 1992. ) Emil Nolde’s works such as ‘Dance Around the Golden Calf’ (1910) and ‘St Mary of Egypt’ (1912) show this expressive form of painting, with loose brushstrokes and wide use of colour creating a very rhythmic and sensuous painting. These works are representative of Nolde’s move to a oneness with nature as it can be seen that the expression and movement within ‘Dance Around the Golden Calf‘ is very natural and flows. St Mary of Egypt’ uses a wide range of colour and loose brushstrokes to create an incredibly expressive and bold artwork. It is clear to see that Emil Nolde is influenced by the works of primitive peoples as his works are simple yet largely expressive and moving in their aesth etics. Emil Nolde was seen to be very political in his time and was very outspoken with his ideals of art. He ‘attacked the scientific approach to tribal art that ignores its aesthetic potential.While â€Å"Coptic, Early Christian, Greek terracottas and vases, Persian and Islamic art†have been admitted to the canons of high art, he complains, â€Å"Chinese and Japanese art are still classified under ethnography and primitive art is ignored altogether†(Lloyd, J. 1985. pp. 46) This statement shows that the art of primitive people was yet to be considered ‘art’ by the society at that time, therefore by such well known artists as Emil Nolde and Paul Gauguin using non-European cultures as inspiration for their works would have lead to the change in attitudes towards the art of the primitive peoples.Perhaps informing people of its true artistic qualities and lending society to the idea that primitive art should indeed be considered art. Nolde was very pol itical in his manners and rejected any mixing of races, in art as well as in life. ‘The Roman Empire, he tells us, never produced art of real value since it was an amalgam of nations. To this remarkable statement he adds the following observation: ‘England – in many respects to be compared with the Roman Empire – like all Germanic people once had great art, poetry, and wonderful music.But after the immigration of Spanish Jews the country became materialistic, concerned only with power and possessions. Its interests spanned the whole world and went all directions, and what remains now is a nation almost impotent in the arts. ’ (Ettlinger, L. 1968. pp. 200) Although these were his views and opinions, Nolde was still heavily influenced by non-European cultures weaving many references to these cultures throughout his works.Paul Gauguin, like Emil Nolde, used a vast range of colours and wove a flowing feel throughout his works symbolic of the freedom and natural qualities found amongst these non-European cultures they so highly treasured. ‘The Polynesian titles he gave most of his Tahitian works were intended to represent himself to his European market, as well as his friends, as one who had wholly assimilated the native culture.In fact, and despite his lengthy residence, Gauguin never learned to speak the language, and most of his titles were either colonial pidgin or grammatically incorrect. ’ (Godeau. pp. 325) This statement by Solomon-Godeau shows that although Paul Gauguin has set out to return to his primitive ways and ‘become a savage’, he was still programmed to thinking like that of someone from the bourgeois society, unable to fully comprehend the traditions and culture of these primitive people.Gauguin’s works such as ‘Two Women on a Beach’ (1891) and ‘Merahi metua no Tehamana (Tehamana Has Many Ancestors)’ (1893) both explore this natural and pure lifestyle that Gauguin sort to find amongst the Tahitians, whilst also juxtaposing the French impression of their culture and their influence with the use of the European clothes that these women wear. Within the work ‘Two Women on a Beach’ Gauguin’s use of loose, free brushstrokes emphasises the fact that the women are close to nature, they look as though they are carved out of wood.However, these women are also seen to be out of place in their environment as their stances seem somewhat awkward and uncomfortable and the image has been cropped making it feel as though they don’t fit in the image. Both are seen to be wearing missionary dresses/European clothes and are weaving, representing the French’s view of the Tahitian women, lazy, close to nature and savage. Gauguin’s work ‘Tehamana Has Many Ancestors’, similar to that of ‘Two Women on a Beach’, depicts a girl (Tehamana) seated wearing European clothes, holding a woven fan with flowers threaded throughout her hair.Tehamana, like the women in ‘Two Women on a Beach’, also seems somewhat out of place and as though she does not fit within this image. The references to her savage lineage, through the use of the paintings on the wall behind her and the petrogliphs reinforces the fact that like many other Tahitians, Tehamana ‘had no relation to her former traditions. ’ (Godeau. pp. 326) The images of Tahitian women wearing European clothing emphasises and makes reference to the Catholic, Mormon and Calvinist missionaries that had been at work inTahiti for many years before Gauguin had travelled over to Tahiti. The authenticity that Gauguin had set out to discover had diminished, therefore ‘Gauguin did not paint Tahiti, but his Tahitian dream. ’ (Staszak, J. 2004. pp. 353) These images highlighted the fact that the Tahitian’s ‘pre-European culture had been effectively destroyed. ’ (Godeau. pp. 324) Ã¢â‚¬Ë œNot only had the indigenous religion been eradicated, but the handicrafts, barkcloth production, art of tattoo and music had equally succumbed to the interdiction of the missionaries or the penetration of European Products.The bright-coloured cloth used for clothing, bedding and curtains that Gauguin depicted was of European design and manufacture. ’ (Godeau. pp. 324) Paul Gauguin, Emil Nolde and many artists alike have been vastly influenced by the works of primitive peoples, borrowing certain aspects of their culture and art in order to gain inspiration for their own works and expand their expressive capabilities within their art works.The fact that these artists are well known for their works relating to the primitive that have drawn inspiration from non-European, ‘savage’ cultures emphasises this notion that indeed art by primitive peoples should be considered a true art form. Reference List Ettlinger, L. D. â€Å"German Expressionism and Primitive Art,â₠¬ The Burlington Magazine Vol. 110 No. 781 (1968): pp. 200, accessed May 8, 2012. http://www. jstor. org. wwwproxy0. library. unsw. edu. au/stable/pdfplus/875584. pdf? acceptTC=true Lloyd, J. â€Å"Emil Nolde's Still Lifes, 1911-1912: Modernism, Myth, and Gesture,†Anthropology and Aesthetics No. (1985): pp. 46, accessed May 8, 2012. http://www. jstor. org. wwwproxy0. library. unsw. edu. au/stable/pdfplus/20166722. pdf Harrison, C. , Wood, P. Eds. , â€Å"Emil Nolde ‘On Primitive Art’,†Art in Theory 1900-1990, 1992. Solomon-Godeau, A. â€Å"Paul Gauguin and the Invention of Primitivist Modernism,†Art in America, July 1989. (pp. 314,325,326,342) Staszak, J. F. â€Å"Primitivism and the other. History of art and cultural geography,†GeoJournal Vol. 60 No. 4 (2004): pp. 353, accessed May 8, 2012. http://www. jstor. org. wwwproxy0. library. unsw. edu. au/stable/pdfplus/41147901. pd
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Legal Imperatives for Affordable Housing Delivery in Nigeria Essay
Shelter or housing is one of the most basic of human needs; it ranked second only to food in the hierarchy of human needs. [1] It is fundamental to human survival and an essential component in the advancement of the quality of life of the citizenry. [2] Housing provides shelter for man in order for him to actualize his real potentials in life and contributes to the growth of the world economy. 3] The provision of housing is therefore sine qua non to the growth of man and development of the nation. Effective housing delivery involves many actors and segments of the state apparatus, including the building materials sector, financial sector, real estate sector, energy and infrastructural development sectors and the environmental planning sector amongst others; it therefore requires effective partnership, collaboration and information sharing among different sectors of the economy. To fulfill the need for affordable housing in Nigeria, a multi-faceted approach that transcends the legal, social, economics, religious and cultural interfaces and traits must be put in place at any given time. The task of this paper is to examine the legal initiatives required to facilitate the delivery of affordable housing units to the generality of Nigerians irrespective of class, race or gender. This is with a view at pointing out the inhibitors to smooth housing delivery and proffering practical and workable solution to the identified problems. To achieve this end the paper examines the concept of housing within the legal and statutory framework; it forays into the provisions of the Land Use Act, Planning Laws, Title Registration Laws, Property Tax Legislations and Infrastructural Laws amongst others; and submits that there is need for review of most of these legislations before any meaningful progress can be made in the provision of affordable housing to Nigerians. Concept of Housing. Quoting from the provisions of the new national housing policy document; [4] ‘Housing is defined as the process of providing safe, comfortable, attractive, functional affordable and identifiable shelter in a proper setting within a neighbourhood, supported by continuous maintenance of the built environment for the daily living activities of individuals/families within the community while reflecting their socio-economic, cultural aspirations and preferences. From this definition, housing is not only a shelter, but includes safety of the neighborhood; comfortable and functional dwelling, supported by continuous maintenance of the environment and planning; all reflecting the socio-economic, cultural aspirations and preferences of members of the society. Thus, the legal initiatives for the delivery of housing as conceptualized above requires not only the legal parameters concerning land, but extends to town planning laws, Tenancy and Rent control law, property tax law, energy law, water law, environmental law, compulsory acquisition and compensation laws amongst others. Each of these laws is now treated seriatim as hereunder. Land law. Land is to housing as what a woman is to a pregnancy. The conception, gestation and delivery of housing can only come to fruition with the availability of secured land and proper land management. Land midwifes housing delivery in myriad of ways; Land is the superstructure on which the dreams and aspirations of provision of housing is founded. [5] Land supports the production and delivery of housing through the provision of the much needed finance for its construction. As one of the main factors of production, land provides capital formation and collateral for bank advances towards the construction of the much needed- houses. It is thus obvious that the dream of a vibrant, efficient and effective mortgage system (financial reforms) will remain a mirage in the absence of a viable and reliable land management system. [6] The land management policy of a State also impacts directly on the output and supply of some of the basic raw materials in the construction industry including housing. 7] Such materials as sand, gravel, granite, laterite and even cement are subject to the extant land use management policy of the state. Thus, the Land use policy and management of the State has a direct impact and consequences not only on the quantum and quality of the State housing stock, but also fundamentally on the economic wellbeing of the citizen and the state, particularly in developing countries where there is heavy reliance on land and its resources for sustenance. 8] The question of who owns the land, what tenure operates over the land, security of tenure, compensation for compulsory acquisition of property rights are fundamental questions of enquiry in this exercise. Given the foregoing scenario, an examination of the current law regulating the use and management of land cannot but be a prerequisite to the successive delivery of housing units. The current law on the subject is principally the Land Use Act; others are Registration Laws, Registration of Title Laws etc. To ensure an efficient and effective housing delivery, there is a fundamental need for a secured land title and security of tenure; for where there is no security of title and tenure the development of mortgage system and formal land market will be adversely affected, to the detriment of the growth of the housing sector. The land Use Act, as presently constituted does not seem to provide the necessary secured tenure to fast track the delivery of the expected houses. The Land Use Act, founded on hybrid recommendation,[9] undulates between land nationalization and the protection of private property rights. 10] Its wavering posture has given rise to multiple interpretations as to its policy thrust and directives. Questions arise as to what is the quantum of interest obtainable under the Act,[11] are there equal property rights in every citizen under the Act,[12] what is the proprietary value of the Certificate of Occupancy issued under the Act,[13]how secured is private property rights under the Act in view of the Governor’s power of revocation[14] and paltry compensation payable thereon? 15] How much protection does the Act offer potential mortgagees in the creation, perfection and realization of the mortgage transactions? [16] How far the Land Use Act has addressed the problems of land speculation, land grabbing and incessant land dispute and urban slum? [17] Apart from these, the over concentration of power of land management in an individual rather than institution; the dichotomy in land rights and land administration under the Act and the ouster of courts’ jurisdiction in the determination of dispute and compensation issues are areas of concerns. These and many others are impediments to successful delivery of housing as such state of policy confusion and legal inconsistency only breeds fear, distrust and doubts in the heart of would be investors and property developers alike. The Land Use Act should be amended to address these contentious issues bedeviling the smooth delivery of adequate and affordable housing to the masses. For once, the Act should take a categorical stance on who owns the land; state or individual? To many this may seem obvious,[18] but not when one realizes that while the tenure of some citizen is finite and determinable,[19] others are infinite;[20] whilst some pay taxes and rents on their land, others do not. [21] The Act should declare state ownership of land so that the transition provisions of more than 35years old in the Act[22] can be extinguished and laid to rest and occupiers can be compensated for the revocation of their rights over bare land in as much as they paid to obtain the land from the state. With such categorical posture the issue of inequality in land rights as presently obtainable under the Act will become a thing of the past; every citizen will now have equal determinable interest in land. With state ownership of land, the proprietary value of Certificate of Occupancy is enhanced since it will now become a land title document instead of the current position as document evidencing title to land. 23] Still on the Act, the provision relating to consent requirement[24] should be removed with respect to mortgages in order to streamline the laborious process of mortgage creation, perfection and realization under the Act. Presently a mortgagee must ensure that there is Governor’s consent to any mortgage transaction and must also obtain the Governor’s consent when exercising its power of sale under the mortgage deed, otherwise the transaction is void. 25] Also, the provision excluding the mortgagee from the definition of a holder/occupier[26] for the purpose of payment of compensation should be reviewed to facilitate the enforcement and realization of the mortgage transactions. With the amendment in place, the primary mortgage institutions (PMIs) will be able to take the full benefit of the loan window provided for in the National Housing Fund Act[27] to secure their investment with a block of mortgages over the properties being developed. Aside the amendment of the Act to accommodate smooth mortgage transactions, the Act should also provide explicit procedure for revocation of right of occupancy, such as pre-revocation notices, filing of objections and access to the courts for adjudication on quantum of compensation payable upon revocation. The present situation whereby one only reads about revocation in the newspapers; and whereat it is done with military fiat, falls short of international best practices obtainable in more civilized climes. 28] To avoid conflict between State grant and a grant made by the local government, the reviewed Act should abolish the dichotomy e xisting between the State and local government over land administration in the State. This will ensure a uniform source of authority and streamline land administration in the state thus fostering land management reliability and efficiency, all geared towards boosting investor’s confidence in the system and seamless production and delivery of ho using units. Mortgage law Mortgage transaction is a species of secured credit transaction that provides investment funds for business enterprises. With respect to housing, the term means a transaction in which a mortgage, deed of trust, purchase money security interest arising under an installment sales contract, or equivalent consensual security interest is created or retained against the consumer’s dwelling to finance the acquisition or initial construction of such dwelling. [29] It is the bedrock and the superstructure for housing finance. Its functionality is exhibited when it is appreciated that it gives assurance for the repayment of the loan advanced for the construction of houses. Statutorily, the primary mortgage institutions (PMIs) established under the law[30] are required to secure the loans obtained from the federal mortgage banks/national housing funds with a first legal mortgage over the block of properties funded by the loan. In the same vein, individuals are expected to execute a first legal mortgage over the property financed by the funds sourced from the PMIs. Mortgage is so fundamental to mass and social housing developments to the extent that without it housing development will suffer from dearth of block of funds and will have to rely on individual savings and financial support from friends and relatives. But what is the state of our law on mortgages? With few exceptions, our law on mortgages is still founded on the received English laws of the 19th century; which has been discarded in England almost a century ago. Our law on the subject does not reflect the realities of our time. We still convey in fee simple or tail when such proprietary interest does not exist in our statute books. Our mortgage enforcement procedures are still tangled in the webs of the common law and archaic statutory provisions. The rights of the mortgagee to freely realize his investment is hampered by our laws[31] and courts. [32] There is the need to review our laws on the subject of mortgage. The Property and Conveyancing Act[33] needs repealing and a new law on mortgages to reflect the current trend in the area to fast-track mortgage transactions be promulgated. The new law should reflect the quantum of proprietary interest available under our law, streamline the process for the enforcement of mortgagees’ powers of sale and foreclosures and do away with the need for a re-conveyance deed in mortgages amongst others. The right of the mortgagor to create successive legal mortgagees over the same property; be protected from negative amortization clauses and collateral mortgage contracts should be explored under the new law. The new law should harmonize the provisions of existing legislations in the areas and harness them to achieve the goal of providing robust financial base to for social housing. The provisions of the Land Use Act, Registration of Title Laws, National Housing Fund Act, Pension Act, Federal Mortgage Bank Act, Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund Act, Primary Mortgages Institution Act and other laws relating thereto should be examined in this wise. The provisions of the Property and Conveyancing Law,[34] the current law on Mortgages in UK and the Lagos State Mortgage and Property Law[35] are also recommended as templates for the review of the old Act. Land Registration Law. Land registration can be best described as a species of machinery for assisting a purchaser or mortgagee in his inquiries as to his vendor’s or mortgagor’s title previously to completing his dealing, and for securing his own position afterwards. [36] Documentation and registration of all dealings and transactions involving land is at the heart of ensuring record keeping, facilitating land searches, tracing and priority in land transactions, which go a long way at establishing certainty, predictability and efficiency in land transactions including mortgages. A vibrant storage and retrieval land information system enhances transparency in land dealings and is immeasurable as a factor aiding speedy settlement of land disputes. A good land registration system is therefore core to efficient land administration and consequently the delivery of housing in a state. Currently in Nigeria, it is the prerogative of the state to determine, design and operate its own land information recording system. This is as a result of the constitutional arrangement which empowers the states to legislate on the subject atter. [37] The current regime has given rise to multiplicity of laws and diverse administrative procedures in the process of storing and retrieving land information system in the country to the detriment of investors, mortgagees and real estate developers alike. A times the requirements for land registrations/title registration varies from state to state not because laws are different but simply on issue of practice and procedures to be adopted including charges/levies imposed on the parties. 38] In the time past there used to be a uniform land information recording and retrieval system in the country; the Land Instrument Registration Act[39] 1924 which later became state laws[40] with the coming into effect of the 1954 federal constitution. The law is still extant in most of the states of the federation, but the practice has remained diverse. There is therefore a need to streamline the practice and procedure for recording and registration of land dealings and evolve a uniform system that will not only breed seamless land registration process but also boost investors’ confidence in the process. Towards this end, the existing mechanisms and procedure for regularization and registration must be reoriented and reorganized to achieve greater effectiveness, reliability and economy. Since market efficiency depends very much on the availability of reliable information that can be used to check genuineness of titles before purchase and to trace records of land transfers at any point in time, efforts should be geared towards making registration compulsory for all land dealing. Government should compel the conversion of all existing titles on land to a certificate of occupancy within a stipulated time. Such policy would foster the development of a uniform land title in the system, which in turn would engender certainty, reliability and security of land title deeds. [41] Such scheme will also obviate the need to keep dual land title documents over a piece of land[42] and thus stem the tide of land frauds that are rampant in our urban centres.
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